Saturday, May 1, 2010

Glenn Beck "Educates America"

The more I watch the Glenn Beck College class on U.S. Political History, Monday through Friday, at 5:00PM, Atlantic Time, I realize just how much I missed during my formal education while attending the “University of Maryland” while stationed overseas back in the 70’s and 80’s. As much as I thought I learned way back then, it just does not compare to the hour a day, five days a week that I get watching Glenn Beck on FOX. This week has been an eye-opener that will stay with me for far longer than what I learned way back when. “Crime Inc” will have new meaning after Glenn’s explanation of the working of Washington and this current Administration.

As Glenn, in his masterful way, paints a picture of corruption and lack of moral ethic in the places we should expect nothing less than the same virtues of our forefathers, and the virtues displayed by them as they formed what became the greatest country in the world, and without the ties to organized crime expected in many countries where corruption is the rule rather than the exception, I was reminded of the many who gave so much, never expecting to witness the events of this past year and a half. What was America thinking at the voting booths in November of 2008? Did they not pay attention to the promises our current President made on the campaign trail? Did they not believe him when he promised to redistribute the wealth, and transform America into a Socialist state (demonstrated by those he appointed to his administration?) or (the White House visitor’s sign in sheet reflecting numerous visits by those of questionable character, according to reliable sources)?

Friday Glenn Beck educated America, at least the ones that took the time to watch his show, on Samuel Adams:
 Date of birth: September 27, 1722
 Date of death: October 2, 1803
 Profession: Politician
 Nationality: American
 Cause of death: Parkinson's disease
 Place of birth: Boston

You know, when I looked up “Samuel Adams” on the internet, the first thing that came up was:

• Samuel Adams – America’s World Class Beer
Informational site with detailed information on beers, brewer and beer history, tasting techniques, tips for home brewing, a virtual brewery tour, beer encyclopedia, company details ...

What I find amazing is that the “Beer” in priority came before one of our founding fathers, and signers of the Declaration of Independence. He helped guide Congress towards issuing the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and helped draft the Articles of Confederation and the Massachusetts Constitution. Adams returned to Massachusetts after the American Revolution, where he served in the state senate and was eventually elected governor. Yet, beer is where the information network would take us, instead of one of America’s most patriotic heroes. It demonstrates just how screwed up we have become with our priorities. But listening to Glenn Beck, I feel as if I am learning what I should have been taught in High School, then in what little college I did attend while in the military. As I look back on just how progressives are working at making money and power the important things in life rather than God and Country, along with family. Boy, did Glenn come along at the right time. God really does work in strange ways. WOW! I almost bought into it all, believing that our Congress and Presidents were all patriots who, like our forefathers believed in America, the people of this great nation, and that man, not God, decided our rights. It really is time for all of us to step back, take a breath and learn about who we are.

Are we like those in Congress and the White House who worship money and power, or are we like our forefathers who worshiped God and had faith in the Country that God blessed and provided to us? I pray that it will never be, at least for me and those I love, what the progressives, who America elected, because they had faith, are and are proving to be every time they step in front of a TV monitor spewing what their plans are for this country. God help us all if we ever fall for their lies and deceit ever again. It is so important that we search for the right men and women, with the right belief systems, to lead us again, as we were once led, by honorable men and women who led by example and never lost sight of how we became a nation, a nation of “Christians” who trusted in God, believed in their fellow men, but never took the people of this wonderful nation for granted. They left it up to us to keep America what it is and should remain. We owe it to those who sacrificed all, for all of us.

I am sure that there are much smarter men and women than I and that what I am now learning for the first time they have always known. Well, if you know this, then you should be leading the charge, along with Glenn Beck, ready to carry the fight to the very halls of Congress and the White House, willing to be heard and never to be silenced by the intimidation of those who are in power, a power they have only because we allowed them to have it. Should they not remember why they were elected and by whom they were elected, it is time for us to remind them, especially in November of this year when we go to cast our votes for men and women who’s “God” is not money, greed, nor power, but patriots who love this country and place the people of this nation above their personal agendas and needs. Somewhere in all of this vast great land called America, there must be a few who are made of the same substance as “Samuel Adams” and others who emulate our “Founding Fathers”. As I watch the numbers swell, ordinary Americans coming to terms that it is in our hands, not theirs (our elected leaders) as to the future of these United States of America, my confidence grows and my faith reignited, hope building deep in my heart, that all is not lost, not as long as God continues to bless us, which I believe with my whole being that God is and will continue to do just that, bless us!

I remember listening to Glenn Beck when he was on the radio here in Atlanta, with his wild and “different” approach to bringing the news, as he saw it, and even then thought there was something special about him. Little did I know then, what I know now, he is very special indeed, very special and those who are critical of him, who mock him, fail to understand just how much this man truly loves this country and is afraid, like many of us, of the possibility of losing what we have in her. A land, a country, blessed by God, that is, yes I said is, and I believe will remain, the envy of the world. No matter where she is at this moment in time, she is the America I remember and love and call the greatest land of all, just because God blessed her, and entrusted her to “We the People”. And God does not make mistakes!

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