I woke up today, around 0500 hours (Military Time) Atlantic Time, as I have for most of my life, at least since I enlisted into the United States Army Security Agency (Intelligence) September 3rd, 1963, to continue my observance of the second day of the “Tea Party” protest of “Tax Day”, which is today, April 15th, 2010. My heart started beating faster in my chest as the day unfolded and I found myself wanting very much to be with any one of the groups, only having to be satisfied with watching the day’s activity from my recliner, where I spend much of my waking hours, due to a number of disabilities that prevent me from being more active than I am in these especially difficult days that fill our lives. Before I managed my venture from my bed to my recliner, I made sure I started the day with a prayer, as I always do, to God, first thanking him for allowing me to wake up, and then to watch over the land and people that he blessed so many years ago.
As the day started to pass and I began to realize that time was running out for everyone, and the importance of the efforts of those who have enough strong convictions to stop the madness in Washington D.C., continues to become more and more clear, I became even more disturbed that I was unable to be there physically. I have such admiration for those who don’t just sit back and hope someone else gets out there and do what those wonderful people, who are my heroes, are doing. I did not see a “Tea Party Movement” I saw my America, the America that is one of the two Americas I write about in my NWW News column “Gregory’s Two Americas”. It is the America I grew up knowing and enlisted to defend and if required give my life for. It is the America that overshadows another America, an America that is part of a “Transformation” of my America, our America, by a President elected by those from both Americas, but as our America is waking up, I see that the transformation is not going to be an easy task for this President or Liberal Congress.
As America awakens and finds that a fundamental change is being attempted by those who “hate” the America God blessed, wanting to change it from a Republic to a country none of us will recognize, one of redistribution of wealth as our President promised, even prior to all the votes were counted and he took the oath that it appears means very little to him. I find it curious how easy it is for our President to keep his oath to those who support him (financially), like the unions, ACORN, or any ideology such as socialists, Marxists, communists, any form of ideology that does not mirror our Republic, while having no difficulty in disregarding his oath taken as he was sworn into office, the highest office in the world, the office of the President of the United States of America.
I am currently watching “Cavuto”, from FOX, who is here in Atlanta (Atlanta is just north of where I live) and see a fairly large, and certainly loud “Tea Party group of Americans), demonstrating down town at the Capitol, I believe, and really makes me even more disappointed that I am unable to be out there with them, so close and yet so far away. As I listen to Cavuto interview participating Americans, I feel my heart swell with pride, while also feeling a strong distain for those who would even think of “Transforming our America”! Why anyone would want to take away the wonder of this great land from those beautiful fellow Americans baffles the mind. Our President (I find it difficult to speak his name), as I have little respect for him or his followers, who claims to have been born in this country, has been honored by being elected by the masses, which include all races and religions, and yet even after being exposed to the wonders of this country, continues to be filled with venom and an unexplainable hate for the America we all know and love. If you listen to his lies and deceit, believe in the distortions of an America we know to be good and giving, filled with peoples of all races and religions, who are always first to hold out their hand with a dollar in it to those who are in need or anguish due to some catastrophe, then you don’t know our America! Those of us who do know this great and wonderful land, will never understand why this man, who is called “our President”, will lie and deceive not only those who elected him, but the entire country.
As the President spoke earlier today to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) about his vision, I literally felt ill. His disinformation, false hope, and baloney that oozed from his lips, filled the air and the stench that resulted, made me remember that nothing this President says can be or should be trusted or believed. He lies, he deceives, he misleads, and he fails America and the oath he took to protect and defend her. This President is a cancer eating away at the fabric of core America, killing the goodness that she is. We must never allow that to happen. This November we must fill the places selected to be Voting stations and get out the vote, make sure that every man and woman able to cast a vote, do just that, and cast it to replace those progressives now tarnishing the sacred halls of congress, and even more important, replace the current person now seated in the oval office, at the White House, in 2012. We must elect a conservative, who truly believes in the “Constitution” and will uphold his or her oath to follow it, as well as defend and protect her.
There still is nothing, anywhere that speaks louder than our “Vote”! “We the People” still have the loudest voice on the block! Those in Congress and the White house may have money in their pockets, but in most cases, it is “our money”, that’s right; the American people’s money that they falsely believe holds power over our heads. They just do not understand who we are. How could they, after all, they believe in Socialistic mindsets and Marxism. With thoughts of “Transforming” and “Redistribution of Wealth” how could any of them ever know or understand it’s not the money but the soul that makes us who we are. Our America is filled with “souls” created by God, not the money stolen from our pockets by those in Washington. It will be up to us to restore America to where she was before this power and money hungry, political entity of progressives lied and deceived their way into office. Well, we know who and what they are, so if we fail to correct it, then we will certainly get what we asked for, and I don’t believe for a moment that any of us will like what we get.
So, as I look out across America as FOX News has no fear of showing America that there are Americans under the banner of the “Tea Party”, standing up and telling those in Congress and the White House, “We have no fear of you, and we will vote you out of office” and then promise ourselves that we will never allow this to happen again, ever! We want our America back, and in November of this year we will take her back and start the process of restoring her to what she was before “they” took her and tried (in vein) to destroy her. Sorry Charley, you failed! It’s OK America, we are on our way, we will be there for you, and after all, you have always been there for us! Today, more than ever before, I am so very proud to be an American. Thank you America, I have always believed in you, but the past two days you reinforced my faith and belief in who you are, I have always known who I am.
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