Saturday, April 23, 2011

Quote of the Century

This is not one of my ordinary columns, but one that sums up what I have written about this past week. Please forgive me for taking words from someone from the "Czech Republic" to express what so many of us not only feel, but know. God bless America, and God bless the unknown author of the quote that follows: Milt


Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic . Someone over there has it figured out.

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

If ever we reached out to take the hand God offers us so often, we better not refuse to take it now. All we have to do is reach out and take it, he will never pull away.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Obama looks to our children to save him (a posting from "Vision to America")

I could not help myself; I had to add this to demonstrate just how he intends to finish his destruction of our America. He is losing those out of school, so he goes to the students, taught by radical liberal professors and teachers in hopes they will rescue him, so that he can continue his path of destruction. There is no end to what he will do to finish and achieve his flawed agenda. God help our kids, they are really in trouble, and they are being taught no to listen to us, their parents, but to defy our values and take on his. If we love them, and I know we do, we will do all we can to show them the way back to who we are, and will always be, "We the People", the defenders of our nation and constitution. We must not let them down; we must at the very least try, and hope it is not too late!

From the "Vision to America" posted April 21, 2011

Obama gets warm reception from Facebook crowd
By Sara Jerome - 04/20/11 06:59 PM ET

President Obama took his re-election pitch to Silicon Valley Wednesday in an event at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif.

Billed as a town hall meeting, and set up as an interview with questions culled from the users of Facebook, the event became more of a rally, with Obama winning generous applause from the crowd of Facebook employees and admiration from the star-struck host, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

"Sorry, I'm kind of nervous," Zuckerberg said. "We have the President of the United States here."

Obama defended his economic agenda to ovations from an audience sporting a number of prominent Democratic allies, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and California Reps. Anna Eshoo, Mike Honda and John Garamendi.

The president skewered the Republicans for their budget proposal that, he said, would harm Americans who are most vulnerable. He reiterated his call to raise taxes on the nation’s top earners, a plan which billionaire Zuckerberg assessed with a nonchalant endorsement.

"I'm cool with that," Zuckerberg said.

Obama strongly criticized House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposal to curb entitlement spending, which he characterized as an attack on the Americans most in need.

"I don't think it’s particularly courageous," Obama said. "Nothing is easier than solving a problem on the backs of the people who are poor….and don't have lobbyists and don't have clout."

The event was consciously geared toward younger voters, with Obama commending Facebook for "revolutionizing how people get information and how they connect with one another."

He made self-effacing references to his age, noting that many of the viewers streaming the event at home "were still in diapers" during the economic boom times of the Clinton era. He said young people should get involved in the election and encouraged them not to be "frustrated" by the bickering in Washington.

"Especially the young people here, the younger generation…you're going to be the ones to live with the consequences," Obama said.

He also pitched the Silicon Valley set on policies aimed at invigorating a high-tech economy.

To applause, he touted the need for high-tech visas because "we can't find enough computer scientists" and called for a boost to math and science education, particularly for girls and minorities.

Obama said he wanted people to feel the kind of enthusiasm for the next big high-tech breakthroughs as people once felt regarding the nation’s lunar missions.

For the tech community, Obama’s relationship with Zuckerberg, a celebrity in his own right, was on display as much as the campaign promises.

Obama patted himself on the back for inspiring the social networking CEO to ditch his trademark hoodie for a jacket and tie.

"I'm proud of that," Obama said.

Obama also said he noticed Zuckerberg sweating at a dinner of tech mavens earlier this year.

"You're a lot better at this stuff than me," Zuckerberg acknowledged.

To cap the event, Zuckerberg presented Obama with a Facebook souvenir: a hoodie similar to his own.

"This is a high-fashion statement right here," Obama said.

Watch live streaming video from facebookguests at livestream.comSource:
The contents of this site are © 2011 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc.

Comments (76)PAGE 12 ... 45>This quote came from the Czech Republic:

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the
follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their
president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It
is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
BY Morior Invictus on 04/20/2011 at 19:19
He should hang around with kids that do not pay taxes and do not have real responsibilitie s more often.
BY LIAMD2 on 04/20/2011 at 19:35
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is da fool!

Obama's gonna take dat Mother Plane…

Only a young idiot like Mark would buy into Marook Obama's little.. "white lies". He want 2 inslave you… You Colour Fool! But U stupid, you think Karl Marx is a Marx Bro. U don't know that he hate white peeps!

Act a fool… Cuz Barry da tool!
BY Colour Fool on 04/20/2011 at 19:38
TheHill: Obama gets warm welcome from crowd.

He should - they were hand picked.
BY Lyle on 04/20/2011 at 19:52
@Invictus - I've always suspected Republicans worship the opinions of Czechoslovakian s. When do you plan to move there? By the way I just got an email from the Czech Republic. It seems a Czech guy of noble descent is offering a chance to buy shares in a diamond mine in Africa. It's a rare and one time offer, I'll forward it to you. Just send him the $$, you'll be rich!!

BY Jeff on 04/20/2011 at 19:52
the guy thing in whing the the white thout house is nothing nothimg buth a liner
BY malcolm Brammer on 04/20/2011 at 19:53
Obama is still banking that the youth are stupid. Little does he know the youth sees there are no job opportunities outside of McDonald's that are waiting for them. They also realize that he is pissing away their future with his insane spending. These kids aren't dumb, but don't tell Obama that.

He can't connect with this group, because he talks down on them These kids are smart and they can rat out a fake in a second. His gig with this group is over. He needs to try to focus on talking down to 1st graders.

BY Fed Up on 04/20/2011 at 19:54
LIAMD2- Ha ha ha. I'm sure Mark Zuckerberg has no responsibilites and pays no taxes. Just another stupid young person.
BY Paula on 04/20/2011 at 19:54
At some point the media is going to say "Hey, this Obama fella is sure tuned into the electronic media. But when you listen to what he says, he makes no sense whatsoever."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Are we up for the task?

November 2008 this country elected not only a “Progressive” but an outright Marxist, Socialist, radical, to the highest office of this land, “President of the United States of America.” In January of 2009 this man who should have been not only proud, but incredibly happy, that he won the trust and loyalty of the greatest nation in the world. A nation blessed by God, and preserved by the blood of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americas finest, her greatest treasure, our protectors and defenders of “We the People” as well as the “Constitution,” that our heroic and patriotic forefathers provided us, to guide how we are governed. Still, today we send our young men and women off to defend “Freedom” for not only “We the People,” but the world. For most of our existence as a nation the world looked to the United States as “The peace keepers” of the world, and in times of crises, their savior, providing food, shelter, and American Patriots, who always were ready to respond to their aid, always. But, the days of trust, respect, and hope for the world, one man, and those who follow him, destroyed what over two hundred years of sacrificing our heroes, ended that. The saddest thing of all is that instead of taking the trust we lent to this man, he surrendered to his own ambitions, greed, and need for power at a level none of us could ever have imagined.

Although it is true that America was in trouble and needed a fix, but I doubt any of us could have imagined that the man who would be our current President, even though he promised all of us, transform America, redistribute the wealth, take away what makes us great, and with what was then a “Progressive” congress, House and Senate, destroy the dignity of a proud America! Thank God in 2010 America restored part of the balance and elected a more conservative “House,” took away some of the clout in the Senate, but not before much of the damage was done! While our “Liberal” congress worked on the President’s “Health Care” obomination, one that would lead to the collapse of our economy, our President would go on his “apology” tour, telling each of our enemies, and all of our friends, how horrible we were as a nation, and how he would heal the differences by betraying our friends and developing a sick relationship with those who only wanted to destroy us as a nation, our enemies, or foes, and it would not be long before, due to his lack of leadership in the world, the once fairly stable countries that surrounded Israel, would charge into turmoil and unstable, explosive, world of the radical Muslims. Why none in Congress sees where he is taking us and challenges the direction is a mystery to me. While Americans loyal to our Christian Conservative values rose to declare enough, this man ignored the masses and continued his promise to “Socialize” America. But the voice of America continued to say, no scream, “Enough,” and arm in arm, in a nonviolent way, voiced their promise to fight for the America we all once knew and love. As “We the People” challenged the “Progressives” in Congress and White House, the “Liberal Left” rose through the “Unions” socialists and progressives would demonstrate their clear intent to put a halt to our stand and use violence and the true “Ugly Americans” who hated the Christian Conservatives values, would show their real face. Keeping to our values will be difficult in the coming days and we must not allow anything to derail us from who we are and where we want to go in restoring the real honor of this great country.

And now finally, our triple A status has been put at risk, and even England, after losing it, was able regain it by demonstrating their will to change, change by cutting “Spending!”, something this President and “Progressives” in congress have shown no desire to do the same, instead, they want to increase spending and finish what they started, destroy our economy and make us a third world nation, more “equal” to the rest of the third world nations, by redistribution of our wealth to theirs. One example would be giving billions of dollars, our tax dollars, dollars we don’t have for ourselves, to Brazil, and for what, to drill for oil, even drill in deep water in the Gulf! Go figure! One would have to be “blind” not to see that there is a clear effort to bring us down, destroy our economy, Socialize America, and destroy our credibility as other nations in trouble are working to do what our “Leader” refuses to do, and that is cut spending, wasting money we don’t have, only to finish what he started, confident that he will! The sadder thing is that the “Progressives” are attacking who we are by changing the minds of our youth, from college down to grade school. Using our “Teachers” to transform our next generations into mindless robots encouraged to challenge their parents and take them to task for not being “Liberal” enough. Using the schools, just as “Nikita Khrushchev”, of the once communist Soviet Union, promised they, the communists, would do, without firing a single shot. They would do it through our schools, our “churches” as well as our “Labor Unions,” and even through our own government elected officials! That was back in the 50’s and as America laughed, the stage was set for the destruction of the “American Way.” I told my two sons as they grew up that there would be this effort and not allow anyone to influence their Christian Conservative Values or Convictions! One son became a soldier (in the same Intelligence field of his father, that would be me, or his uncles, who all chose that route to defend our nation) while the other, obtaining his Masters in the state of Connecticut, would become a teacher, and witnessed for himself the predicted changes taking place. Sadly he passed away at only thirty six years and his short life prevented him from trying to influence those he taught from falling prey to the increasing numbers of “Progressives” who would become our children’s “teachers” who would contribute to what “Nikita Khrushchev,” promised that day at the United Nations, so many years ago.

And with so much national debt, wild spending, the worst leadership ever from our Congress or White House, how could we change what appears to be unchangeable? The answer sounds easy, but will be the most difficult challenge this generation will ever face! It will take you and I, our friends, our neighbors, and those we elect into office at all levels, from “City” to “Federal” to meet that challenge, a challenge should we fail to take on with a fearless conviction, not only our country, but the world will never be the same. Nothing we grew up respecting, believing in, other than the God who blessed us, will be something we recognize, nothing we want to recognize. So we have a challenge, one that not only must be taken seriously, but one that we must resolve, and deep in my heart I trust, with God as our hope, you and I, who make up “We the People” will not only take on those against us, but if not sooner, as we go to the election stations in Nov of 2012, our voices will be translated into our votes and the beginning of the end will lead us to a victory, placing strong Christian Conservatives into office, not only in Congress, House and Senate, but the White House! It will not be easy as during the primaries we will be somewhat divided as to whom we want to lead us back to who we want to be. But when it is time for the General elections, if we are not united and back whoever has been selected to run against “Obama,” then he will be back in and will finish what he has started, and that will not be a good thing. We will only have one chance at this, and we cannot fight over single issues, but must stand with “our” candidate, the one nominated to take on the one man who wants more than anything else, to bring us down, destroy who we are, something we cannot allow to happen. For example, yesterday John Bolton, who hinted yesterday on Fox News, that he just might consider run for President, would be my first choice, probably not many of yours I suspect.

A little background on this incredible patriot, although a controversial proponent of “hard-line U.S. security policies, who briefly served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush. He currently is a senior fellow at the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Bolton often equates diplomacy with weakness and indecisiveness, and has suggested Israel should consider attacking Iran with nuclear weapons! Because of his extreme militarist views, Bolton is being considered a potential 2012 presidential contender by some, like me, and other “hawkish” conservatives. When asked on a September 2010 Fox News show if he would consider running, Bolton responded he is “not saying no” and that nobody “involved with politics should worry about that until after elections this fall, and it appears that he is leaning towards jumping from the frying pan into the fire, something I hope he does, at least so that I can get to see more of who he is and if I am right, would be a strong, pro-military, candidate, something I could support as that is who I am, after all, my whole family comes from a military background and if not for the military, we would not be the nation we want back. But, that’s just me!

Lies will be flowing from the Progressives as their hero “Obama,” shares in their lies, as he makes his run for reelection. But, should he run and fail to make it through the primaries, I will be supporting fully any strong Christian conservative chosen by the people, “We the People” and I hope that you will do the same, for we must be united to defeat our country’s worst enemy, the current President! The question will be throughout this election period will be, “Are we up to the task?” If we don’t think we are, than I strongly suggest that our prayers are not only for our country, but what lay ahead for those of us who are against all that they, the progressives, are for, what they stand for, what they want our country to be, a reflection of them! I can’t do that, and as feeble as I am today, I know that I will not want to be here should they succeed in their agenda. So my fellow, honorable American patriots, are we up to the task? For all our sake, I pray that we are, I believe that we are, I know in my heart that “We the People” has what it takes to not only take them, the progressives on, but defeat them at the polls come Nov of 2012! We have no choice, so gather your inner strength, God’s love for us, and let’s make sure we don’t let our creator down and defend his gift to us, our “America!”

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Where have all the liars gone?

My last column was “Where have all the Secrets gone”, which led me to this column, a little more food for thought, “Where have all the liars gone.” If I continue the line, motivated by a song from my younger days, “Where have all the flowers gone”, it would read, “Where have all the liars gone, gone to Congress every one, when will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?” And so, as I listen to debate on Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity,” it is clear where all the “Liars” are. I know that there are some on the “Right” who fail to comprehend what the truth is, but I suspect that they are not in the lineup of the “Freshmen” who were elected by “We the People” to take on the outrageous spending that the 111th Congress, with a “Progressive” majority, led by the most Progressive President ever elected, and they are doing just that! Let us not judge them unless you are following them closely, by watching them take on the “Left!” If you follow their actions you can only come to the conclusion, and that is they are trying their best to do just what we asked them to do, in spite of the obstacles placed in their path.

The “Speaker of the House,” John Boehner, is being trashed by the “Left” and many of us are buying into their disinformation rather than really pay attention to his actions. I am not defending him, but I have watched him and listened to him and I do not come to the same conclusions as those judging him who pay more attention to those on the “Left” and their progressive mainstream media! The “Left” is doing a very good job of convincing many on the “Right” that he is someone that he is not, and that is so unfair and such a shame, as I watch a man who truly is going against the odds with a Senate that keeps him and the new Conservative congress from achieving their goals and agenda of turning the endless spending around, stopping a race to self destruction by a Socialistic “Left” led by a Socialistic “President”! We must give them the chance and we must ensure that the Senate will also be a Christian Conservative majority so that we can not only restore “Honor” to our government, but along with it, the truth that has been so lacking for the last four years. So, when I ask, “Where have all the liars gone,” all you have to do is listen to the Progressives in Congress as they open their mouths. Do that and you will know the answer to the question! The more I listen to Congressman Paul Ryan, the more I see a man, fortunately a honorable Conservative, lead the way, on the Right side of the House, by presenting and explaining his plan, “The path to prosperity” and then defending it against the onslaught attack by the Progressive Left. He, along with those we elected into Congress, is doing what the “Left” will not do and fight to keep from taking place by a blast of disinformation, dividing those who have from those who have not. It matters little that most of the wealthy are providing jobs to millions of our country’s population, filling the sacred chambers and halls of Congress with the lies and falsehoods they have spewed for so many years. I know that the Right is not blameless, and trust me, the Left will do all it can to make us believe that the Right is evil, trying to take away all the “giveaways” of the past, and the elderly will be tossed out to fend for themselves, with nowhere to go and no one to be there for them, accept for them, the “Progressives!” If you buy into that, then many who would have voted in 2012 for a more conservative government and just as important, President, will either stay home in defeat, or vote for the dishonest and Socialist “Left,” which will lead to the final stage of the Socialist, Progressive Democrat’s agenda, to bring down our government as we know it, and fulfill their efforts to take our great country to “Marxism” and there will be no going back, they will have won. Fortunately, I have faith in “We the People” and trust that we will not destroy our chance to do what needs to be done, put Paul Ryan’s Budget into action, as much as some of it will hurt, the end result, America will be saved from the claws of a cruel and final attack of a “Progressive” Left, who has only one goal in mind, that is to defeat a last ditch effort by the “Right” to save our great Nation from going broke. We, “We the People” must stand by this conservative Congress, give them our support, hound the Left until they realize that we, “We the People” will not give up, or give in. We are going to support our elected leaders, and trust that they will do the right thing to save our crippled and damaged country, crippled and damaged by a Congress and President over the last couple of years, who were guided by “Progressive” and “Socialist” oriented Democrats, and a few Republicans, and had that not changed last November, I can only imagine where we would be today as a nation. I believe their efforts are a direct cause for Glenn Beck to be let go by FOX, at least his hour show, Monday through Friday, that was an education as to what we all know, but he taught us and I believe his strong belief in God, and that God is the answer, is the reason the “Left” feared him and found a way to stop the Adds by companies who were pressured, leading to the demise of his show. What worries me, is that if they can do that, where else are they pressuring companies to stop their support for anyone who “tells the truth” the truth as it is, and what Glenn Beck taught could be verified, if you just took the time, as I did, and I think he knew it was coming and if you paid attention, you could see that he was trying to warn us of a future that required divine intervention to restore “Honor” to America, and the Government we elect to lead us, protect us and spend our money wisely. The “Truth” has been lacking and until we return that “Truth” to those who govern us, we will always be under the thumb of those who will use “Class Warfare” to gain whatever it is they are after. This must not stand, it cannot stand, and if we do our part, we will no longer have to ask, “Where have all the liars gone?” The “Truth” will replace the “Lie” and America wins. God bless America, we must not let her down, support those fighting for us on the “Hill” and I truly believe that the “Liars” will at last leave in defeat and “Honor” will be restored. America is calling us, I ask that we do not turn a deaf ear to her need.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where have all the Secrets Gone?

I joined the Army on September 3rd, 1963. Even when I took the tests at the recruiting station in Los Angeles, California, to see what I was qualified to enlist for, I was told the “job title” of the option I chose was “Classified”, that’s right a “Secret”! I understood at an early age of the meaning of classifications were, and the importance of not discussing information of any kind that had a classification on it. I was fully aware of the importance of classified information, as my father was, at that time, Deputy Base Commander of Kadena Air Force Base, on the Japanese island, called Okinawa. He later was on the Air Force IG Team out of the Pentagon, in Washington D.C. His travels were so secret that none of us were allowed to even call our friends where their fathers were stationed because in those days’ even dependants of Air Force IG teams knew better than to compromise inspections that were unannounced. Of course none of us really fully understood the consequences of violating our father’s trust that we would not disobey him when he directed us to honor his wishes, when it came to calling our friends before, or while he was on his way to inspect one of the several “Strategic Air Command” or “SAC” bases where our strike bombers were at the ready 24/7, 365 days a year. All this before I enlisted into the “United States Army Security Command or ASA”, which later would be renamed “The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command” or “INSCOM”. Those enlisted who enlisted into ASA were treated differently from the rest of the enlistees, segregated and followed closer as our training went on, never knowing what we got into or where we would be trained, nothing, only we made it in, but still had to pass the course because should we be washed out or fail to obtain our Security Clearance, we would be reassigned into another MOS (job) as determined by the needs of the army. So, we had plenty of incentive to pass our courses if we really wanted to be in that “Elite” group known as a “Spook”, a name that would stick with us throughout our careers.

Without going into the specifics of what I did, doing that would only deviate from the intended lesson of the importance of fully understanding the consequences of failing to protect information that we would come into contact with, information so sensitive that it could easily bring severe harm to the security of our country. I am certain that is why the name of this particular Intelligence Agency was named the “National Security Agency” or NSA. Although we were in the Army, or other military services, we were intimately connected with them. They task us with our mission; we carried it out and provided them with the needed intelligence to keep our country safe. Just as the more noted Intelligence Agency known as the Central Intelligence Agency, we were a part of a group of very sensitive and secretive agencies, for good reason, all with very specific missions, each supporting the others, all dealing with the most sensitive information, and missions requiring the utmost secrecy and protection from the many enemies of the Untied States of America, and all those serving fully understood the consequences of failing to keep the sacred oaths taken once we became a part of what is commonly known as the “Intelligence Community”, something all of us could and were very proud of, for the responsibility we were charged with, we took very seriously, as each of us should have.

All through training we were indoctrinated into being aware of just how important keeping “Secrets” were, not just to us, the Agencies we worked for and represented, but for the absolute protection of not just the information, gathered intelligence, or our missions, but the absolute protection of the “Security” of the nation we swore to defend, protect and if required to die for. It was only after I was in and serving my first assignment, at a location in England, that I fully came to understand that as much as those of us who love our country with all our hearts, there were a few, and I mean a few, who failed to grasp the power they held in their minds, knowing the information, the missions, and the technology if provided to any of our many enemies, could and probably would result in the beginning of the end of our nation as we have known it. The awesome responsibility of carrying such significant and important “Special Intelligence” (this is intelligence of such great importance that compromising even the “Code Word” material, would lead to serious and significant harm to our country, so those who were loyal and committed, never allowed their oaths to be violated and kept the “Secrets”, whether it be, “For Official Use Only”, “Confidential”, “Secret”, “Top Secret” or “Top Secret Code Word” (and classifications that are required to be classified and protected from all but those with a very special “need to know”) All classified material or information each carry a “Need to know” basis that is determined by authorities governed by regulations which are themselves classified.

My first experience with those who would, for reasons known only to them, defect and pass on information that changed everything for those of us in the “Collection” business. Two NSA analysts known as “Martin and Mitchell” would defect to the then Soviet Union and provide “Crypto logic” information that would set back the Intelligence Community 10 years, I know, I was a part of the rehabilitation effort, a task that failure could have resulted in the initiation of the 3rd World War. It was only through efforts of dedicated young men and women, far more talented that the two Analysts who defected, that prevented what we all feared would be a fruitless endeavor by incredible individuals and teams who collectively restored the continuity of the greatest collection and analyst effort over a period of time that will always be remembered by me as the restoration years that put the puzzle back together that two traitors of the United States of America. Martin and Mitchell are only two of a number of traitors who defected, taking with them sensitive information, and providing what we held so “Secret” to countries that would use the classified information against us in ways I cannot discuss.

But as bad and wrong as it was for Martin and Mitchell, and other noted “Spies” who became traitors and sold information and technology for a price, or other personal gain, I find it even more deplorable that we have had in the past, and I believe currently have elected leaders in Congress, the senate, and even the White House, who have betrayed our country in ways that may result at some time in the future, maybe not so far off, countries that could not achieve the very high technology that would provide our “Certain” enemies, such as China, with technology that gave them an ability that only the United States and the Soviet Union once had. President Clinton and his policies provided a vehicle for “Special Certain Companies” to sell technology that would allow China to develop multiple warheads on ICBM’s, now President Obama’s irrational policy has plans to share the nation’s top technology secrets with China, technology forbidden by several past administrations, includes “sensors, optics, and biological and chemical process” all of which are “identified as having inherent military application”.

Not only is the Obama policy providing technology to China, but are leading various questionable merchants like “Majid Kakavandwho allegedly shipped certain technology through his global procurement network to Iran. Not sure of this, look up the name and follow the dots. Poor policies by our current are leading Iran to acquire sophisticated technologies that otherwise would be denied to this terrorist state who wants the destruction of Israel, one of our best and closest allies. Not only are the policies of this president making it easier for unfriendly countries towards the United States, but Secrets of our closest ally, Great Britain are being provided to Russia in order to persuade them to sign the START Treaty, which is so one sided in favor of that country to begin with. And what secrets of our closest ally did he provide Russia? Probably the most egregious act of the Obama Administration and as far as we can tell, the most perfidious, the Obama Administration agreed to provide Russia with classified information regarding Great Britain’s Nuclear Capabilities, against that ally’s will and demand. Not only did the Obama administration sell out Great Britain, but other U.S. ally’s nuclear weapons and capabilities were provided. Secrets? I wonder about classified information, who has access to it, and who are they providing it too, with or without the knowledge of those responsible in Congress! And let’s not forget the missile shield that was intended to protect Poland, Israel, and other European countries from a missile attack originating from Iran! A lot of the latter information provided was obtained via “the WikiLeaks website. Sad we had to find out how corrupt our government is by compromising “Secrets” but most of this was known by not only this Administration, but the congressional oversight! I could go on, but this is just a column, the rest may one day be in a book, if I ever have the courage and strength to write it.

In Closing, I would refer you to 1776, when Benjamin Franklin and his colleagues on the Committee of Secret Correspondence unanimously decided they could not tell the Continental Congress about a major French covert operation to assist the American Revolution, explaining; “We find by fatal experience that Congress consists of too many members to keep Secrets”. John Jay, foreign affairs secretary in the Continental Congress, lamented to Gen. George Washington that there was as much “intrigue” in Congress as in the Vatican, but “as little secrecy as in a boarding School.” Even in 1776 our forefathers understood better than those serving in congress and White House today the importance of “Protecting” secrets, all classified information was treated with greater respect and dignity than “Secrets” of today, when failure to protect information of such great importance could lead to the end of our nation as we know it. I think even the beetles understood, as suggested by the title of one of their songs, “Do you want to know a secret?”