This President is a disgrace to this country and the office he holds in captivity. As I watched and/or listened to his address to the nation, from the Oval Office, it quickly became clear it was an incredible waste of time of the American People, and speaks to the only thing he thinks he is there for, and that is to “Transform” the American way of life, as he effects the “Redistribution” of wealth of America, while destroying all that makes America what she has always been, the leader of the free world, and the hope for the rest. This man is filled with evil influences that infect his brain and like a dangerous, and I do mean dangerous, disease that if transferred from his unholy body to anyone who for one moment considers anything other than what he is, could be fatal to all under his influence, and that is “The American Way of Life”. He is the most pathetic representation of a leader, or President, that ever sat in the oval office. He is willing to sacrifice the American working class, business builders, and the backbone of our nation, for his own personal and political agenda. He speaks in terms that can only be described as a dictator and has dishonored the sacred office of the presidency. “Let’s Save America” and correct that situation.
The truth never is a consideration for this President, as it might hinder what lay beneath it, his wanton desire to destroy all that is good in order to achieve all that is bad. My heart aches for the many years of service of all those who wore military uniforms from one generation to the next, to our current wonderful heroes, to defend and protect against the very thing that his presidency and administration is bent on taking our America. The pain I feel inside my heart is overwhelming and causes me a grief I have only felt when losing members of my family who died believing that their service has been validated rather than put at risk, nullified by a President and Congress that care only to socialize God’s gift to those of us who understand what a blessing that has been bestowed on us as God turned this nation over to us to love and cherish. It is our charge to stop the successful completion of this president, surrounded by Marxist, Communists, and Socialist radicals, from the final hour where brain dead Americans vote against our Forefathers and for the “Hitters”, “Stalin’s”, and other criminally hate filled dictators of the world past, most of whom they speak of with overt affection. “Let’s save America” putting right all the wrongs of this Presidency!
We cannot fail! We must get out the Vote in November, drive those who cannot make it on their own, encourage those who have given up, revitalize the disheartened, and motivate all those Americans who still believe in what we have or had, an America envied by all the world and though we have our differences, never have we lost the respect of our allies until now. It is up to us, no one else can be depended on, our future, the future of America of the free is in the hands God has entrusted to do the right thing, to vote, and get everyone we know to vote “all” Progressives, from either side of the isle, out and elect those patriots, that we can find, into office who will put aside their personal causes, and agendas, then restore America to the land God blessed and placed his faith in us to “Defend and Protect”. I feel certain this President has and will continue to engage in behavior that warrants impeachment and why many conservatives as well as liberals are missing it is a mystery to me, but I know there are lawyers out there, in our groups, and the 9/12’ers, and Tea Partiers’, etc., who are filled with knowledge of the Constitutional responsibilities of all Presidents and what is and is not impeachable. I implore you to help us find a way to communicate those acts in legalese to those in the right places to start the process, then maybe, just maybe we can all put an end to the final destruction of our America, she is worth the fight. “Let’s Save America”, my vote, your vote, our vote can and will save her, we must not, cannot fail her, she has never failed us.
“Let’s save America” is a mantra that we might consider incorporating into our “surge” to pry the Progressives from their seats in Congress and Senate, then finally and joyfully, the president and those in his administration who are the influences that cloak the pure halls of the capitol, hiding the beauty of all we stand for as a nation, up until pushed into the shadows of his, “The One”, impure agendas to soil what our Forefathers worked so hard to ensure could not happen to the America they created through divine guidance of a loving God. “Let’s save America” we can do it, we must do it, for if we fail, we fail all those great men who created our nation, wrote a near perfect “Constitution” for a people who believed that God blessed this nation, blessed this nation’s people, and blessed all that is good about our America. “Let’s save America” for our children, for their children and for all those who died and lost limbs and/or more, to keep her what she has always been to us and the entire world, “America the Beautiful”. “Let’s save America” for our Forefathers who gave so much so that we might enjoy God’s gift to us, the land of the free, the land of the brave. “Let’s save America”, I don’t have to tell you, you know, and so do I.