November 2008 this country elected not only a “Progressive” but an outright Marxist, Socialist, radical, to the highest office of this land, “President of the United States of America.” In January of 2009 this man who should have been not only proud, but incredibly happy, that he won the trust and loyalty of the greatest nation in the world. A nation blessed by God, and preserved by the blood of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americas finest, her greatest treasure, our protectors and defenders of “We the People” as well as the “Constitution,” that our heroic and patriotic forefathers provided us, to guide how we are governed. Still, today we send our young men and women off to defend “Freedom” for not only “We the People,” but the world. For most of our existence as a nation the world looked to the United States as “The peace keepers” of the world, and in times of crises, their savior, providing food, shelter, and American Patriots, who always were ready to respond to their aid, always. But, the days of trust, respect, and hope for the world, one man, and those who follow him, destroyed what over two hundred years of sacrificing our heroes, ended that. The saddest thing of all is that instead of taking the trust we lent to this man, he surrendered to his own ambitions, greed, and need for power at a level none of us could ever have imagined.

Although it is true that America was in trouble and needed a fix, but I doubt any of us could have imagined that the man who would be our current President, even though he promised all of us, transform America, redistribute the wealth, take away what makes us great, and with what was then a “Progressive” congress, House and Senate, destroy the dignity of a proud America! Thank God in 2010 America restored part of the balance and elected a more conservative “House,” took away some of the clout in the Senate, but not before much of the damage was done! While our “Liberal” congress worked on the President’s “Health Care” obomination, one that would lead to the collapse of our economy, our President would go on his “apology” tour, telling each of our enemies, and all of our friends, how horrible we were as a nation, and how he would heal the differences by betraying our friends and developing a sick relationship with those who only wanted to destroy us as a nation, our enemies, or foes, and it would not be long before, due to his lack of leadership in the world, the once fairly stable countries that surrounded Israel, would charge into turmoil and unstable, explosive, world of the radical Muslims. Why none in Congress sees where he is taking us and challenges the direction is a mystery to me. While Americans loyal to our Christian Conservative values rose to declare enough, this man ignored the masses and continued his promise to “Socialize” America. But the voice of America continued to say, no scream, “Enough,” and arm in arm, in a nonviolent way, voiced their promise to fight for the America we all once knew and love. As “We the People” challenged the “Progressives” in Congress and White House, the “Liberal Left” rose through the “Unions” socialists and progressives would demonstrate their clear intent to put a halt to our stand and use violence and the true “Ugly Americans” who hated the Christian Conservatives values, would show their real face. Keeping to our values will be difficult in the coming days and we must not allow anything to derail us from who we are and where we want to go in restoring the real honor of this great country.

And now finally, our triple A status has been put at risk, and even England, after losing it, was able regain it by demonstrating their will to change, change by cutting “Spending!”, something this President and “Progressives” in congress have shown no desire to do the same, instead, they want to increase spending and finish what they started, destroy our economy and make us a third world nation, more “equal” to the rest of the third world nations, by redistribution of our wealth to theirs. One example would be giving billions of dollars, our tax dollars, dollars we don’t have for ourselves, to Brazil, and for what, to drill for oil, even drill in deep water in the Gulf! Go figure! One would have to be “blind” not to see that there is a clear effort to bring us down, destroy our economy, Socialize America, and destroy our credibility as other nations in trouble are working to do what our “Leader” refuses to do, and that is cut spending, wasting money we don’t have, only to finish what he started, confident that he will! The sadder thing is that the “Progressives” are attacking who we are by changing the minds of our youth, from college down to grade school. Using our “Teachers” to transform our next generations into mindless robots encouraged to challenge their parents and take them to task for not being “Liberal” enough. Using the schools, just as “Nikita Khrushchev”, of the once communist Soviet Union, promised they, the communists, would do, without firing a single shot. They would do it through our schools, our “churches” as well as our “Labor Unions,” and even through our own government elected officials! That was back in the 50’s and as America laughed, the stage was set for the destruction of the “American Way.” I told my two sons as they grew up that there would be this effort and not allow anyone to influence their Christian Conservative Values or Convictions! One son became a soldier (in the same Intelligence field of his father, that would be me, or his uncles, who all chose that route to defend our nation) while the other, obtaining his Masters in the state of Connecticut, would become a teacher, and witnessed for himself the predicted changes taking place. Sadly he passed away at only thirty six years and his short life prevented him from trying to influence those he taught from falling prey to the increasing numbers of “Progressives” who would become our children’s “teachers” who would contribute to what “Nikita Khrushchev,” promised that day at the United Nations, so many years ago.

And with so much national debt, wild spending, the worst leadership ever from our Congress or White House, how could we change what appears to be unchangeable? The answer sounds easy, but will be the most difficult challenge this generation will ever face! It will take you and I, our friends, our neighbors, and those we elect into office at all levels, from “City” to “Federal” to meet that challenge, a challenge should we fail to take on with a fearless conviction, not only our country, but the world will never be the same. Nothing we grew up respecting, believing in, other than the God who blessed us, will be something we recognize, nothing we want to recognize. So we have a challenge, one that not only must be taken seriously, but one that we must resolve, and deep in my heart I trust, with God as our hope, you and I, who make up “We the People” will not only take on those against us, but if not sooner, as we go to the election stations in Nov of 2012, our voices will be translated into our votes and the beginning of the end will lead us to a victory, placing strong Christian Conservatives into office, not only in Congress, House and Senate, but the White House! It will not be easy as during the primaries we will be somewhat divided as to whom we want to lead us back to who we want to be. But when it is time for the General elections, if we are not united and back whoever has been selected to run against “Obama,” then he will be back in and will finish what he has started, and that will not be a good thing. We will only have one chance at this, and we cannot fight over single issues, but must stand with “our” candidate, the one nominated to take on the one man who wants more than anything else, to bring us down, destroy who we are, something we cannot allow to happen. For example, yesterday John Bolton, who hinted yesterday on Fox News, that he just might consider run for President, would be my first choice, probably not many of yours I suspect.

A little background on this incredible patriot, although a controversial proponent of “hard-line U.S. security policies, who briefly served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush. He currently is a senior fellow at the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Bolton often equates diplomacy with weakness and indecisiveness, and has suggested Israel should consider attacking Iran with nuclear weapons! Because of his extreme militarist views, Bolton is being considered a potential 2012 presidential contender by some, like me, and other “hawkish” conservatives. When asked on a September 2010 Fox News show if he would consider running, Bolton responded he is “not saying no” and that nobody “involved with politics should worry about that until after elections this fall, and it appears that he is leaning towards jumping from the frying pan into the fire, something I hope he does, at least so that I can get to see more of who he is and if I am right, would be a strong, pro-military, candidate, something I could support as that is who I am, after all, my whole family comes from a military background and if not for the military, we would not be the nation we want back. But, that’s just me!

Lies will be flowing from the Progressives as their hero “Obama,” shares in their lies, as he makes his run for reelection. But, should he run and fail to make it through the primaries, I will be supporting fully any strong Christian conservative chosen by the people, “We the People” and I hope that you will do the same, for we must be united to defeat our country’s worst enemy, the current President! The question will be throughout this election period will be, “Are we up to the task?” If we don’t think we are, than I strongly suggest that our prayers are not only for our country, but what lay ahead for those of us who are against all that they, the progressives, are for, what they stand for, what they want our country to be, a reflection of them! I can’t do that, and as feeble as I am today, I know that I will not want to be here should they succeed in their agenda. So my fellow, honorable American patriots, are we up to the task? For all our sake, I pray that we are, I believe that we are, I know in my heart that “We the People” has what it takes to not only take them, the progressives on, but defeat them at the polls come Nov of 2012! We have no choice, so gather your inner strength, God’s love for us, and let’s make sure we don’t let our creator down and defend his gift to us, our “America!”