My last column was “Where have all the Secrets gone”, which led me to this column, a little more food for thought, “Where have all the liars gone.” If I continue the line, motivated by a song from my younger days, “Where have all the flowers gone”, it would read, “Where have all the liars gone, gone to Congress every one, when will we ever learn, when will we ever learn?” And so, as I listen to debate on Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity,” it is clear where all the “Liars” are. I know that there are some on the “Right” who fail to comprehend what the truth is, but I suspect that they are not in the lineup of the “Freshmen” who were elected by “We the People” to take on the outrageous spending that the 111th Congress, with a “Progressive” majority, led by the most Progressive President ever elected, and they are doing just that! Let us not judge them unless you are following them closely, by watching them take on the “Left!” If you follow their actions you can only come to the conclusion, and that is they are trying their best to do just what we asked them to do, in spite of the obstacles placed in their path.
The “Speaker of the House,” John Boehner, is being trashed by the “Left” and many of us are buying into their disinformation rather than really pay attention to his actions. I am not defending him, but I have watched him and listened to him and I do not come to the same conclusions as those judging him who pay more attention to those on the “Left” and their progressive mainstream media! The “Left” is doing a very good job of convincing many on the “Right” that he is someone that he is not, and that is so unfair and such a shame, as I watch a man who truly is going against the odds with a Senate that keeps him and the new Conservative congress from achieving their goals and agenda of turning the endless spending around, stopping a race to self destruction by a Socialistic “Left” led by a Socialistic “President”! We must give them the chance and we must ensure that the Senate will also be a Christian Conservative majority so that we can not only restore “Honor” to our government, but along with it, the truth that has been so lacking for the last four years. So, when I ask, “Where have all the liars gone,” all you have to do is listen to the Progressives in Congress as they open their mouths. Do that and you will know the answer to the question! The more I listen to Congressman Paul Ryan, the more I see a man, fortunately a honorable Conservative, lead the way, on the Right side of the House, by presenting and explaining his plan, “The path to prosperity” and then defending it against the onslaught attack by the Progressive Left. He, along with those we elected into Congress, is doing what the “Left” will not do and fight to keep from taking place by a blast of disinformation, dividing those who have from those who have not. It matters little that most of the wealthy are providing jobs to millions of our country’s population, filling the sacred chambers and halls of Congress with the lies and falsehoods they have spewed for so many years. I know that the Right is not blameless, and trust me, the Left will do all it can to make us believe that the Right is evil, trying to take away all the “giveaways” of the past, and the elderly will be tossed out to fend for themselves, with nowhere to go and no one to be there for them, accept for them, the “Progressives!” If you buy into that, then many who would have voted in 2012 for a more conservative government and just as important, President, will either stay home in defeat, or vote for the dishonest and Socialist “Left,” which will lead to the final stage of the Socialist, Progressive Democrat’s agenda, to bring down our government as we know it, and fulfill their efforts to take our great country to “Marxism” and there will be no going back, they will have won.
Fortunately, I have faith in “We the People” and trust that we will not destroy our chance to do what needs to be done, put Paul Ryan’s Budget into action, as much as some of it will hurt, the end result, America will be saved from the claws of a cruel and final attack of a “Progressive” Left, who has only one goal in mind, that is to defeat a last ditch effort by the “Right” to save our great Nation from going broke. We, “We the People” must stand by this conservative Congress, give them our support, hound the Left until they realize that we, “We the People” will not give up, or give in. We are going to support our elected leaders, and trust that they will do the right thing to save our crippled and damaged country, crippled and damaged by a Congress and President over the last couple of years, who were guided by “Progressive” and “Socialist” oriented Democrats, and a few Republicans, and had that not changed last November, I can only imagine where we would be today as a nation. I believe their efforts are a direct cause for Glenn Beck to be let go by FOX, at least his hour show, Monday through Friday, that was an education as to what we all know, but he taught us and I believe his strong belief in God, and that God is the answer, is the reason the “Left” feared him and found a way to stop the Adds by companies who were pressured, leading to the demise of his show. What worries me, is that if they can do that, where else are they pressuring companies to stop their support for anyone who “tells the truth” the truth as it is, and what Glenn Beck taught could be verified, if you just took the time, as I did, and I think he knew it was coming and if you paid attention, you could see that he was trying to warn us of a future that required divine intervention to restore “Honor” to America, and the Government we elect to lead us, protect us and spend our money wisely. The “Truth” has been lacking and until we return that “Truth” to those who govern us, we will always be under the thumb of those who will use “Class Warfare” to gain whatever it is they are after. This must not stand, it cannot stand, and if we do our part, we will no longer have to ask, “Where have all the liars gone?” The “Truth” will replace the “Lie” and America wins. God bless America, we must not let her down, support those fighting for us on the “Hill” and I truly believe that the “Liars” will at last leave in defeat and “Honor” will be restored. America is calling us, I ask that we do not turn a deaf ear to her need.
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