As I take an attempt to contribute after a period of laying on my back due to surgeries that have caused difficult times due to “Rotting Bones”, I have had plenty of time to reflect on the dangers that lay ahead if people find reasons not to get out to vote and stay home hoping that someone else will take care of business for them. God help us if what I heard on “Hukabee” during his show today. I listened to comments made by fans answering his question are you going to vote in November or not, and why if not? The answers made my hair rise up on the back of my neck, as I heard the lame excuses like, “there are no real choices, so why bother?” You know that person is most likely a conservative or “Independent” (Some of you might recall the question I raised about “Independents” have to make up their mind by now, have to take a stand and not continue to look for reasons to vote one way or another. If you don’t know by now, who or what are you waiting for?
While those who choose to leave it up to someone else to save America from a path to Socialism, there are real and true Americans who have gone to Washington, many twice, to voice their discontent, or join hands, or arms, and pray together for the country to be forgiven and restored to the blessings God so lovingly gave this nation a couple of hundred years ago. While these patriots and heroes of this nation are not sitting on their hands, giving up, or counting on someone else, there will be those who need to go look into a mirror and take a good look at who is looking back at them, “Cowards” who find excuses for every reason to not go down and stand in those lines to vote. I have never missed a vote, and I don’t send mine in, I want to be sure mine is counted, so sometime on crutches, sometimes in a power chair, and back a few years just a cane, I made an effort, with the help of my wife or sons, I made it down to the voting booth and cast my vote. I always cast it for either a conservative, or who I believed was anything but a Progressive! Have I made mistakes in the past over the years, I am certain of that, but that never discouraged me from doing the same thing when it was time to vote, and I have never missed a local, state or General election, ever since I have been old enough to vote, at times, due to reasons I had no control of (you know, Vietnam, being stationed in places I cannot speak of) I cast my absentee ballot, nothing was going to keep me form that “Privilege,” nothing! And then I hear those who look for reasons not to do what failing to do could cost this country everything! Cowards!
I find it incredible that Hukabee not only got a few, but thousands of responses like that, so either we are in serious trouble because I underestimated the backbone of real Conservatives, or there are a lot of “Liberals,” afraid, very afraid of what they see on our side and are trying to convince us that we should stay home, not to go to the voting booth, not to cast that important vote that means so much in November. Yea, like that’s going to happen! No matter how many extra fraudulent votes you cook up, or how many times you enlist the dead or Felons to cast their votes, you will either be exposed or we will just overpower you with pure straight real numbers, it’s called “honesty”, something you know little of, so we don’t count on you to understand that “We the People” will turn over each rock, find your crooked Congressmen and women, and also your corrupt Senators, expose them, vote them out, then drop the rocks back on them as they crawl back from where ever they came from. They will never get back the power they so abused and failed to respect. Say goodbye to them now, you may not have a chance as they run away from their responsibilities, something we are used to. America is fed up with your choices, so we are going to ensure that we have voices in Washington who will either listen to us or they too will know that there are no “Rocks” to hide under, they are all taken by the cowardly “Progressives” who as I write this hide or run form the votes they have already cast they now do not want to be identified with, sorry Charlie, too late, time to face the fact your done, finished, and soon gone, along with any “Progressives” who challenge “We the People” failing to understand who governs this country, your power is limited by us, we loaned it to you and are not taking it back as you failed to provide “We the People” any evidence that you deserve to continue to be trusted or believed in any longer! “Your Fired” or will be come November!
Those Progressives who cast their votes to redistribute what did not belong to them, decided bow down to the most Un-American President ever entrusted to lead this great nation, and who wants to transform America into a Socialist State, one where he can be the “Dictator” he is without the threat of what is about to happen in November. He does not care if he is not reelected, he is counting on America to fail to understand what has happened, oh, how he miscalculated and misjudged “We the People” who are not the dumb hicks he thinks we are (no intended offence to any “hicks”, which I am one, out there, most of you are the America he failed to understand. The America better known as “We the People”! By the time this man of color that all of America believed in, trusted, and voted into office, which could not have happened without the “White Vote” realizes that if America was “Raciest” he would not be the first black president elected in this country. A gift from We the People who trust you, believed in you and gave you America to defend, protect and love, instead you betrayed our America, even though you did not get all our votes, it was not because of your color, it was because of your politics, enough of us trusted that you would be who you could never be, it’s called, “We the People” who trust in God, believe in each other, have “faith” in each other, “hope” in each other, and filled with “Charity” for each other. An America that the first lady could believe in until America gave her husband the trust to do the right thing, sorry First Lady, the America you did not believe in is the same one that will show you and the President to the door in 2012, as they show your cowardly followers in Congress and Senate out the door in Nov of this year and more come 2012, unless they find their evil ways and own up to who they are, failures, failures to defend and protect, failures to honor the pledges they took as they were sworn into office, failures to believe in America (“We the People”) who make up the country so many of you hate so much. If you did not hate her, you would not want to lose her to Progressives of any political party. Well, “We the People” will never give in to your corrupt values, something you will never grasp as you are not one of us, you are Progressives, your are Socialists, Communists, and radical losers from the 60’s and 70’s who tried to change America with bombs, shootings, violence, and rhetoric that tried to divide America, using “Race”, “Religion” and oh yes, “We the People” which backfired and exposed you for who you really are, “Cowards”!
I encourage each of you in Congress and Senate who are exposed and voted out of power, to find that rock you slithered from out under and crawl, like the snakes you are, and return to the darkness you came from, the evil places that only you can know, as “We the People” live in the light, and will bring God back to the front, after all, it is God who blessed America, gave her to us, intrusting the wonder of this great land to “We the People”, never to “You the Progressives” as he understands from where you come, those “Rocks” that should be your hiding place for all eternity so that we can rebuild the America that you have destroyed, or I should say, tried with all your energy to destroy, well, you failed, just as you have failed at all your attempts to “Transform” a country filled with God’s love. My broken body has vented enough for a day or so, I will rest and you will not have to hear me for a while as I heal, God has always brought me back from the edge, and he will again. One, just one of many, Americans who wore one of the Uniforms of this great country’s military services, to do what you pledged to do, from the comfort of your ergonomic “green” chairs, sending our very best to their graves while you plotted on how to transform America, the one our young men and women serve, also pledging to serve and protect, only they do it, they do it with pride and patriotic love for the country our military always have sworn to defend and protect. Medical facilities are filled with the broken bodies of those who gave so much, and cemeteries are filled with those who gave it all, so that you can claim that you are doing it for them, what I want to say right now my respect and love for the God who has protected me over the years, will not allow me to speak my thoughts of anger, accept that you do not now, nor will you ever have the respect of those like me, but then, you really don’t care do you?
Crawl back under your rocks, fade away into the darkness of your minds and consider what you have violated, something called the trust of the people, the respect of those who voted you in, and most of all, you have lost the awareness that it is not you, but “We the People” how govern our country, we lend you the power to represent us, violet that trust, you will lose that power that you so desperately hunger for, wave as you depart, shed your tears that expose you for who you are, cowards who will do anything to keep the power we loaned you. Suck it up and understand, it’s over, you are finished, we are here now and will not easily give you back what you so misused and violated! The rocks you came from will not be hard to find, the odder of your power hungry existence will still be there to help you find your way back. Crawl under those rocks and return to the unholy place from where you came from. Please do us all a favor, stay there, don’t come back out until you truly understand that we do not want you anymore, some of us never did, but honored those who voted you in. We respect each other, something you know little of, honor, respect, and accepting this is “God” America, loaned to us to honor in his name! Don’t come back, we don’t want you anymore. Because we love and accept God, you will be forgiven by us, but that is not who you should worry about, you really need to turn to our creator and beg, as we have, for his forgiveness, and ensure that he knows that you want to restore America to the America he left to us, not the “Transformed” America you want, after all, this is the America God blessed, not the progressives who turned your backs on the only God, the true God, who not only loved us enough to entrust America to us, but expects us to take care of this great gift of love from our creator. In God’s name, this humble, flawed veteran who has found the one true God’s expectations, not a difficult thing to figure out, just check out the very thing you Progressives tried so hard to have removed from every place our founders ensured they were place, they are called the “Ten Commandments” what every human should be guided by, as our forefathers were so deeply a part of setting those commandments as the guide for all of us. Check them out; you might see if you just follow “God’s Law” it really is not so bad. An old tired and broken Viet, God bless you all….. Milt
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