Waking up this morning I find myself more bewildered than ever as I turn on FOX News, as I always have done, as part of my daily ritual that hasten changed since I first watched it so very many years ago. The morning show “Fox and Friends” were discussing the breaking news and I heard something about the President would be coming on TV (big surprise) to report to us that information relative to the “Underpants Bomber” will bring to America a “Serious Shock”! You mean the fact that with dozens of red flags, now one that includes it was known that the threat was on the plane and the pilots were not notified, is not enough of a serious shock? You mean there is more, something more serious, what could it possibly be? We will all know what that “Serious Shock” to Americans will be, before I complete this column as it takes me a great deal of time just to write a few lines.
My wife is sleeping soundly as her routine is staying up all night working so that she can sleep in, something I recall her doing when I was dating her back in the 60’s, when I was courting her in Harrogate England. As I sit in my recliner, watching FOX News, waiting for this disturbing news to be released on the investigation results (redacted of course, and should be), I look towards the first floor master bedroom, thinking about the wonderful woman asleep, unaware of news yet to be released, but we are told that it will “Shock” us. Why all the drama, what can possibly be told to us that we don’t really already know? What new details will make what happened more significant than what we already know? While I wait, I am also happy knowing that my beautiful wife is sleeping through this build up to what will probably not add anything more to the serious nature of this event of pure evil intent.
Forty five years married to a wife, mother, and grandmother, who, more than any other person I know, is filled with love for so many, and touches so many hearts, so I let her sleep. She is unaware and in the bliss of not knowing, not hearing how screwed up our government is, how inept they are in protecting us, and keep us safe, when so much information was made available to so many of the agencies of our government. Somehow I feel that once again this President is going to use this act of negligence to improve his own self indulgence and show how tough he is by finding someone to toss under the buss. He will then demonstrate how strong he is by, with his nose in the air, which is his usual stance when addressing us “We The People”, promising to get to the bottom of this, and take whatever actions are needed to ensure this “never” happens again. How many times have we heard that phrase, from far too many of our elected officials? But to hear them from this President is obscene, he has never kept a promise, so why should we have any reason to trust that he will keep this one. His only interest holding his attention right now is to make sure that there is a Bill on his desk to sign, the “Health Care Bill” and it makes no difference to him whether it is a good or bad Bill, as long as he can include his signing this mess before he gives the “State of the Union” address on the 22nd of this month. What amazes me is that he will actually be proud that “his” agenda of having this Bill signed, proud to have thumbed his nose, along with Congress and Senate, at “We The People” who do not want any part of this travesty. So sleep my wonderful wife and mother of our sons. Sleep through this while I take it in and pray that the Shock is nothing more than what I predict it will be. As he blames Bush, and his policies that led to this mess left for him “The One” to clean up, and toss a few well intended lower echelon expendables aside, destroying their careers, families, and their personal patriotic efforts. The people who should be eliminated from any position that requires real leadership will be hailed as heroes who will help him do what should have been done when he took office. Don’t ya think that any scrutiny of the policies handed to him should have been reviewed and changed and/or improved when he took office, not after several major screw ups take place? But then who would he blame when things went wrong?
Three hours have gone by since it was announced that the President would release the redacted documents that are alleged to be the results of their investigation on this matter. Funny, I seem to recall months, maybe years investigating what went wrong when events happened on “President Bush’s” watch” Not this President, he has all the answers in just a few days. Right now I am thinking I wish I was in bed with my wife, sleeping through what is going to be a joke. The President will release some details telling us what we have heard from FOX News from just hours after the “Terrorist Attack” took place. Maybe if I was asleep, I would find this whole thing was just a bad dream and when I woke up someone, anyone else was President, the economy was stable and thriving. But no, I am awake, unfortunately I am really awake and things are what they are.
Whatever the shocking news is, when it is all said and done, the fact remains that this President is and should be held accountable for his failure to understand the nature of an enemy that has plagued us for years. His contempt for our Intelligence community gives little incentive for excellence. His disdain for the military, and lack of respect for their commitment to uphold their oath, regardless whether the President does or not. America is learning what many of us already knew and that is we have a President with zero experience in governing and zero experience in leadership. He proclaimed “Present” most of his short Senate stint, and his experience as an organizer while holding the title of “Community Organizer” only showed his loyal following how to hold contempt for those of authority and our then government. Now that he is “The Government” the one thing that remains the same, President Obama continues to run from taking responsibility.
As I continue to sit here while my wife sleeps in bliss, little by little information is being leaked to the press, information that only reinforces what I alluded to above. We are learning that someone in one or more of the intelligence agencies were aware the young “terrorist” was aboard that flight and were intending to question him when he got off the plane when he got off. OFF? What about before he gets on? What is wrong with this picture? I am now anxious to see and hear how they present this, if what is being reported is true. Shock is not the word that comes to my mind. More like it would be; this is more like how I expect an Obama Presidency to respond to this!” Well, if the reports are accurate and the time is correct, we will all know in about twenty minutes. Sleep in peace my sweet wife, dream of days gone by. Don’t wake up until I know just how shocking this will be to the American People. If it is really as bad as they say, I’ll just go back to bed and join my wife in dreamland where we can just live a short time in “Our America”. I really don’t like the other very much, and like it less and less each day that goes by.
Now we have heard from President Obama and I guess the great shock leaked out was that he was going to take some responsibility by saying “The Buck Stops Here!” I wonder where I heard that before, how original. The one thing I thought stood out and did not hear anyone discussing his remarks indicate that everything he said he was going to have done by the various agencies were being done by President Bush. The interesting thing to me is that when Bush was doing them, the Democrats, including this President, were critical of his doing so, and attempted to block him in every effort. So, what’s changed? Maybe it is that there have been at least two terrorist assaults on Americans since President Obama has been in office, and I mean one on American soil and one in the air over American soil. Why there is no call for an investigation like there was on Bush every time he sneezed baffles me, or should I just say, “Oh Well, that was then and this is now”? Or should I just concede that one took place in my America, and one took place in the other? I think I’ll just go back to my warm bed and try to dream of days gone by, and my America.