Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Shadow Governments" and other distractions

Please do not fall into the group of "Conspiracy Theorists" who believe in all the bunk "Shadow Government" etc. What Glenn Beck is clearly and deliberately laying out for all of us, possibly at great peril to himself and others that are tracking (as a term used by some on this link) the developments of who is being appointed to these mysterious Czar positions. Now that is something to cause concern, but if only I did not take an oath to protect certain information I could debunk the "Shadow Government" crap in a few moments. We must focus on what is real, not all the distractions, and we all will be seeing many more distractions as things become more serious at the administration level. There is much to be thinking about, but not all that you will be guided to by various people that fall for that stuff. These folks that guide you there have little faith in our America, the America made up of loyal people like you and I, and others with the interest of protecting the constitution, which I am fully committed to. But without going into details, please trust me that in spite of a very deliberate, planned and organized effort to reconstruct our Republic into a Socialist, Marxist, yes, even Communist State, and that is what is important, for all of us. If we get off on tangents that lead us down dead end trails, we loose the integrity of what is a committed, and dedicated effort to ensure that the United States of America remains a free, capitalist republic, and defeat the extreme leftist movement that would move us towards an oppressed nation, with the constitution tossed in our face, shredded and torn. That is not to be, those of us who served in uniform to protect this country understand what is at stake, and that the importance of not giving a government intent on taking away our freedoms, the excuse to take extreme actions that will cause bloodshed that none of us wants. Time is of the essence and though we do not have a lot of time, we must be responsible as to how "We the People" return America to it's conservative values, with the constitution in tact. I have shed blood, more than once, and lost a father and brother over the years, all protecting you and America from those who would harm and/or destroy what we have, and what was not expected, to be honest, is that the destruction would come from within. Just be thankful that Glenn Beck provided each of us with a forum to communicate, the 9/12 Glenn Beck Project (for as long as it is allowed to stay on the air) and a means to communicate very powerful, though peaceful, methods of giving pause to those in government who thought it would be a breeze to take the "Right" and turn them "Left" with a smile and a spoken word. What they did not count on is the wonderful and smart, intelligent people, of all parties quickly seeing through the facade so expertly and smoothly translated by extremists into what they thought would be a "No Brainer" and a "Cake Walk". What they did not count on are the incredible folks (now retired, but not brain dead) who would use their skills and training to initiate a counter to what they have initiated. Believe me when I tell you I know a very dedicated, motivated, and expert group of patriots who are banding together (Band of Brothers Mean anything?) to do what we can to continue the tradition of protecting and respecting the words of the constitution, more than ever, not just know what the words say and mean, but honor those who wrote them and were committed then to provide an America that most of the world learned to love and respect, and I just ask patience to be our mantra, with every attempt to recover from the damage already inflicted on this wounded eagle. The men and women I worked with for years, along with just about every man and woman who ever served in the armed forces and are still living, will be encouraging the already very effective efforts by what I call the geriatric generation, with their bright faces, canes, walkers, power chairs, and gift of really understanding the constitution and the importance of keeping her in one piece, with those sacred words inked on the tattered pages, signed by those who authored her. Stay with me now, don't let yourselves to be led astray, away from doing the right thing, putting, what you have been doing, pressure on those who are tripping over themselves in congress and senate to please this less than committed President, who has no clue as how to govern, only to render as experience, "community service", and a couple of years in the Senate, where he clocked in from time to time and voted "present" as to not be committed to anything specific. This country is in trouble and it is up to all of us to resolve, hopefully without violence, the danger our wonderful country finds herself in. This is no time for Macho, look at how tough I am with my gun and bullets, bit. If we really are committed and dedicated to recovering from this very serious period and stay focused as we regroup, and take the bits of information that is factual, true, and solid, analyze it, and together evaluate where we are at, then do what needs to be done, wherever that takes us. Nothing should ever be said on any open, unsecured links that would give a heads up to those we are engaged in disrupting and dismantling, but in a way that fails to cause a crisis to provide the cover and excuse to declare a National Security situation, that would only incarcerate many men, women and children, who disagree with a government that would deny all of us our Constitutional rights and freedoms. Patience, take note, our time will come and we will prevail, but not if we go off half cocked and do this wrong. Just remember, there are many, and I mean many, who are on the side of right and are committed to use the process that our constitution provided us, before any other means are considered. There is a plan, one of continuance of putting extreme pressure on our government representatives to do what they took an oath to do and that is protect and defend the constitution of these United States of America. Do not have a heavy heart my friends, trust that we will, and we will, prevail in the end. The good guys always win! Mfgjr

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My answer to Max, in response to my previous blog post "And it begins"

Of course Max, these are cuts, any way you look at it, be you democrat, republican, or independent, when you do not increase these programs, they amount to cuts. It get worse my friend, these young whippersnappers will have to pony up, they just don't really understand how much. They will never be able to repay what is already owed to the government, after they squandered hundreds of billions of our hard earned dollars, on self agenda programs of their own, that rarely help the country as a whole. This country, this wonderful and exciting country is being raped of it's values, recourses, and drive to discover. I watched FOX this morning, as I always do, and the young "whippersnappers" they interviewed demonstrated that the light came on up stairs (in the head) and the darkness they have been led into was illuminated, even for just a moment, and most "saw the light!" These "whippersnappers" all were expressing their displeasure with the healthcare bill, the fact that they will almost surely not benefit from Social Security, which they are required to pay into, Medicare, which they are required to pay into, and their bright moment that allowed them to realize that the system and government they most likely voted into office, to include the president, have betrayed them, lied to them, and now preparing to indoctrinate them into a three month basic training boot camp, to raise a civilian Para-military, 1,000,000 man/woman force (between the ages of 18 - 24) to be at their (the government's) bidding. They wanted change, they demanded change, they begged for change, and now that it is at hand, they are having this moment of brain freeze, shocking them into realizing that the change that they so eagerly sought, is not what they expected, or even wanted. Too late, to cry over spilt milk, but never to late to recover from their self induced shock and remember when they return to the voting booth in 2010 and 2012, that it is not all that bad to be a conservative, independent or republican, not even a conservative democrat! But one thing is for sure, none of us can afford to ignore the fact that the pressure we, and I say we that includes those young whippersnappers, and us, the geriatric generation who really does not have a strong desire to have discussions with government sponsored goons to give my choices of how or when to die. You ask where the geriatric crowd is now, well, speaking only as one of them, not for all of them, I am now and have always been a dedicated, more than likely a little too vocal, conservative republican. A proud one at that. I have never given in to the deceit and lies of the liberal democrats and now the liberal, Socialists, Marxists, and yes, even Communists appointed Czars that our President Obama has surrounded himself to give America the promised changes, changes he openly declared before the eager followers of this young, smiling very evil man, who now is the leader of the "Free World" and has access to our most precious secrets, gathered and reported to him by the intelligence agencies that he hates so much, and is having his Attorney General's office investigate those heroes that saved more attacks on this country, that would surely have killed thousands more innocent Americans. As someone who served in the intelligence community (U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command) providing special intelligence to the various agencies (CIA, NSA, DIA, and others, along with "Eyes Only" classified information for the President to see and take action on. And now it is learned that President Obama will be forming a panel or group to oversee the interrogations by our intelligence agencies. I could go on, but it will only inflame an already volatile situation that is fast exploding out of control. Soon the voices of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and others who want to get out the truth will be silenced, along with television stations that are not demonstrating that they are following the party line, feeding approved propaganda that will feed the minds of our American population. Their intent will be to have America hear only one voice, and nothing that apposes their agenda or views. Sound familiar, well, get used to it. The geriatric generation you mentioned are and were the first to speak out against the policies being pumped out at record speed with no allowances to read the bills, to review them with both parties present, but instead are put together behind closed doors, by those appointed Czars, then given to the congress and senate to quickly put to a vote and get it signed so that the unread, and without discussion or debate bill, is passed and signed so that America has no chance to understand that there is a systematic restructuring of these United States of America. You think I am just rambling, well in part you are correct, after all, as a geriatric old fart, that is what I am supposed to do, just ramble, while our new government determines just how I will be put down. LOL! mfgjr (By the way, I am a 100% disabled decorated Vet (Viet Nam era) with two Bronze Stars, a number of combat Air Medals, Purple Heart, three Meritorious Service medals, and one of the few decorated by the Viet Nam Government for heroism by presentation of the Vietnam Cross Of Gallantry w/Silver Star, and three Army Commendation Medals to round off the major decorations. I tell you this to let you know, I am decorated, but not nearly as decorated as so many others, and I am alive. But this new government, one I'll never get used too, is intent on finding ways to eliminate our lack of usefulness to the "State" now that we, along with so many other wonderful old Vets, from all the wars are no longer of any use (in their minds), unable to be productive, just to take our retirement checks, Social Security and Medicare benefits. It is time for us, in their minds, to just "die". Now ain't that a kick in the A.., and for what? What the hell have we done to our country, how did we allow this to happen? how are we going to fix it? God help us, and God bless us all, and God bless America!) (This is my short answer to your response).

Monday, August 24, 2009

And it begins "No increase in Social Security or Medicare and an increase in the cost for Medicare"

Above is a photograph of my son, who inherits this administrations debts, he will more than likely never receive Social Security or Medicare, if this keeps up. Pray for our children....

Well, for those who had doubts, it has just been announced that there will be no increase in Social Security or Medicare for the next two years (at least) and that the cost for Medicare will increase. Of course this amounts to a decrease in both. As we in the geriatrics generation and retired become more and more dependant on Social Security and Medicare, we will have less of it to count on. Promises made to us as we contributed, in my case and my wife's case, for over 45 years each, the checks we depend on to live will no longer be one we can count on to increase as "cost of living" in the future. I understand that it was never intended to replace retirement plans or responsibility, but as inflation, loss of retirement income depended on in IRA's, etc., have been raped by the corrupt banking and congressional industries, leaving us with few places to turn to maintain any standard of living. This includes the devaluation of our house, which we make payments on for what the value was prior to the implosion of the banking industry and home loan associations. The beginning of the end of a prosperous nation is nearing and it will be up to "We the people" to turn this around and save this country from the socialization of America. More and more signs of a congress and presidential administration loaded with 40+ Czars, who include known Communists and Socialists, are out of control and intent on the destruction of America, our Republic, and the conservative values and determination that made this country great. President Barack H Obama promised the change he is giving us, so we cannot say that he did not warn the American people in advance of his election. "We the People" voted him in anyway, praising the promised change, glorifying "The One" as the savior and only chance for America. Now I know not all of us voted for him or his values, but enough American did and now we all pay the price. And still, after all the evidence presented, with still more to come, he is seen as the only hope for America, "The One" who is to be glorified as if he were a "God", which in it's self, to me is more than a sin, it is blind and deliberate. He has a following that only sees and hears what they want, and they want their great leader to continue on the path he has laid before them, and all of us. The difference is that we, and I mean independents and conservatives, can see through his bull and will vote to replace the corrupt and criminal congress and senate, along with their president, and with luck, replace him as well in 2012. But, the big question is, will it be in time, will "We the People" be enough and in time. We must not let this time pass with complacency, and I know that many of us are doing all we can, but we must continue, not matter what road blocks are placed in our path, and I suspect that the obstacles will be more than we ever anticipated on. We need to just assume that the road blocks will be plentiful and sizable, never allowing either to obstruct our determination to charge on and do what we can to return America to the great and wonderful, free Republic she was, squashing the socialist agendas of our democratic congress and presidency. The challenge is substantial and may be more difficult than I anticipate, but if so, I know that I will be motivated to continue my crusade to recover from the damage induced by "The One" with the magic smile that entrances those who observe it, so turn your head, do not look into the deceptive smile that captures ones soul. This man is evil, he, along with the leadership of our current congress and senate, are evil, like never before witnessed in America. God help us if we fail, and failure is not an option, failure is something that must be looked at as a defeat that will translate into the death of America as we have always known her, and that is something that none of us will allow, my trust and faith in the American people is as strong as my faith in my God interceding to crush the very ample adversary I refer to as "The One" who sees himself as a "God", and we Christians all know that there is only one God, and God is far more powerful than "The One" who does not understand the nature or strength of prayer or faith. God blessed this country, and I feel deeply that his blessings were not given lightly, those blessings will continue, eliminating anyone, and I mean anyone who attempts to "change" God's blessings to his chosen country. So, his ear will be listening for our prayers, and we know he always answers prayers made reinforced with faith, true belief that those blessings will be restored. I believe this is and has been his greatest test for those of us who are true Christians, who understand why tests are needed to remind us all of what a wonderful and great gift he gave us when he brought our forefathers to this land, to develop and enjoy his blessings. God bless America and God bless us all, and pray for a wonderful return to our America! I have spoken, and feel better for it. Thank all of you for hearing me and more important knowing that God hears us all. "Remember, God helps those who help themselves" So, vote, continue to address our grievances to our representatives! Mfgjr

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Seperation of Church and State (my Opinion only)

It is my humble opinion only, as I am not a constitutional scholar, that when President Obama reached out the church leaders to illicit their congregations to support his health bill, he really crossed the line and violated the oath of office when he swore to defend and uphold the constitution of the united states, which includes honoring "Separation of Church and State". Had a conservative reached out in such a way, they would have been crucified, and Obama walks with out a whimper from anyone sworn to defend and uphold the constitution! It is just wrong, it is always wrong and always will be. He should be impeached and I don't understand why he has not been called on this.

What President Obama did violates the 1st amendment where as it applies to the "Separation of Church and State. It is clear and solid, and means nothing to the President who took an oath to "protect the Constitution of the United States". Why, please tell me why he is exempt from the very oath he took, and why he is not impeached for violating the very oath he took, when he was sworn in as President of these Untied States, which he is trying so desperately to "change" into a Socialist Country or State?
In Everson v Board (330 US 1 [1947]), the Court put the final touch on the incorporation of religious liberty as applies to the states, though in a roundabout way. Arch Everson brought a suit against the Ewing, New Jersey schools for authorizing payments to parents of students attending parochial schools for use of the public bus system to transport the student to school. Everson contended that such payments to parents of parochial school students unconstitutionally funded religion with public funds. The law in question did prohibit the disbursement of funds to any parent who sent their child to a private school that was run for-profit.The Court disagreed, in a close 5-4 vote, with Everson. In doing so, however, it wrote some powerful statements concerning the 1st Amendment:
The last sentences of what the court wrote that are specific in what I have been trying to get across relative to the Separation between Church and State of the statements concerning the 1st Amendment
"Neither a state nor the Federal Government can, openly or secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups and vice versa. In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect 'a wall of separation between Church and State."
For those who fail to understand that I offer the above as someone who is not a scholar of the constitution, but only interested in making a point.

I am definitely not a constitutional scholar, it is not my opinion, but the opinion of the Supreme Court that I quote, I only draw attention to the opinion as written. and according to the Supreme Court, not me, it was written as follows: "Neither a state nor the Federal Government can, openly or secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups and vice versa. In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect 'a wall of separation between Church and State."

Now this does not mean I agree or disagree, I am only quoting what was written by the judges of the Supreme Court, in 1947, in Evrson V Board (330 US 1 [1947]). By asking church leaders to ask their congregations to support a specific bill, is in my humble opinion, in violation of what was written by the court judges, not me, so if you have a beef, please take it up with the Supreme Court and not me.
If I am not interpreting the decisions of the Supreme Court Judges, than remember, it is my humble opinion, not by any means the law or the facts, with the exception of it is the facts as I see them. If you disagree, so be it. I just do not feel that the President nor any office of the federal government should dictate to any church or religion, what they should or should not support relative to his bills. Thanks for your input, and I respect your views and thoughts.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


This is a copy paste version that I received from a Navy retiree.
I am one of the guys that supported a lawsuit that Bud Day filed > against the government when they failed to give us free medical as > promised. It affected everyone who joined the military prior to a date > that I think was in 1957. It took us a number of years to finally got up > to the District Court in Washington DC . Prior to the date mentioned above > everyone was told that if you stayed in and retired that you would receive > free medical for life. All the lower courts agreed that we were right, but > that they couldn't rule against the Federal Government. When we met a 3 > man court of the Washington DC Federal Court, and we won! The government > waited until the last possible day and appealed the decision. In the > meantime, Congress saw a problem coming and started working on Tricare for > Life. We were talking about converting to Class Action, which would have > covered all the WW2 retirees which would have allowed reimbursement of up > to $10,000 per individual for damages. (payments that we had paid for > insurance or other items concerning our medical) This would have been a > monster for the government if we won the Governments appeal. Congress went > to full speed ahead and the result was Tricare for Life.>> I anticipate that you will see a new Lawsuit if they try to take our > free medical for life away from us.. The previous decision should still > hold up. If not, there is enough of that would support a new lawsuit to > keep the individual cost low. This time we should sue under Class Action. > That would get their attention due to the previous court ruling.>> We need to spread this additional information along with the > following message.>> Archie Lorentzen Lt Col USAF Ret.>>>>>> FYI: Please pass this along. This came from the Indianapolis Military > Officers Associations MOAA this morning.>> Good Evening, Everyone ->> I just received this from Paul Bossert, with a request that I forward > it to all military retirees that I know. Well this mailing will get to > about 120 or so, and you can certainly send it around, too, as well as > writing to both Sens. Lugar and Bayh, and your Representative - more than > once each. This seemingly constant attempt to 'save money' by penalizing > the military is getting a little old. I went to the CBO site cited in Bob > Clements' letter, and he's right on; it's Option 92.>> Subject: Tricare for Life --- Very Scary!> From the Special Operations Association.>> Gents: TriCare for Life may be in trouble.>> To: All Military Retirees:>> This is a "Heads Up" on a battle we are facing now and down the road > with the new Administration. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has > already drafted proposed legislation that would basically reduce our > TRICARE for Life benefits to a system whereby we pay deductibles and > co-pays up to $6,301 the first year for you and your spouse, with future > years being indexed to increase with inflation.>> What can we do? The article below, obtained from an Air Force > Association and written by BG Bob Clements, best describes what we can do. > Please read it and check the links for CBO language and do what Bob says - > Send this email to every Military Retiree you know and write and email > your Congressman often. For those of you that might have voted for > "Change", you should do it more than often!>> TRICARE FOR LIFE'S FUTURE....>> TRICARE For Life was instituted to correct the broken promise that > military retirees would receive free healthcare coverage for life and it > covers the Medicare co-pay. Now a heavy assault has begun on > Veterans'/Retirees' benefits to pay for other programs our President > promised during the campaign. And it is a high priority of his > administration. The one item of most interest to Retired Military is in > Article 189. If approved by Congress the first assault wave would hit in > 2011 and would hit hard. It would initiate cost sharing to require > retirees to pay the first $525 of medical cost and 50% of the next $4,725 > for a first year cost of $2,888 per person. It would be indexed to > increase with inflation. A reason given for this action (for PR effect) is > "overuse" by Retirees.>>> For those of you who are covered by TFL you will want to pay > attention (Below) to what BG Bob Clements has surfaced about the future of > TFL. In any case, on page 189 of the Congressional Budget Office report, > see the note below on how to get to that spot, there is a strong > recommendation to eventually eliminate the program as it is too expensive. > Just another move to slight those of us who dedicated much of our adult > lives to the defense of our country. Strongly recommend that you contact > your elected officials and register your strong opposition to the > elimination of the TFL program.>> Heads-up from BG Bob Clements,USAF Ret(P38 Bob) The following has > been added to the Congressional Budget Office Web Site>> a. Budget, Options, Volume 1: Health Care > (> 1. click on PDF> 2. do a search for TFL>> Now here it is folks and I will guarantee if you sit around on your > behind and do nothing about it as they bring these options forward this > coming year, you will lose one of the best healthcare benefits that the > Medicare eligible retired military have. It is short of the promises made > that we fought so hard for back in the late 90s and early 2000s but it is > still the best healthcare program that anyone in the United States has, > bar none. People who are professionals always look for the channel of > least resistance when it comes to cutting money out of the Federal and DOD > budget. I can tell you this straight on, military retirees are one of > those channels of least resistance noted for sitting around, doing > nothing, and waiting for ole Joe to do it for them. You had better wake > up. Your medical benefits are prime target. If you lose them, you have > nobody to blame but yourself. Let me repeat that .... you have nobody to > blame but yourself.>>> The way to secure your benefits is to write to your members of > Congress and to keep writing and writing and writing. ONCE IS NOT ENOUGH!!>>> Keep repeating the above statement until you are blue in the face. > Now I'm going to make one more statement to all of you younger people out > there who are not yet eligible for TRICARE for Life. HEALTH CARE WILL > EVENTUALLY BECOME THE DOMINATING FACTOR IN YOUR LIFE. Remember that . . . > . it will impact you big time with the utmost in cruelty unless you are > fortunate enough to die from a heart attack or get run over by a truck. > The service organizations will put up a fight, but, they will need your > help and can't do it by themselves. I hope this makes it clear as to what > you can expect if you do nothing.>>> To show you how stupid these professionals can be at times just read > the data on the noted sites closely. You will see that in spite of the > MTFs (Military Treatment Facility) need to get patients back to keep their > doctors busy and the hospitals from going to clinic status, these people > from OMB would employ a means to keep retirees from using MTF facilities > by charging them a fee for services. How dumb can you get?>> Even if you are an Obama fan, and believe that changeth cometh, TFL > option from OMB will not go away. They need the money they spend on you > for other programs for people who produce nothing but votes to keep their > boss in office. If you know of anyone who is Retired Military, please > forward this on to them.>>> Remember- TFL is an "Earned Benefit" that's been granted by a > previous Congress.

Be careful for what you ask, the country voted for and got, President Obama! Little time to rethink what damage those who voted for this man is currently doing to this country. Mfgjr

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We just want good health care, all of us.

I can fully understand what Rep. Tom Price is talking about when he lashed out against government intervention of healthcare. Last year when after many requests for help from the VA to perform back surgery that I needed so very badly, I was provided a document from a "PA" who worked in the Orthopedic Surgeon's office, providing authorization for the lumbar back surgery so badly needed. After compiling all my medical history records from the VA, and having it sent to the Atlanta Brain and Spine Care - Resource Center I did not have the response hoped for. Now I will admit that It was my choice, and the VA assured the physician I would chose to perform the surgery that all costs would be paid by the VA. The problem was, the "PA" placed so many restrictions on what could be done, or not done, and that if they deviation from any of the instructions would result in the physician not be paid and as a result of that response, my requests to see any of the physicians was denied by the center. I later was advised, by my Neurological clinic to make an appointment using Medicare and TriCare for Life insurance plans, and see if they might accept those to at least take a look at you. Well, I followed the advice given and made an appointment with one of the surgeons. I was examined, with appropriate tests being done to determine what needed to be done relative to my surgery, and the surgery was accomplished by a young physician, who expressed his concerns about the potential end results prior to the surgery, making no promises, but did assure me that he would make every effort to get it done, and done in a way that I would be relieved of the tremendous pain, and maybe even walk again without the use of my power chair, or a walker. After that, and a year later a much needed repair of a prosthetic placed in my right hip about 10 years ago, I again requested the work on my hip, I could not get done at the VA, to be looked at, and consideration to repair and replace the prosthetic that had fallen a part, creating incredible pain, which I could no longer tolerate. My Neurological Clinic recommended I go to Resurgens Orthopaedics, Georgia's largest orthopaedic practice, and see if they would take care of my repair work that would be a risky and difficult surgery. I did and a wonderful doctor, who unless I have his permission, will defer using his name at this time. Bottom line, The good doctor, after hours in surgery, started the repair work needed, and resulted in a second surgery to complete the work. The point being, because I had two insurance companies, Medicare and TriCare for Life, (TriCare is insurance provided to the military and their dependants are covered after paying a very fair premium.) But one of the points I wanted to get across is that the VA (government ran) tried to dictate to the doctors what and how the surgeries should be done, and if they did not follow to the letter their directives, they would not be paid. You can easily understand why doctors are reluctant to accept requests from the VA to pick up some of their overflow of surgeries, when as physicians, the doctors receiving the directives in the requests for doing the surgeries result in few of them being done. In my case, both my back and hip had a lot of complications that required the surgeons to deviate from the instructions given by the VA. Government should stay out of the health care business, and leave that up to the medical professionals who know they must have the freedom to determine what needs to be done to have a successful surgery. By the way, my back and hip surgeries were tremendous success stories. My horrible back pain is almost gone, and my hip pain is diminishing at a rate I can not complain about.

Friday, August 14, 2009

We The People will be heard, loud and clear.

It appears from every bit of evidence shown over the past two days that Congress and the White House are very nervous over what they have witnessed relative to the massive turn outs of "We the People". And, even though intimidation tactics were clearly used by those who appose "Old Joe" and the geriatric generation, with their walkers, power chairs, and walking sticks, who according to the Leaders in Congress and the White House, are horrendous threats to the organized, and information filled meetings. Even Acorn (Who were bussed in as an organized group) to interfere with the "Old Folks" during the townhouse meetings had little effect on disrupting the "Mobs" and "Tough Guys and Gals", armed with their walkers, and canes, which in the eye of the White House, appears to be lethal weapons, intended to inflict bodily harm to the peaceful and well behaved, and well organized, bussed in teamsters, who had no disruptive agendas, but were there to attend the town hall meetings, giving their perspective on the why the government should manage the entire health care plan now on the table. But, and there is always a "But", the buses that transported in the peaceful thugs from "Acorn" were late arriving to the pre scheduled meeting, could not get in as, only 200 were allowed in, as the facility was small. It was clear the very warmhearted and gentle, and surely peaceful Acorn thugs would have to remain outside the town house meeting, with hundreds if not more cruel, mean and intimidating geriatric crowed, with their lethal weapons (walkers and canes), fearing for their very lives, as they stood on opposite sides of the street, facing each other, the older generation angry and loud, causing horrible fear in the hearts of the peaceful younger generation, who only brought love and joy to those demonstrating outside the town house meeting, where senators and congress men and women were being verbally abused and yelled at while those wild and uncontrolled conservatives asked their important questions that would affect the rest of their lives, to one congress woman, name is not important, no more than she is, as she talked on the phone, ignoring the ruthless lady asking the questions. I think today's term is: "Dissing" the lady asking the questions. Well, no matter what is said or written about the wonderful people making it not only to the meetings, but actually made it inside to address the important issues of the day, "Health care" and what it means to America today, we should all applaud them for doing what we did not (if that is the case) I am afraid that I am guilty and failed to manage to gather my broken body and attend one of the meetings near by, although there were none in Georgia, I know I should have made it to support those who made it into a town hall meeting in any neighboring state. The importance of making it to these meeting and giving our support to those who have been selected to gain entrance, or just got there early and got into anyone of the meetings. Watching the news proves that the Liberal media are truly against the conservatives, centrists, moderates, any one, no matter what their politics are, as long as they are not for the political devastation about to be rammed through congress and hurriedly signed by a President near panic, and America will be broke, in debt for all eternity, never able to repay what this President will do to this country, and not even caring that his politics will be the destruction of the greatest nation on earth. He, and a Democratic Congress and Senate will bring down the country that was the hope for every other country in the world. Instead of apologizing, to the world, and pushing congress to pass bills that will create endless debt that will have no end, should be fixing what is broke, like Medicare, Medicaid, and a number of over priced projects, personal agendas from state to state. He should be repairing the damage of his own political agendas that clearly are socialist and heavily leaning towards the destruction of our "We the People's" conservative values, and an America that will soon become only a memory to most of us, who if their health care bill is passed, will be to old to count, and will just be placed on a conveyor belt that takes our old bodies to the old body disposal dump. Get ready, get ready to give up, or get up and say no, nor more of this crap and in 2010 and 2012 vote those leeches out of office and elect people with our conservative values, elect people who care about not only America, but the system that has brought us a long way, taking us too a new height of admiration by those countries and people that know what America is, and what she has been. We can and will pull our way back to the place in history that we were, the legend that the world recalls as America being the "Savior" for so many who were unable to make it without the help of this great country. Thank God that this generation still has a passion for America that still has a flame, a flame that will ignite and cause the revolution (peaceful revolution) that will return America to her greatness, and place in the world. Just remember, violence will only result in more violence. The objective we all should share in our hearts and carry on our shoulders is one that is made of peace, of quiet determination to never allow the Obama's of the world ever to reach the height of Presidency again, not because he is black, but because he is evil, a socialist who is driven to socialize America. "We the People", will not now, not ever allow that to happen. With his powerful and exquisite speaking ability, the good he could have brought to the White House is unlimited, but the evil road he has chosen eliminates all chances of any good coming out of his Presidency without intervention by "We the People" who must let this President know that his way is not what is healthy good for this nation. He still has a chance to hear the voice of America and understand that he can bring good to America, but should he choose not, than he will be met with the realization of what an America is when the conservative values are interfered with, and he might just then understand to be great, he must listen to the voices that carries in the wind, all the power of the American calling, those voices that will haunt him in the near future should he not listen to a nation in distress, who depends on him to make good, solid decisions, for this country ant ensures that she remains a democracy, a republic, not the socialist road he is taking, and with joy leading us down to allow him to take us to a place we do not want to be. So, my fellow Americans, let' not go there, let's not even think about what it might be like. Let's just remind President Barack Obama along with the congress, both the house and senate, that we can and will vote all of them out of office if they do not listen to the voices of America, hear the cries of those who are saying "NO" to the incredible health care bill that will bankrupt this country. It's time to wake up America, wake the sleeping giant and let it roar, loud and long, long enough so that all those in congress, and the President, will hear the voice of reason, and not vote for bills that "We the People" do not want! Amen..............Mfgjr

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Gone" Barack Obama

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Friday, August 7, 2009

The Gift

Change Your Thinking

It will take just 37 seconds to read this and change your thinking..

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.. Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene. One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band - he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Days, weeks and months passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.0A Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside.He strained to slowly turn to look out the window besides the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, 'Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.' Epilogue: There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy. 'Today is a gift, that is why it is called
"The Present" .'

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A young man, many years ago, who loves his country

I am a 100% disabled veteran who retired in 1983. I come from a family who gave over 137 years of active duty service. My dad served 33 years Army, then the Army Air Corps, then last of his long and decorated career, in the Air force (Passed away in 2007, buried at Arlington National Cemetery) by brother Mike, served 26 years in Army Intelligence, first ASA, then later the U. S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), after a long decorated career, he was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, in 2001). My Brother Maurice, the only one to serve outside the Army, but in the Navy, a long and decorated career, and retired a number of years ago. I have another brother who served a long and decorated career in INSCOM) prior to his retirement, but continued to serve in the same field as a civilian! And last but not least, my son, who served a long and very decorated career in (INSCOM), took part of the action in Somalia, known as "Black Hawk Down). After getting out, he spent many years in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi and now places in that region that I am unable to provide. So, as you see, with my 22+ years in first ASA, which later became INSCOM, I had a long and very decorated career, which included the Purple Heart, Two Bronze Stars, one with a V device for Heroism, the Air medal received a number of times, along with three Meritorious Service Medals, and a number of other decorations that, along with all of my families military decorations, mean a great deal to me, as they provide evidence of a family of well, very well decorated soldiers, who loved and served their country. I served from 1963 - 1983, receiving my purple heart in Viet Nam, at a small RVN LZ or post, during the Tet offensive, blocking the NVA from retreating from HUE. I was in the 3rd Bde, of the 1st Air Mobile Cav Division. To say I am proud of my service, or the service of any of my family would be words that would fade away as there could never be enough words to express the pride I have for serving, knowing my whole family (All the Gregory men volunteered to serve, and did, while one of my sisters served in the National Guard out of Portland Organ. My dad cried at his retirement, my brother and I both cried at our retirements, and I would have to guess, but believe all the Gregory men shed tears when they said fair well to active duty service (But we all continued to serve after we left active military service. I know this was just for a comment, but I could not leave out my family's service, as we all gave a little of ourselves because of the love we have for our country. I continue to pray for my son, who I can not speak of at the moment. My brother Marshall, and my Brother Mike both served either under me, or with me. One in Africa, and the other in Germany. My son, served in the shadows of us all, giving what he had, and what he had was very special, and I, with so much to tell, must come to an end. I wish you all good luck, and to those in the 7th Cav, "Gary Owen"!, I will not forget A Shau Valley, Camp Evans, Dak To, Khe Sanh, Hue, PleiKu, Chu Lai, and Cam Ranh Bay (Where I landed and took my 3 day jungle Training, before joining my Bde, up North. But each of those cities named had very special places, as did the LZ's, some mentioned and some not. What amazed me most is that out of 360 days, I spent all but 8 days in the field, as they say, or in the jungle might be more meaningful. 5 day's RR to Hawaii, where I spent every moment with my young wife, then back to Viet Nam. The only other time I spend out of the field was Da Nang, where I woke up after sleeping for three days when I passed out at PK-17, after not sleeping for days. This is where I was wounded, my first day there, on 3 Feb, 1968, it was Tet, my Tet was just outside Hue, in a small ARVN LZ or post, where many died, many wounded, many fought for what we all believed in, an America we loved, an America we wanted to return too and feel that we were appreciated for what we were doing and did. An America who loved us as much as we loved her. It was an interesting view each of us had of our America. God Bless America, and all those who know what it is to be a citizen of this great country, no matter who leads her, she always makes it back, always returns to what she is, great, powerful, a little magic in her. God bless all the souls who have giving the ultimate price, observed others make that sacrifice, and those who just cared about being an American! God Bless us all! Mfgjr