Tears fill my eyes easily when it comes to patriotism or love of country, just as easily as when I think of those who make my life complete! I can hardly hide my emotions when it comes to those I love, or those who fill my heart with rage when their evil ways pour into any room where my heart might be near anyone who makes me a better person, or has been a part in saving my soul in some small way. My emotions are easily tampered with and have been played with over the years and I try to harden my outer shell when it comes to the painful truths that each of us must face over the years, but so often we bury our heads in the ground in hopes that our soft shells will not shatter from whatever truths we hide from. The answer is always so clear, if we would only listen and pay attention. God is speaking out to us all the time, sometimes in whispers, sometime in thunderous yelling, but his words are deeply embedded into our thoughts as we try to live our lives with always his words echoing what we sometimes hide from, some time welcome, and sometimes just ignore. But in all the lessons learned, the one thing we should never do is ignore the words or calling of the God who created us all. To turn our back our his calling would certainly be a death sentence, one we would never welcome but fear as to ignore our Lord and God is certain death, one of all eternity without the knowledge of knowing God, in that we can only imagine “Hell” would be our sentence! A sentence that there is no coming back from, it is eternal, it is what all man fears and every man thinks he can escape from by just saying what he thinks that God wants to hear. Do not fool yourself or your children’s fate, for God is real, so real that the mistake of ignoring his reality would be a certain sentence to eternity without ever “seeing” God! Think about that, if you fail to find the answer, you fail yourself, and I am certain of one thing, and that is eternity without God, is “Hell” so just don’t take the chance, kneel down and pray that God accepts you as you are (which he will, he is all forgiving you know) do that and you will find that the truths that I spoke of will come to be what you and I fail to understand about the mystery of God, and that is, he just is.
I have always been a simple minded man, with simple needs and wants, which I received all of my simple thoughts through prayer, never has God failed me, but because I am man, I have failed him many times. As the New Year approaches, I will be thinking of the ways I can make amends for my failures to an all forgiving God who knows of my weaknesses and yet continues to bless me and my family, never asking me to understand, only to believe in him and have a certain faith that he is what he promises, he is our savior, our Lord and God, our creator and just believe and you gain your way into his graces, the wish for all believers is fulfilled with the miracle so little asked from man, only that he believes and accepts Christ as your personal savior and son of our creator, the one and only God!
So many years have passed with God being pushed out of our almost all inclusive lives, why is it so difficult to sacrifice so little to gain such? We have a new opportunity to include God into our lives and regaining what we have almost lost, our salvation! God continues to provide us with opportunity after opportunity to bring him back into our lives yet we close our eyes and ears and continue to shut out the one who reaches out to each of us and asks only that we trust in him and take his hand and follow his lead. If not for only yourself, try doing it for your family, those you love or who love you. Most of all, why not do it for the one who sacrificed his only son for, allowed his son to by your personal savior, suffer, die and give up his life so that you might live, you, me, each of us who makes that choice, why is it so difficult for us, to believe in what has been written, what has been foretold, what has been said and done, for each of us?
Just imagine what it would be like for mankind if we would just give in and believe and accept? If you think it is difficult for us to do that, can you at least imagine how difficult it must have been for God to give up his only son, give him over to the cruelties of man and allow him to be punished, enslaved, suffer the crucifixion, the humility of being spat on, mocked and tortured ( and the progressives think “water boarding” is torture?) Consider what God’s only son was subjected to, the pain of the lashings, the crown of thorns, the spear in his side, after being crucified, nails being driven through the flesh into the wooden cross, what Christ went through for us is far more than any man has been subjected to by those who hate us because we believe and accept the truths of our creator! God help us if we don’t open our eyes soon and see that if we don’t find God soon, we will lose more than the Heaven so many still wonder about, but not for this one humble tired old soldier who wants America to only return to what our founding fathers intended, for “We the People” to humble ourselves once again, fear the wrath of a God who gave so much asking so little, only that we believe in him and we will be saved, such a small request for so much reward in return. How can we not see the truths in what is written, we believe so quickly what the progressives throw out there at us and expect us to wallow in their lives, and so many of us do. Why is it so easy for us to believe in their falsehoods, when God’s truths have so much more “meat” to them, filled with the word of God backing them up? How can we go wrong with that?
My father would kneel down with me, at the end of the day, and together we would pray a simple prayer; “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, but if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take”. The premise of the simple prayer is that God will be there when I close my eyes to go to sleep, and should I wake; my God will be there to guide me through the new day. But, should God decide to take my soul if he decides to take it home, my prayer will still be answered, it is a win-win for me, a child of God. So, as we all go to sleep tonight, and ask God to watch over our souls, we must also ask him for tomorrow, should we awake or not, the world will continue, if it is God’s will, then we must continue our lives with the same expectations of a God who entrusted us with the country he blessed, and placed in our trust. He has never failed us, and we must never fail this loving, giving, and caring God who gave us “America”! As the New Year begins, we must continue our fight, a fight worth dying for, as so many have over the years, we too must prepare for whatever pain lay ahead, as it was never meant to be easy! So, as we get up in the morning and find ourselves facing not only a new day but a new year, “We the People” have a goal to attain, to reach and pass on to our children, one that they can be as proud of as we are. 2012 will be the test of our commitment, can we win back and restore the honor of our America, the one our Forefathers” provided us with. As 2012 begins, all of our children should know the bedtime prayer most of us grew up with, “Now I lay me down to sleep”! When we wake up, will we be ready to take on the “Progressives” and their evil and Socialistic ways that if infused into the American way of life, then never again will we ever have to consider the after effects of waking up after whispering the prayer; “Now I lay me down to sleep”. God bless you all and Happy New Year! Lord, please let it belong to “We the People!” Amen
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