Celebrating the birth of Christ, surrounded by my wife, all of my three granddaughters by birth, and two by marriage, and my “God Children”, Josh and Beth, the children of one of my best friends, Joe and Michele, who we have made a part of our family since they came into our lives, he as my employee, and she as his wife. The only thing missing is my living son, Milt III, who continues, now over 10 years serving us all in places as Kuwait, Saudi, Iraq, Somalia, and Bahrain, along with places I am not at liberty to say. But he was here with us in spirit. Of course our son that we lost when he was only a young 36 years old, but his beautiful wife and little Sarah, his youngest daughter, along with his oldest daughter, Emma, filled our house with love and Christmas joy, only their presence could achieve, knowing that the Christ Child was here, present in our hearts, and the joy of God’s only son’s spirit filling the house of the Gregory family, to be praised by us all, for his love and special gift of his “Holy Love” giving us hope for a new and promising year, one filled with not only his hope, but his blessings, as we ready ourselves to face the year, 2012! God has blessed America and I believe he will continue to do so in the coming year…. We will soon know for sure if our endless prayers have been answered in the way we all want, with a new President, one strong enough, filled with solid Christian, Conservative values, enough to restore our America to the one we all are filled with inner promise to have returned to us.
One more day to complete 2011, one more day for our hope and prayers to be acknowledged by our creator as our promised land to be restored to the gift left to us by the one and only God, who has always brought hope into the Gregory house, filling the air with the promise of a new beginning for all of America. Can anyone of us deny that we have not reached out to the God we trust and love, praying for a restored faith and belief our gift from a loving God has been once again been returned to we who have trusted and believed in his power to return America to “We the People” and all of us believed in his power to do so. Now we just need to determine who it will be that will be our president, and guide us to that American dream that will fill our hearts with restored faith in our loving creator, and whoever is nominated, it will be up to us to reach inside ourselves for the inner strength to support whoever that person might be, and we must not fail be not living up to our own expectations, but to gather our strength and fill the air with the American will to defeat those who will bring America down, should we fight amongst ourselves and our selfish desire to “Win” only if we can have our way. We all must trust that God will guide us to the candidate who will take us where we want to go, a restored and honorable America! We must collate around the candidate who won by the American vote! To do otherwise will ensure another four years, the cost being loss of the America we all love and know as our forefather’s gift to us all.
A Happy New Year can only be realized by our commitment to achieving a “Conservative House, Senate, and Executive Government, filled with Christian Conservatives who are dedicated to bringing back an honorable America, one the people around the world remember and depended on. It will always be “We the People” who will be counted on to ensure that we bring that dream to fruition, never to allow Socialism or any form of radical progressive snakes to worm their way back into a position in government that will give the slightest chance for their return to power again. To do so will cause the American experiment to fail and bring us to our knees, only to fill our hearts with torment for failing to give our country, the America God gave and blessed, to us, a chance to fulfill our forefather’s dream of an America that they envisioned, as they envisioned it, led by patriots who put America and “We the People” first, always before anything else, always before those who are elected by “We the People” who believe in them and their dedication to fulfill the dream of those who signed the Constitution, the soul of our America. You want a Happy New Year, then let’s not fail and vote those into office who will ensure that our hopes and beliefs are realized, and “We the People” can feel the soul of America once again flow through the veins of a living America, one blessed by God, and protected by us, “We the People” who are entrusted to carry the burden of keeping our America the America endanger of being lost to Socialism, Marxist Progressives, who want to create an America of “Dependence” casting away the incentive to grow and develop self responsibility for our actions and future.
It is up to us now, we must not, cannot fail, or we will lose so much more than the America once respected and loved by the free world. We risk it all if we become complacent and let those who hunger for self power and financial gain, rather than follow our Christian beliefs and values, and do what we know is right, remove those who fail us in Washington, and replace them with those willing to sacrifice to ensure the America we know is out there. If we want a Happy New Year, let us never allow those Progressives to influence those who have become a population of weaklings, who have evolved into a people dependence, allow that, and we will lose, so we have no choice, let’s make sure we have our “Happy New Year” and get it right at the voting booths come Nov of 2012. Let’s make sure the only tears shed are tears of joy, that we have ensured the positive future of our great land, the land God provided us, and for us to never allow to be lost to those who will take her to a place we never want to be. So, believing as I do, that we will never allow Progressives to win a battle we cannot lose, I know that we will all have a very Happy New Year, by Nov, of 2012, and making 2013 an even Happier New Year we have ever known in our lifetimes. We can and we will make it happen! We have no choice, so I now wish all of you a very Happy New Year, I know mine will be, something tells me that God is on our side on this one, and America will be wide awake on election day, and that gives me not only hope, but promise, that our future will not be lost to the Progressives, but delivered to “We the People” who will restore the “Honor” of the American Dream! Happy New Year to all my friends and all those Christian Conservatives who, like me, have faith and trust in our creator to deliver us the best New Year we have prayed for, and will receive, so be sure to make sure you will, like my wife and I will do, cast our Vote for the nominated Republican choice, even if it was not my first choice, it will be the choice of the American People, and that is good enough for me. God bless, see you on the other side! Happy New Year!
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