Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hear I am Lord
Each of us takes a journey once we take our first breath at birth. It is at that moment that whether we know it or not, God has continued what he started at our conception, life. Where life takes us is in our hands, once we get through the period of what we are taught and what we choose to accept as truth and what we choose to accept as untruths. Our God gave us life, our parents gave us a start, and it is up to each of us once we leave the nest and enter the world filled with every possible choices, some good, some bad, and some just who we will become. I thought this song by (Steve A. Politte, posted at and sung by: John Michael Talbot – “Here I am Lord”), expresses so much of how I feel about my connection with God, and probably how many of us Christians feel about our connection with our creator. In any case, it is a beautiful song, with beautiful pictures of "My America", and none of us should ever forget that without the help and guidance of God, or Christ, our road would be one that only ends in darkness. Just knowing that God is with us at all times should comfort us no matter what the circumstance.
We must all trust and know God; after all, he is not only our creator, but the creator of all things good. This is short, but the song tells it so much better than I ever could. So, as we take our Journey, never forget that we take it with "God". In these troubled times. If you look at the last picture you will see the white dove over Christ hugging one of his children. If you ever read my column on the three doves that brought comfort as we lost our youngest son, at only 36 years of age, you will understand why this means something special to me. If you care to read the column, it is on the NWW Network, "Gregory's Two Americas (-33)". You can get to my columns by going to: .
Please take the time to click on the link below; you'll understand when you get there.
Click here: This Journey
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Where do they get off lecturing America
Bill Clinton, former President of the United States of America, said during an interview recently that people must take responsibility for the consequences of their words and actions. Now I paraphrased his words, but make no mistake that is what he said regardless of the exact wording. This, coming from a president who pointed his finger, waiving it at the American people and said he did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky, knowing very well that every word coming out of his mouth was a lie. This man, once the President of the United States of America had no problem at all evading responsibility for his actions or words. The very man who desecrated the office of the United States by his own immoral actions, and whose words were filled with lies and deception, now lectures America on values and behavior. The interview was from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper.
During that interview Clinton’s exact words are, "The only point I tried to make was that we ought to have a lot of political dissent -- a lot of political argument. Nobody is right all the time. But we also have to take responsibility for the possible consequences of what we say." This President who once violated every oath he took, the same oath each President takes, not just by his behavior in and out of the Oval Office at the White House, but in the lies he told the American people, the courts, and just as important, himself.
Then we have, as reported by USA Today, on the now famous “Memorandum” from the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates giving an ominous warning that the United States lacks a nimble long-term plan for dealing with Iran’s nuclear program, according to a published report. According to USA Today, Gates wrote the three page memo in January and it set off efforts in the Pentagon, White House and intelligence agencies to come up with new options, including the use of military, The New York Times said in its Sunday editions, quoting unnamed government officials. Now, Gates is saying according to USA Today, “It is absolutely false that any memo touched off a reassessment of our options,” National Security Council spokesman Benjamin Rhodes told the Associated Press. “This administration has been planning for all contingencies regarding Iran for many months.” It’s strange to me how the “Truth” keeps changing or is always something different than what it actually is, once influenced by the White House (The last part are my opinions, not USA Today’s).
Why is it that when Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, or Glenn Beck speak, providing the country with what they believe to be the truth about the government and their concerns that our own government is endangering our country, they are labeled as agitators, un-American or instigators filled with lies. But those who actually were involved with anti-American activities or associated with people who were are the patriots. The same people who once tried to bomb the Pentagon, who declared that they are communists, who are self-proclaimed Marxists, and who praise people like Chavez, are painted as patriots by those now in government, many of them with unlimited access to our President, some even access to our countries most sensitive secrets. What is wrong with this picture? Being someone from the intelligence community during my first years as an employed citizen, a member of the military with a family history of service, wearing our country’s uniforms that include, my father (36 years of active duty as an Air Force Officer), one brother who joined the navy as an officer in the medical field, (serving over 22 years of active duty), and then there was my two brothers, and of course my son and I (all providing a combined active military service of over 60 plus years) in the US Army ASA, and then INSCOM (Intelligence community), all with a sworn commitment to defend and protect this great country. Each member of the Gregory family was more than ready and willing to give our lives, if required, to ensure the American Dream continues to stay alive and be a viable choice for each citizen of this wonderful country.
So my dear fellow Americans, those wonderful co members of the “Tea Party movement” along with those wonderful patriots who have enlisted their services in the “9/12 Project Network”, and (No We Won’t) “NWW” group, where I have my column “Gregory’s Two Americas” all have a common commitment and direction, which serves as our motivation to carry on where our Four Fathers intended us to go. Our only agenda is to ensure that the difficult task set forth by those heroes of yesteryear did not sacrifice so much in vein. They counted, we count, and America counts and that should matter to each and every one who loves this country as they did as they moved it from an idea to a reality. Those who fail to see that God blessed and nurtured this country through divine providence and intervention are not only blind, but matter little in the scheme of things. It is those who sacrifice and give something back, are not those who take but give in order to be a part of the “Great Experiment” called “America”. God should be, no is in every person who considers his or her part of this Great Experiment called “America” and the more we accept this, the easier it will be to ensure that what I am speaking of will be digested and understood. Otherwise, I am just one man who is a real nut case and all of you should distance yourselves from my circle of influence.
I will never understand why those on the left refuse to accept the goodness of America, and only involves their souls with all that is wrong with this country, the “Great Experiment”. Why they continue condemning Americans for marching in protest or speaking out when that was their signature during periods that conservatives were in power and they never had an issue with their activism and marching or protesting against policies they disagreed with. Why is it that if a conservative speaks out it is inciting dangerous responses, and when a Liberal speaks out, it is patriotic and heroic? None of this rational helps me to further believe in or understand what they want from us conservatives, it only helps confuse myself and those likeminded associates who love the America we grew up in, teachers not fearing to tell us the truth about our varied history, the good and the bad. Now, if a teacher tells our children the truths about an imperfect country, they are attacked as un-American or attempting to corrupt the minds of our children. Something very wrong is happening and it is up to us to find those truths and ensure at the very least our children are exposed to those truths that are the foundation of all we believe in. Liberals can never take those truths away from us, nor can they distort them, dismiss them, avoid them, change them, recreate them, diminish their importance to the growth of America and certainly never make those truths evil or bad, as they are America, and only enhance who we are as Americans.
Yes, I do believe in the dynamic of believing in “Two Americas” that make up this country. The one I grew up in, raised by a Christian mother and father who believed in serving their country while wearing the uniform of one of our military services. I was taught in school about things that are feared by the Liberals today and every effort is to change what is taught in our schools our history according to facts, not the fiction created to influence the minds of our next generation to feel America is evil and needs to be “Transformed” with the “Distribution of Wealth” a priority by this administration. Taking what so many have worked so hard to help them find the American Dream, while giving their hard earned money to those who either were unable to do the same, or just too lazy to even attempt to earn a living.
Most Americans, of all colors and religious backgrounds have pride and want to earn their livings, and not have it handed to them on a silver platter. But those in office, and by office I mean the White House and the Progressives in both Congress and Senate, know if they fail to influence enough “free loaders” to accept their idea of what their view of America is, they lose. They lose in many ways, their seats in Congress and Senate, their seat behind the desk in the Oval Office at the White House, and most of all, the “Power”. Oh, it is the “Power” and money that drives the ambitions of those who are in effect Progressives that will, if we allow them, to “Transform” our America into one none of us will ever recognize, nor will any of us ever want to be a part of. So, we must stand together, believe together, and never give in to the Progressives, never, or the price we will pay will be far too high and none of us would ever accept as the path to restoring an America we all believe in.
Every soldier who is currently now in harm’s way, deserves our flawless concerns and efforts to keep them safe and just as important, our unconditional support to continue their incredible dedication to sacrifice not only their own lives, but the lives of their immediate family, you know, children, wives, husbands, mom and dad’s, even grandparents, never forgetting the brothers and sisters who all share in the sadness and grief when losing one of their own. Never in my short 65 years on this earth have I witnessed more heroes who fill the ranks of our soldiers, making up the patriots of our military services who are between us and those who would annihilate not only our America, but our friends, like Israel, just one example, who this President and government has rejected and humiliated in ways I’ll never understand. And they are not the only ones who received the back of the hand from who they thought was their friend and ally. This is something I don’t think has happened in our recent past, not by even by some of our more Progressive Presidents.
So, what has changed? I think all of you know, changes in our congress and White House have changed to the point some countries no longer know who we are, or if we are actually their friends or Allies anymore. It must be difficult to see the greatest power on earth, which used to be the world’s “Policeman” and took care of those who are less fortunate as we have been. They must be wondering, who are we, who is this country that one was depended on to prevent the expansion of countries or powers that once feared America, and now join hands in solidarity as they join in their confusion as to just how dependable are we to support the “Free World” now that more and more countries are being persuaded that our “Democracy” (or Republic) is no longer a viable choice for our friends to turn to as the leader of the most powerful country in the world is doing everything they can to become a second rate country, one that no longer can be depended on by what is left of our democratic friends around the globe.
Thank God we still have people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin out there bringing those Americans who have not turned their backs on the Americans who still believe in her together, attending “Tea Parties” showing up at events still supporting the “American Way” (the way we all believe in). Thank God, and yes, there are still plenty of Americans who have not given up on God, or the American Way, you know, the one where “Superman” is faster than a speeding bullet, leaps the tallest buildings, and defends the American way. (Someone who defended what we all believe in, an America that continues to have an “American Way”. We have far too much to lose should we ever turn our backs on those programs that explained to the world just who we are. Superman still is alive and well in the minds of those of us who continue to believe in “The American Way”, that is the America I call my America, and remember, there really is two Americas, and our America is starting to understand the other one, and from what I see, they don’t like the other one!
I speak of the one filled with Progressives who want to “Transform” the one we love and enjoy. They don’t like others to create personal wealth, but have no problem creating their own personal wealth. If they really, truly believed in their own words, why don’t they just give their personal wealth to those that need it and are willing to live off of them? It is easy for them take our money and hand it out to those they chose to give it to, while we have no say in it at all. (Heal Care Bill) will testify as to how much this government allowed the American people to have their say in how their money is stolen from them and spent on agendas they have no interest in. The new way to govern in America is to take what is ours, and keep what they want, and allow us to keep what they decide we deserve. Check it out, the “New Transformed America” the one that only those who will always depend on others to give them a handout. That’s President Obama’s America, not ours. We believe in helping those who help themselves, as it says in the good book, but would her help them find motivation to improve their lives by improving their personal belief system that would propel them into our America, one they would equally learn to love as we do.
So, Clinton can go ahead and lecture America on morals and ethics, while America does not need to judge him, his judgment day is coming and I hope that he has found God in the true sense and not just another fantasy in his perverted mind. And, President Obama can continue to live his fantasy of “Transforming” our America into a “Socialistic” world only he and his administration filled with ghosts of his past, that will haunt him as November of this year closes in on him, this year (2010), and then even worse, when November closes in on him in 2012, when he will learn that he will be a one term President, and the accident that put him in office is one that will not repeat its self, for one thing America does, it does learn from its mistake. And Mr. President, you are a mistake, one that could cost every American more than your efforts to “Transform” them into a Socialist country filled with zombies who follow with empty heads. That’s not America Mr. President, it may be in your world, but in the real world, it s not now and will never be, your America. It belongs to “We the People” who believe in her, have faith in her, and will protect her from all enemies from within or abroad. She is worth saving, after all, God blessed her, and he blessed her people. If you don’t believe that, you really have no chance to understand what will happen in November of this year and in 2012. Nothing will give me greater pleasure than to say “Good by Mr. President” and don’t let the door hit you in the “A..” on the way out! God Bless America, again!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tax Day In My America
I woke up today, around 0500 hours (Military Time) Atlantic Time, as I have for most of my life, at least since I enlisted into the United States Army Security Agency (Intelligence) September 3rd, 1963, to continue my observance of the second day of the “Tea Party” protest of “Tax Day”, which is today, April 15th, 2010. My heart started beating faster in my chest as the day unfolded and I found myself wanting very much to be with any one of the groups, only having to be satisfied with watching the day’s activity from my recliner, where I spend much of my waking hours, due to a number of disabilities that prevent me from being more active than I am in these especially difficult days that fill our lives. Before I managed my venture from my bed to my recliner, I made sure I started the day with a prayer, as I always do, to God, first thanking him for allowing me to wake up, and then to watch over the land and people that he blessed so many years ago.
As the day started to pass and I began to realize that time was running out for everyone, and the importance of the efforts of those who have enough strong convictions to stop the madness in Washington D.C., continues to become more and more clear, I became even more disturbed that I was unable to be there physically. I have such admiration for those who don’t just sit back and hope someone else gets out there and do what those wonderful people, who are my heroes, are doing. I did not see a “Tea Party Movement” I saw my America, the America that is one of the two Americas I write about in my NWW News column “Gregory’s Two Americas”. It is the America I grew up knowing and enlisted to defend and if required give my life for. It is the America that overshadows another America, an America that is part of a “Transformation” of my America, our America, by a President elected by those from both Americas, but as our America is waking up, I see that the transformation is not going to be an easy task for this President or Liberal Congress.
As America awakens and finds that a fundamental change is being attempted by those who “hate” the America God blessed, wanting to change it from a Republic to a country none of us will recognize, one of redistribution of wealth as our President promised, even prior to all the votes were counted and he took the oath that it appears means very little to him. I find it curious how easy it is for our President to keep his oath to those who support him (financially), like the unions, ACORN, or any ideology such as socialists, Marxists, communists, any form of ideology that does not mirror our Republic, while having no difficulty in disregarding his oath taken as he was sworn into office, the highest office in the world, the office of the President of the United States of America.
I am currently watching “Cavuto”, from FOX, who is here in Atlanta (Atlanta is just north of where I live) and see a fairly large, and certainly loud “Tea Party group of Americans), demonstrating down town at the Capitol, I believe, and really makes me even more disappointed that I am unable to be out there with them, so close and yet so far away. As I listen to Cavuto interview participating Americans, I feel my heart swell with pride, while also feeling a strong distain for those who would even think of “Transforming our America”! Why anyone would want to take away the wonder of this great land from those beautiful fellow Americans baffles the mind. Our President (I find it difficult to speak his name), as I have little respect for him or his followers, who claims to have been born in this country, has been honored by being elected by the masses, which include all races and religions, and yet even after being exposed to the wonders of this country, continues to be filled with venom and an unexplainable hate for the America we all know and love. If you listen to his lies and deceit, believe in the distortions of an America we know to be good and giving, filled with peoples of all races and religions, who are always first to hold out their hand with a dollar in it to those who are in need or anguish due to some catastrophe, then you don’t know our America! Those of us who do know this great and wonderful land, will never understand why this man, who is called “our President”, will lie and deceive not only those who elected him, but the entire country.
As the President spoke earlier today to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) about his vision, I literally felt ill. His disinformation, false hope, and baloney that oozed from his lips, filled the air and the stench that resulted, made me remember that nothing this President says can be or should be trusted or believed. He lies, he deceives, he misleads, and he fails America and the oath he took to protect and defend her. This President is a cancer eating away at the fabric of core America, killing the goodness that she is. We must never allow that to happen. This November we must fill the places selected to be Voting stations and get out the vote, make sure that every man and woman able to cast a vote, do just that, and cast it to replace those progressives now tarnishing the sacred halls of congress, and even more important, replace the current person now seated in the oval office, at the White House, in 2012. We must elect a conservative, who truly believes in the “Constitution” and will uphold his or her oath to follow it, as well as defend and protect her.
There still is nothing, anywhere that speaks louder than our “Vote”! “We the People” still have the loudest voice on the block! Those in Congress and the White house may have money in their pockets, but in most cases, it is “our money”, that’s right; the American people’s money that they falsely believe holds power over our heads. They just do not understand who we are. How could they, after all, they believe in Socialistic mindsets and Marxism. With thoughts of “Transforming” and “Redistribution of Wealth” how could any of them ever know or understand it’s not the money but the soul that makes us who we are. Our America is filled with “souls” created by God, not the money stolen from our pockets by those in Washington. It will be up to us to restore America to where she was before this power and money hungry, political entity of progressives lied and deceived their way into office. Well, we know who and what they are, so if we fail to correct it, then we will certainly get what we asked for, and I don’t believe for a moment that any of us will like what we get.
So, as I look out across America as FOX News has no fear of showing America that there are Americans under the banner of the “Tea Party”, standing up and telling those in Congress and the White House, “We have no fear of you, and we will vote you out of office” and then promise ourselves that we will never allow this to happen again, ever! We want our America back, and in November of this year we will take her back and start the process of restoring her to what she was before “they” took her and tried (in vein) to destroy her. Sorry Charley, you failed! It’s OK America, we are on our way, we will be there for you, and after all, you have always been there for us! Today, more than ever before, I am so very proud to be an American. Thank you America, I have always believed in you, but the past two days you reinforced my faith and belief in who you are, I have always known who I am.
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