Each of us takes a journey once we take our first breath at birth. It is at that moment that whether we know it or not, God has continued what he started at our conception, life. Where life takes us is in our hands, once we get through the period of what we are taught and what we choose to accept as truth and what we choose to accept as untruths. Our God gave us life, our parents gave us a start, and it is up to each of us once we leave the nest and enter the world filled with every possible choices, some good, some bad, and some just who we will become. I thought this song by (Steve A. Politte, posted at NetHugs.com and sung by: John Michael Talbot – “Here I am Lord”), expresses so much of how I feel about my connection with God, and probably how many of us Christians feel about our connection with our creator. In any case, it is a beautiful song, with beautiful pictures of "My America", and none of us should ever forget that without the help and guidance of God, or Christ, our road would be one that only ends in darkness. Just knowing that God is with us at all times should comfort us no matter what the circumstance.
We must all trust and know God; after all, he is not only our creator, but the creator of all things good. This is short, but the song tells it so much better than I ever could. So, as we take our Journey, never forget that we take it with "God". In these troubled times. If you look at the last picture you will see the white dove over Christ hugging one of his children. If you ever read my column on the three doves that brought comfort as we lost our youngest son, at only 36 years of age, you will understand why this means something special to me. If you care to read the column, it is on the NWW Network, "Gregory's Two Americas (-33)". You can get to my columns by going to:
http://nwwnews.ning.com/group/gregorystwoamericas/forum/topics/gregorys-two-americas-33 .
Please take the time to click on the link below; you'll understand when you get there.
Click here: This Journey