Friday, July 31, 2009

Fixing Whats Broke!

Let me start by letting you know that I am a Viet Nam Vet, now 100% disabled Vet, filled with the desire to work on fixing what is broke, and the only way I have is to speak out. My voice still works as does my brain (at least some of it according to my wife). But as a Viet Nam Vet, I have heard the rumors relative to reducing benefits, taxing health care for veterans (Tri-Care) and I am concerned for obvious reasons. So, I think about things like Social Security, Medicare, and programs that I, along with millions of Americans paid into for most of their lives, if they are my age, which is in the mid 60's. I keep hearing about those in congress and the White House telling us that although we have no money, they want to create programs that will smother us. What is wrong with our elected leaders in Congress, in the Senate, and in the White House. Why can they not see that we should concentrate on fixing whats broke before we spend more of what we don't have, it's called money. Where is the leadership on this, who is making the decisions, who is really the "boss" of we have one at all. Would it not make more sense for our government to fix what they broke, by over spending in the past. Social Security is something Americans paid for as they worked all their life, and so they paid for medicare as well. Our government took that money and spent it on other programs, depleting the funds Americans paid for by having money taken out of their pay checks to pay for a promise made by our government when they started the programs. As you know, they kept on taking money from programs we, the people, paid into, knowing in their hearts their government would not take their money and blow it on programs to protect their seats in congress, both the House and Senate, yes, even the President. Now, knowing that they have raped Social Security, and Medicare, they now want to create something called "Universal Health Care" another program that will require congress to deplete what is left in our current programs. Why would we want congress to make promises knowing that there is no money to fund it, so let's just bankrupt all the promised programs, that did not come in by taxes, but money we contributed to programs that we, as American citizens, trusted our government to protect, and ensure that all Americans that paid into them would receive the benefits of those programs promised. But, as we all know, when they want to create more programs, they just take money from wherever they can, reducing what the programs in place have to offer, and here we are, and for what, a government who only knows how to take, take and take, the giving are the American citizens ("We the People"), and we the people better know what to do come 2010 and 2012. Let's stop electing likable candidates, unless they have the background and moral ethics to be who we want them to be, our representatives, legislating what "We the People" want, not what the elected officials decide they want for their private agendas and projects. Keep their fingers out of the programs they are breaking, fix them first before they legislate one more program, outside National Defense. We need smart legislators, not corrupt elected officials without ethics or moral fiber. God help us if we can not, or will not study our next candidates to be elected by "We the People" to govern this nation. We must be smarter, much smarter when we choose those who we entrust with the money we voluntarily give to our government, that we trust to spend wisely, and in good faith we hand them our money to ensure programs promised to those citizens "We the People" are maintained and healthy, not stealing from it, without our involvement to fund their private agendas in their States where their seats in Congress House and Senate, are in danger, by some honest politician, if there is one, who will challenge the dishonest elected official, using the money "We the People" have voluntarily handed over to our government that we trusted to spend it wisely, with care, knowing how hard we worked for each dollar we gave, took out of our paycheck, out of our pockets, out of our family's food money, medical insurance money (for their health), money to cloth our children, money for the family transportation, money we use to give to our churches so that they may feed the needy, yes, we voluntarily handed this money over to our government, to spend on programs that over the years our government promised would be their for us, "We the People" who are now tired, less able to work and further provide much more, voluntarily to our government, that we trust so much. Would it not make more sense to fix that which is broken and promised to "We the People" first, prior to giving it away to others who have never provided a single penny to build these programs, but still benefit from them because "We the people" voluntarily gave until they could give no longer give. No one ask us if they could use the money for their pet projects and personal agendas, but they did. Wonderful, we can count on our government to take what is left to fund what was promised to we "old" folks, and give it away, or take it to spend on what ever they have in mind, without even once thinking about asking "We the People" for permission, or involve us in any use relative to their private state projects. They don't mind cutting important military programs while we are at war, diminish the intelligence community (something I know a little about, as I spent over 20 years in that field (United States Army Intelligence and Security Command) or better known as INSCOM. We better pray for better and smarter elected leaders in the future, before we run out of time. Mfgjr

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rescue America

I am intent on one thing as I grow older and find that in my retirement I still have a purpose in life. You know the old saying, Old soldiers never die, they just fade away. Well, I am not ready to fade away just yet. I am ready to make a difference in encouraging as many people (and old soldiers) think about what a huge mistake this nation made when it voted into office, and I mean the president of the united states of America, a progressive, a socialist, someone who wants to change the face of America forever. Now I have never considered race in my life as anything but a man of a different color or culture, etc. That mind set has not changed, nor do I think race should ever be considered when thinking about who we are electing into office to lead this country. What we should and better consider is what is their social thinking, where are they in their head when it comes to making decisions for the most powerful country in the world. How will the changes that he or she makes effect the culture and values of this great land for the four or eight years they are in office. Are they honest, do they reflect the conservative values of a nation born by a God who has blessed this nation with wonders that are evident from sea to shining sea, from the great mountains of the north, to the colorful deserts of the south. Blessed with treasures and resources that abound in almost every state, in every area of the country, that would allow America, if allowed, to almost be self dependant should it be necessary, or if we chose to do so. America is the most giving land in the world, but as she is deliberately made poorer, as is her population of ethnic groups that make up America, across her wonderful land, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It is of utmost importance that America is saved, returned to the conservative values that make her the great nation that she is. But each day America watches, on TV, hears it on the radio, on a daily basis, that she is being corrupted in both the House and Senate of our Congress, as well as the White House, and the administration that fills it's halls, and rooms. Changing America from a capitalist, democratic, republic that she was, to a progressive, socialist country she is becoming. Motivations or reasons for this phenomenon is really irrelevant at this point. It makes no difference as to the "Why?" or the "How?" did this happen, the impassability of this ever happening in America even being a question. It is happening, it is here, it is real, and it is not going to change unless we get involved and make changes take place, it's called using the most powerful weapon "We the People" have in our arsenal. It's called the "Vote", and if you don't think that is a powerful weapon, check out the way those currently holding seats in the House, Senate, and most of all, the White House, are reacting to those little things called "Tea Parties", and the prospect of this movement of the 9/12'ers taking hold, could actually make a difference, with massive changes the casual effect during the 2010 and 2012 elections, with the end result being a change in government, riding corrupt elected officials currently holding seats in the House and Senate, replacing them with dedicated, educated, motivated, and as important than anything said yet, patriotic, wonderful men and women who will repair the shredded documents called the "Constitution" and the "Declaration of Independence", reminding the nation that "We The People" and their "Vote" do count, and without a single violent act, the nation restored to what she was/is, a nation of patriots, who will never, under any circumstance allow this nation change from a Republic, into a Progressive, Socialist nation. It will be challenged due to the blind elections that caused this enormous challenge in the first place. The American people, no matter how hungry for change, the change was never change from freedom too Socialism. It will happen, the return to our America will happen (and when I say "our America" I mean without any reservations, "our" means, all Americans, no matter what culture or heritage makes up their person, all races, religions, political affiliation or patronage, and no matter what or who they are, that is what I mean by "Our America" should there be any question by those who are always suspicious and lack any trust in their fellow man/woman. I feel comfortable with who I am, and what motivates me to try and capture the attention of every American who cares about this great land, to remember that "We The People" can rescue our wonderful country from those who would change who she is, that just will not happen, "We The People" will just not allow that to happen. We will do what is necessary, we will Vote, and Vote we will, in 2010 and 2012. I have faith in my (our) America, and the wonderful people who make up the passions that make her the Greatest Nation On Earth! We want her back, and you can't have her! Once again, starting 2010, America will come alive again, and start to breath the breath of freedom, exposing the corrupt officials who will have lost their seats of power, riding them from our country's capital, replacing them with patriotic, mindful men and women who have learned before they enter their positions in the House and Senate, that the People put them their to "represent us" and we, the people, can remove them if they forget that they are not the power in this country, "We" are! So, remember to Vote next year, and know who you are voting for, research and study them before you enter the voting booth and cast the most important thin you will ever do, your vote! God bless America! God Bless every American who never forgets that America will allow every man and/or woman to achieve any goal they might want, they only have to earn it by educating themselves, and/or working hard at what ever choice in life you make. So, God bless you all. To those who would have changed this great land from a fee God loving nation, too a nation of robots, corrupted by the progressives and socialists that now hold the power in Washington. Their time is coming, try and sleep tonight those who are on the opposite side of who we are, sleep will be difficult, if it comes at all. We are coming, we are coming with our votes, and many of you will learn the power of the vote in the near future. To those who have abuse the entrusted their positions of representing their state, and the people who trusted them, be afraid, be very afraid, we really are coming, your time in Washington is almost over, election booths will be filled with the noise of change, real change, the kind that America really wants, a free nation of conservatives. To late to change if you hold a seat in the House and Senate, and yes, the White House! Get used to the idea of relocating, and better get a head start, this change you all wanted will be fast and furious. And then, We The People can sleep at night, without fear that we will wake up in a socialist country, it ain't going to happen! Don't you just love this great country of ours. We don't even have to fire a shot and we can change those who govern us. We the people are charged with the protection of our nation. So, come 2010, lets "Getter Done"! Thanks for allowing me to take up so much space on your web or link, I never really know what exactly it is, as I am not computer literate. God bless America, and God bless you all! Mfgjr

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Freedom is NOT Free

Washington Times Breaking News: Fired inspector general files lawsuit [vs. Obama]; Charges political motivation
Posted by Freedom is NOT Free on July 18, 2009 at 3:53pm
View Freedom is NOT Free's blog
By Stephen Dinan (Contact) Saturday, July 18, 2009The inspector general President Obama fired last month filed a lawsuit Friday to get his job back, claiming the firing was politically motivated and broke a 2008 law governing how watchdogs can be dismissed.Gerald Walpin, inspector general of the Corporation for National and Community Service, was removed June 10. In a letter telling Congress of his decision, Mr. Obama said he no longer had confidence in Mr. Walpin, but did not elaborate.Mr. Walpin says he was fired because he targeted an Obama supporter, Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, in a successful investigation that resulted in Mr. Johnson and an academy on which he formerly served as executive director repaying half the $847,000 it received in government grants.He also said in its haste to dump him, the administration never interviewed him or any of his staff - an omission Mr. Walpin said in his lawsuit violates a 2008 law meant to protect government watchdogs.The law requires that Congress be notified 30 days before an inspector general is dismissed, and Mr. Walpin contends that the administration has yet to meet the requirements for who should be notified and what reasons must be given.The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday evening.Mr. Walpin became inspector general for CNCS in 2007.Earlier this year Mr. Walpin issued reports that found that St. Hope Academy, founded by Mr. Johnson, had misused some of the nearly $850,000 in grant money it received from the federal AmeriCorps program. The academy has agreed to pay back about half the money.But his actions in the investigation were criticized by the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of California, Lawrence G. Brown, who said the inspector general was out of bounds in pushing his case against the mayor and hindered the prosecutor's own investigation.Days after the firing, a White House lawyer wrote a letter to a small group of senators explaining that Mr. Walpin at a May 20 meeting was "confused, disoriented, unable to answer questions and exhibited other behavior" that led the board of the corporation to question his ability to serve as inspector general.Though it's not part of the suit, Mr. Walpin's lawyers said in their legal brief that the case "raises serious questions of age discrimination" because of the accusations that Mr. Walpin, who is in his late 70s, seemed unable to function.The suit was filed in federal district court in Washington, D.C.Fired inspector general files lawsuit

Dedicated to my son Wayen Michael Gregory

Well, there is this fellow known only as Bob C in the 9/12 Project and he and I have different point of views. He is well intended, but we certainly look at America through different lenses.

This was my response to his last remarks to me: I thought it was important enough to include in my blog. So, here it is boys and girls:

Bob C.. I have read your responses and come to the conclusion that your view of America and mine will probably never meet. When I served in the intelligence community, and I don't have any problem in saying which ones I served with (Army Security Agency and United States Intelligence and Security Command, which both supported a host of agencies that would and did include the CIA, NSA, and DIA and classically others that I'll not mention. In working with these hero's of America I found that America truly misunderstands deeply just who and what these agencies do, and the sacrifices made by the men and women of these agencies. The people, the country, our wonderful Nation call America, was always what was the driving force behind the wonderful men and women who gave their lives, limbs, and at time their minds. I worked from the bottom to the highest levels and received awards for the changes in how some of the work was done. Always, never once, did I feel or hear or think that anyone I came in contact with did what they did for any reason other than preserving the gift of the American culture. My brother gave his life in defending those against the very ones now trashing our constitution and destroying the American way of life. My Brother (and I can't use his name) served with me, actually at the time, under me, in Ethiopia in East Africa, another brother served with me in Europe (I'll say no more about that, accept that he is still there and continues to work for this country, and his heart breaking the administration is destroying the intelligence community and cutting the defense budget on weapons that make the difference in combat. And then there is my son, my wonderful son, who I got into this business of gathering intelligence, analyzing it and ensuring that our president and certain members of congress receive this sensitive, very vital intelligence, knowing the potential that it may be placed in the hands that will leak it out to the press, as has been done in the past, by those seeking power and money rather than preserving the sensitive information, to be read by the president and certain members of congress, and to go not further, other than those with the need to know, in the military. All this is to remind you that we have wonderful people in our government and military, who give their lives, sacrifice their family life (my son has only seen his wife for a total of one year out of the six they have been married, because he knows his work is so vital, especially now, to preserve our nation as one that tries to rid the world of countries that are not democratic in nature, but it takes a host of various agencies and groups to turn things around. One thing I learned in one of my classes, in the advance intelligence course that my brother, now deceased, and I both went through, is that the hardest thing to change in people is "human behavior". It is a slow process and the Communists are masters at it because they have the patience to wait, out wait those of us who are trying to spread democracy rather than socialism, or communism. So, when I hear someone in our own groups stay on one theme of spewing progressive, socialist, communist and fascist ideas, it concerns me, as I watched this done in countries that I was working with patriots to change their views about their own countries, and lean more towards our beliefs. I know that there are many times that those in the business I was in for so many years, failed America and misused their place in time and abandoned the moral ethic that we all, or most of us at least, worked so hard against. I will continue to believe in America, the American people, and most important, our constitution and bill of rights. I fight to the end to defend against those who would shred either. Thanks Bob C for the time you took to answer what you felt compelled to do. It reminds me that America is made up of many different views and ethics, moral values and a process of thinking. That is what makes America great. I'll not argue with your thoughts Bob C, nor will I engage in debate with one who has a mind set as strong as mine. I'll not change who I am, nor do I think you will change who you are. I feel your intentions are honorable and well meant, but we do have a very different point of view of America, the agencies that protect her, and the parties that govern us. I do agree with you on the point of that if we do not change out the democrats, and some republicans, this nation is doomed to be a third world country, and that is something that as long as I have the breath in my body, I will fight against all who fail to see the good in America and try to introduce whatever bad they can find. This has been a real challenge for me to type out and will be my last attempt to explain who I am or where my thoughts were born. I am who I am, and I am proud to say I feel good about that. I pray that we can make the changes in congress and the White House in time, so I revert back to what I always say: Vote, Vote, Vote in 2010 and 2012 and rid congress of those we need to get out and vote in those who will serve America the best. I love this country, enough to give my life if need be, and I will eventually pass on, with only one hope, and that is that we won, we managed to inflict maximum pain to the democratic party and put people in congress that will do what they were elected to do, "The people's business" as so often is said in the halls of congress. I will never forget that it is "We the People" who those we elect answer to, so let's make them answer to us and vote them the heck out, and some good people in. Sorry for this lengthy post. Mfgjr

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Saxby Chambliss E-mail response...

Today I got a detailed (ready made) letter, addressing the questions I had for one of my Senators here in Georgia. I would like to share it with you, it is interesting and more detailed than I expected. So, here it is:
Dear Mr. and Mrs Gregory:
Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about health care reform. It is good to hear from you.As Congress and the Administration begin the debate on health care reform, all parties must commit to a full and thorough debate. With health care representing 17% of our nation's economy, both the House and Senate must devote the appropriate time and focus on this matter.In the Senate, the two Committees of jurisdiction continue to review possible legislation and committee amendments. I agree that it is important for Congress to address the issues; however, I will urge my colleagues to take our time and debate all of the issues and proposals so that the American people can follow and understand the development and discussion of the legislation.After committee action, the full Senate is expected to begin debate regarding comprehensive health care reform.
While we have yet to see the final language of a bill, there have been many ideas about the direction of heath care in our country that are currently being discussed.I do not believe that a health care overhaul bill should include a government run option to provide health coverage. Such an alternative would be able to charge much lower rates and would reimburse providers at a much lower level than private insurance plans and limit competition rather than fostering it. Overtime, this could well eliminate private insurance companies and drive all individuals to the government run option that would essentially become a single payer system. A health care system that is run by federal bureaucrats would allow the federal government to determine the coverage it feels is appropriate for you, choose the doctors that you see, and dictate the care that you receive.Along with a government option, I am also opposed to a mandate on small business to cover the costs of their employees under a "pay or play" system. During these difficult economic times, I do not believe we should be penalizing businesses who already cannot afford health care for their employees.Questions such as the expansion of a government run program, competition among providers and payers, and cost containment, among others, must be measured against maintaining the highest quality of care for our citizens.
For example, the number of uninsured Americans continues to rise along with the premiums and out-of-pocket expenses incurred by insured consumers. We in Congress need to address this problem by searching for effective ways to expand access to adequate, affordable medical care for all Americans in a fiscally responsible manner.It is my view that the majority in Congress and the Administration are moving too quickly with radical proposals that may or may not achieve the worthy objectives mentioned previously. A rush to legislative passage may limit access, lower quality, while increasing taxes and the nation's debt. Members of Congress have not been allowed the appropriate time to review aspects of a bill that is estimated to cost over $1.7 trillion and by some estimates could go even higher.
I do agree that our country is in need of health care reform. I am an original cosponsor of S. 1099, the "Patients' Choice Act," which was introduced on May 20, 2009, and was referred to the Committee on Finance. The legislation would make health care coverage accessible and affordable for all Americans through private insurance coverage, while also promoting prevention and wellness which can improve lives and lower long-term medical costs. S. 1099 would put individuals back in charge of their own health care by giving them a tax rebate, worth $2,300 for individuals and $5,700 for families, to be used for the purchase of health insurance. It also would also allow patients to comparison shop for their health care the same way that they do for all other products and services and allow them to maintain their coverage if they move or change jobs.
Individuals who are most vulnerable of being turned down due to preexisting conditions could not be denied coverage due to age or health.During the health care reform debate, I will monitor the initiatives with the view that health care reform should focus on keeping health decisions between doctors and patients, empowering and entrusting individuals with their health care savings and decisions, and promoting competition in all areas of health care. Americans are right to demand access to affordable health care. We will move closer to this goal as we see more promotion of the same innovation and competition in health care that we see in every other American industry.
I appreciate your comments on this important matter. I will keep your views in mind as my colleagues and I weigh the various legislative proposals before the Senate. As we move forward in the Senate, the state of the economy and the support of legislation that will enable the health care sector to improve are and will remain uppermost in my mind.
Senator Saxby Chambliss

Response to my email to my Senator

I received a response from Saxby Chambliss to emails filled with questions, and he has responded to each of my emails in as much detail as I could have hoped for. I have to give him credit, and his team who reads the emails and responds, as I asked very specific questions and he answered each and everyone of them. I returned his email with; "We The People" will be watching what happens and will respond accordingly. I must give him credit, he has always been an up front kind of Senator with me to date, and as long as he continues, he will continue to "earn" my vote and those of us down here in Georgia who appreciates good honest answers (we understand that there will always be some politics in our communications from him, as any politician, but that is to be expected unfortunately. I remember when he ran, as I supported him, I always reminded him that without our votes, he ain't going to Washington! He has kept his word on everything he has told us so far.

I continue to believe that not every man or woman who is a politician is corrupt. My brother-in-law would argue otherwise. Ron and his wife, are from England (his wife is my wife's, sister). He is all doom and gloom about politics, as I know some are here on the 9/12 Project. I have always been a bit more optimistic and would rather find the good in my fellow man rather than concede that every man or woman in congress are evil or corrupt villains, waiting to destroy everything good about America. I must admit that I do find that more and more in the Democratic Party, and it saddens me and my wife. We live in a culture that requires a lot of strength and faith in our beliefs relative to political bias and those who would see only the destruction rather than the building of our nation and political values. I will not be deterred by those who have their own agendas, and preach the negatives, rather than the positives about our great land and those we entrust to lead us. We vote them in, if they fail us, we vote them out. We have been doing that for a long time and it beats the alternatives, by a long, long way. So, suck it up fellow Americans, and remember what we are all about, for those of us who served our country in uniform, remember the oath we took, and it should not be taken lightly, but with the realization that a price was paid for our rights and for our continued rights, there will be continued prices to be paid. I say to those men and women who defend our way of life, thank you, thank those who paid the ultimate price, and thank all those who will follow in their footsteps to keep America free, and a nation of optimistic, God loving, patriotic, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and so on and so on. My flag hangs in front of my house, and when it is so worn we give it an appropriate ceremony, then replace it with a bright new one. We are a family that loves America, and are saddened by the progressives and socialists that hijacked this wonderful country, holding it's people hostage, as they shred the constitution. As this happens, I feel a growing grassroots movement that will change the complexion of congress, both the house and the senate, along with the White House, and by complexion, I in no way mean the color of one's skin, or their religion, or personal beliefs. I mean that the overwhelming complexion of congress at this time is Democratic (closer to progressives and socialists) and we just want to return it back to our Republic, filled with conservatives and Republicans.

So, in answer to your question back in the depths of your head, yes, the email I was responding to was from Saxby Chambliss. Sorry I got off on a tangent as usual, but I never have been able to not do that when my country's reputation is at stake. I'll repeat what I have repeated for weeks now, come 2010 and 2012, get out and vote, vote, get your relatives, friends, and neighbors to get out and vote, then get their relatives, friends,and neighbors to do the same, and so on and so on!!! To America, I say, do not give up, nor allow anyone, and I mean anyone to guide you away from what America is, a great and wonderful country, made that way by wonderful and great people, protected by outstanding and wonderful soldiers of all uniforms. Keep America great by your actions, not just your words.

God blessed this country and enriched her for reasons known only to him. But, I have faith that God will continue to look down on this nation of Christians and continue to bless her, bringing out the best of her. She is a great nation, a beautiful and powerful nation, one nation, under God. As we all are, one people, under God... What a wonderful nation this is and continues to be. We need to continue to believe in God, have faith in God, and pray that he will bless us once again, in spite of our weakness in values at the moment, we will come back, we will return and America will once again shine as the nation immigrants want to call home.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

In the photograph above, you will find my old friend Danny wood and his wife, closest to the writing, then to his right, my wife Val, to her right, it will be me, in my younger days, but days I recall very clearly as we in the Army Intelligence Community served with intensity that is unmatched today. Danny Wood and his wife remain close friends and we stay in contact with a way over due visit in the making (any excuse to make a trip down to Florida for a visit). Val and I were at our youthful best and recall those days to be our finest, and oh how we miss them.

As I reflect back on all my comments on the 9/12 project, I find that I am looking back on history in a way that I have not in many years. I provide the following as an example of why I say this:

In 1956, Nikita Khrushchev gave his famous speech addressing Western ambassadors at a reception at the Polish embassy in Moscow, where he made his famous remarks "we will bury you!" (actual quote reads: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will dig you in"). He later remarked in a speech in Yugoslavia, "I once said , "We will bury you, and I got in trouble with it. of course we will not bury you with a shovel, Your own working class will bury you." A reference to the Marxist saying, "The proletariat is the undertaker of capitalism"; a popular articulation of the materialist conception of history as the inevitable progression of class struggle towards communism. My memory is vague on the rest, but if I recall (I was rather young at the time, but the speeches are somewhat embedded in my mind) he further indicated how this would be accomplished, through our schools, churches, and government. Your are correct Bea Turner 3, we must get the progressive, socialist educators out of our schools, and our only hope is to reteach our children the meaning of being a free thinking and democratic country. Forget what arguments are presented here today, all we have to do is look at history, and the remarks made decades ago, by Nikita Khrushchev providing an insight to what he felt our future was going to be. Does anyone recall when he banged his shoe on the table in front of him, when he demonstrated his disdain for a capitalist, democratic society as this country enjoys. His predictions are close to being fulfilled, an I will continue to ask America not to waiver and bend to anything that would bring us to the level of those who agree with that dictator of long ago. Do what American do, vote out those who have brought us to this point, and vote good solid patriots, with strong ethics and demonstrated their devotion to our American values. I continue to support our Constitution and our democratic way of electing our leaders, and dethroning those who fail to meet our standards of high moral ethic and do it by our votes. That is the American way.

As young as I was, the memory of it all remains forever embedded in my brain. I pray that America wakes up and takes a hard long look at history, then at our schools, and then as important as anything I have said, a strong look at who we have in Washington, leading us in both houses and the White House! Then, after that long hard look, not just go on with our lives, but do something, what ever it takes to get all Americans to understand that if we do not grab hold of the moment, we will have lost an eternity, ...forever...we must not, can not fail. If anyone reading this fails to understand the importance of it's message, we have already failed.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Nancy Pelosi, the first step (Health Care For All)

I just can't sit and watch what is about to happen in our congress, in the congress filled with elected officials that are meant to represent each of us. We have the Speaker of the House leading a faithful few in meetings behind closed doors, writing bills that are not allowed to be read or debated fully, then asking the minority to cast their vote on a bill(s) that they have not been allowed to read, discuss the content fully, nor have a knowledgeable debate on a bill not fully vetted. How did we get here. How was America fooled and led blindly to elect progressive socialists who will shred the Constitution and destroy the American values as we once knew them. America must wake up and look in, as I do, on C-Span (both the house and senate) then it will be clear what needs to be done come 2010 and 2012, to repair the damage this dictatorial administration has done to the United States of America, once the most admired and respected country in the world, believed to be strong and the defender of American values and ideals all over the world. Now looked on as a weak and apologetic nation that bows to everyone who follows the world of progressive socialists. We can wait no longer, we must act and act now with letters, phone calls, Fax's, e-mails, and our voices, but most of all, our VOTES, in 2010 and 2012! If we miss our chance due to apathy, we have only our selves to blame, only our selves to look too as real failures for not being strong enough to do the right thing, Vote, write, call, e-mail, and fax those who represent us. No more apologising, no more conceding that we are a bad country that needs to change for the good of the world. America is good, she is the hope of the world, and we must support her now and from now on. I am trying to do my part, and still feel it is not enough. Are you doing anything, if you are I thank you and respect you for taking a stand, if not, all I can say is "Shame on you!d)

To the Gregory Family,

The following is what I just emailed to the Speaker of the house and plan on similar communications to elected Representatives in both the House and Senate. It is absolutely imperative that each of you do the same. Our future depends on it. You can either sit by, and hope that someone else will do what you should have done yourself, or take the initiative and do what you need to do as an involved American. Mom and Dad, whatever their political views were, they always got involved and took the initiative. Please do the same, what ever your political views are, do something, not just sit by and hope it that it all works out somehow. Love to you all, Milt and Val

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,

Although I am not currently a resident of California, I was born there and lived there many years. I was fortunate to have made a wise decision to leave California and retire in the great state of Georgia. I am asking you for just once, do what you promised when you took your oath, and be transparent when presenting the Bill for government or "Public" Health Care covering all Americans. (planning to push this through in three weeks without fully allowing the minority to review the full content of the bill, or have meaningful discussion or debate is not what I consider "Transparent" or fair to the American people.) The rest of my family lives in California, in your district. They are watching C-Span looking for fair and open debate on this topic. If it is not clear that this debate takes place, and the content of the bill is not presented to the American people so that they can have an educated opinion based on the content of that Bill, you can be sure their votes and the votes of their friends, will not be in your favor. You have no idea how upset America is with your policies of secret meetings excluding the minority, to push though a bill that is not vetted in a fair and bipartisan way. America wants reasonable Health Care for all, but not at the cost of destroying the economy of what was the greatest nation on earth. Being relegated to begging for money from China and other countries, when America used to be the country that others came to for help and assistance. Don't even considering blaming the last administration for what is now in your hands and your watch. Just for once, make the American people your priority and not your personal interests or agendas.

Than you for your time and attention to the above. I, along with millions of Americans will be watching, 2010 and 2012 will be important years, and the outcome of your leadership will have a major impact on the outcome of elections during those years.

Thank you,

Milt Gregory

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thomas Jefferson Quote from the 9/12 Project

To my fellow Conservatives, I found this on the 9/12 project and had to make sure it was shared with all of you. So, please take a moment and read it. The message is very strong and very important!

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds...[we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our miss-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers...."


The photograph of a young boy, sitting on a post, saluting under the American flag, was taken in Vienna Austria (note, the flag was added years later for effect). That young man is me at age four or five. Even then I appreciated what being a patriot was and meant. My father saw to it, bless his heart and soul, he made sure that each of his children loved the country they belonged too. It always amazes me that more fathers did not take the time to ensure that the next generation was prepared for what would be coming down the way. I recall his amazing insight and warning us kids how important it was to pay attention in school when it came to social studies and government. Little did my father know that in his later years, teaching in school would turn to brainwashing, teaching socialism, gently into the curriculum, and I observed it in my own children, especially the one that went to college. Both my sons were strong Conservatives, one joined the military (my oldest son, who followed my footsteps in military intelligence,) (while my youngest went to college and was slowly indoctrinated into being a pacifist, and then embracing socialist views.) My oldest served 16 years of active duty, then loosing faith with President Clinton, left the military to serve as a civilian contractor in the same field, more than that I can not go into. But you can be sure, he would not mind sitting on a post ans saluting the American flag. I am proud of both my sons, the youngest, passed away at the age of 36, from liver disease, following years of drinking at college, then later as a school teacher. He did not know he was dying until it was to late, and then his mother and I, along with his wife, watched him slowly pass, from something we all knew would destroy him. The sad thing is, we all were just ordinary people, with average IQ's, while he was an extraordinary person, with 162 IQ. Even with his socialistic ideas and learning's, he would have been proud to sit on that post and salute the American flag. he would have just done it from the other side of the isle. We discussed our differences in points of view, and it was clear I could never reach him, he could out talk me any day of the weak. He sure as heck was smarter than I was/am. The sad thing is, as smart as he was, he could not figure out why being progressive socialist was not good for a country that was based on it Conservative values.
My oldest son made it home from "over there" for father's day, and I now my youngest son was here in spirit, I could feel his presence, and you know, I am no sure, but I think, just maybe, he may have payed more attention to our talks than I give him credit for and his liberal thinking may be just a phase that now has changed and he is with his brother, mother and I in fighting the good fight, against the far left liberals. I could be my imagination, but I just think I am right in my feeling his presence and nudging me, to let me know, he now understands the difference and if he could, would vote for a Conservative rather than give our country away by voting with the liberals. Thanks God, if I am right or wrong, thanks for at least letting me feel that he has changed, up there, at your side, along with his grandmother, grandfather, and uncle. I can rest now, I can feel good about his leaving us, taking with him all his talents, singing, music, playing the guitar, etc., etc.. God bless America, and God bless all those who defend her right to be in what ever camp they choose. That is what makes this country so great, freedom, freedom that so many payed the ultimate price for. God bless this great land of ours, and continue to keep her safe and strong. Mfgjr

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Palin turns her position of Govenor over to Vice Govenor

Where do I start, as yesterday I watched all the cable news talking heads reporting the stepping down of Governor Palin as Governor of Alaska before the end of their term. It's funny, I observed FOX News, of course, and saw and heard the shock and dismay in their reporting, searching for someone who could explain the sudden event. None found, some indicated their opinions that Governor Palin is stepping down due to pressure of the job, the attacks on herself and her children, etc., etc. Others thought she might have made a huge miscalculation in an attempt to prepare for the 2012 Presidential race. All the brains, who are sure they can read between the lines, giving their perspective on why she did what she did, when all you had to do is listen to her and she gave not only strong hints, but a clear path to what her goal is. Other cable news agencies thoughtful people of the Liberal persuasion indicated anything that they thought might discredit her as a potential threat to their political views. Oh how they wanted to express their glee of watching her stumble and perhaps fall into a cavern deep enough that she will not be able to crawl out and return to her "former" status as a supper star on the Conservative scene. Well, what difference does it really make, unless you are like me, filled with real hope fore once. Hope is something we Conservatives have not had from our leaders for some time. Oh I know there are voices out their that have echoed their party's "Talking Points", giving us what we wanted to hear, the Republican Party is still alive, wounded, but alive. I, for one, was as stunned as anyone. Being an average American, but strong Conservative who loves this Capitalist country that is under attack by progressive socialists, but at the same time found hope in her words. I believe that she is not just giving up her roll as Governor for reasons of distress, but rather that she meant what she said in her speech. If you listened it was clear, at least to this average American, that she loved her job, but loved more her state, Alaska, and even more, her country. Loving so deeply this great land, and her Alaska, she would not place her state in a position where she would lead while constantly being attacked by those who just can not stand the fact that she is not only a good Governor, but a great Governor, who may finish her term and really be a threat as a front runner in a presidential race in 2012! Many of the attacks on her character would cost a great deal of money, and her moral ethic would not allow her to continue to place the burden of this cost on her fellow citizens, and the distraction would not allow her governance of Alaska to be fully paid attention too. This wonderful and gracious lady, who talks like the rest of us, never holding herself above us, but one of us, decided to do what was and is in her heart, leave her position as Governor and turn to doing what I think she was meant to do, fight the good fight, for all of America and the strong Conservative values. Now this will really haunt the far left Liberals who fear the truth, what is right for all America, not their personal agendas. It will be like going to a haunted house thriller at the movies, fearing the unknown, the unexpected, the boogieman or woman, who will at some point silence them in some horrible way. The poor fools, she wants only to defend our precious American values, our Constitution, our religious beliefs and what we are all waiting for, our "Joan of Ark" who will save conservatism and the Republican Party. So many consider that she will split from the Republicans and go Independent, I feel she will do just the opposite, strengthen the Republican Party by her virtue, her honesty, her down to earth telling the truth about what we (Conservative Republicans) want to hear so deeply, that America will survive this attack by the far left and will once again rise to the occasion and return to her true values. I, for one, believe in her. I think, and it is my humble opinion, that the far left will attack this rock of a woman and strengthen the views of Americans across the land, that their experiment in progressiveness and socialism is failing and destroying the Republic's values, while shredding the Constitution. Americans across the land will rise up to the occasion and vote out the disillusioned far left and return congress to real patriots and protectors of the Constitution. I find hope in her decision to release herself from finishing her term as Governor, and take on the very party that is now a threat to her beloved State, and Country, and give them a fight, one that will expose their true colors as a party of extremist liberals, who have seized the democratic party, turning it into the first Socialist Party that successfully was elected into the White House, and taken over the congress, both houses, leaving the belly of our country and Conservative values now exposed to the very sharp teeth of their extreme radical leadership. I will not believe anything other than what I heard her say, from her own mouth, that she will use her time free from costing Alaska court time and costs defending, what surely will accelerate, attacks on her and her wonderful family, and take her fight to the whole country! We have our secret weapon, now released and exposed, and ready to do battle for our beliefs. It will be up to us, all of us who have faith in our system of Capitalism and conservatism, smaller government, and an end of wild spending, to get behind her, support her, speak out for her and let her and the whole country know she is for real, and so are we! At the end of the day, I truly believe that we will witness a remarkable event unfold, the birth of a new American hero, one who will be attacked harder than ever, one that will need our strength and values to support her desire to lead the way to restoring our government and country to it's rightful ownership, "We The People"! Mfgjr

Thursday, July 2, 2009

912 Project "We The People" Patrick Henry Caucus

As I continue to monitor the Glenn Beck 9/12 Project, I find more and more people are fed up with Obama and Progressive Socialism. I thought I would include one comment from one of the 9/12 er's, to give you a glance into their thinking. I find it very interesting and encouraging to know that this project of Glenn Beck's has really taken hold.


"Comment by Cindy GSO 1 hour ago
Guess this is what we get for all the years we sat back and let the government run itself! I for one was NEVER involved before Obama came out of hiding. He did get one of his wishes and that's getting out the vote! We will be out in full force in 2010-2012. There are more people active in politics now then ever before. The only good thing to come out of Obama is the awakening of us that were asleep. We ALL have to be aware of what is going on and do our part (no matter how small) to keep freedom alive. Men and women have died for us the least we can do is make a few dozen phone calls! I do think it is also important to let the politicians that are looking out for us and want what is best for the country ( I believe there are still some left) that we are behind them and we're ready to fight for the America we once had! Like you said Zeb "Maybe Conservatives should take a page from Alinsky and ACORN and behave more like liberals." We have turned the other cheek for the last time!"

The above is a wide spreading viewpoint that is catching on and more and more people are trying to interact with 9/12 project groups, taking initiatives that should have been taken years ago. The important thing is that the initiatives are being taken now, and that's a good thing. I can tell you my family, a military family with four sons, a grand son and even my oldest sister was in the reserves. We all followed my father's foot steps, a tall man who stood 5'5" in height, but towered over every liberal he ever met before he passed away. If only my health challenges would have allowed me to reenter the intelligence community where I felt most comfortable, working to preserve the freedom and republic views of the America we love so much. I know that to say, "Well, they got what they ask for" is a popular phrase right now, but what is at stake is far to important than cliches and silly come backs that are meaningless at this point. It's time to rethink what happened and why so many were lulled into a state of numbness that allowed a Senator with only two years experience in the Senate, and Community Organizer appears to be his only resume position. A man who cast his vote in the Senate as "Present" rather than for or against anything, so that he could never be accused of being on one side of the fence or the other. He kind of just existed, sprucing up his oratory talents and skills to overwhelm those how listen to him and captured their attention. Well, he got their attention, mesmerised them and got them to vote for him. Now he is President of the Untied States attempting to use his skills to intimidate congress and the Senate to pass bills that will destroy the very foundation our country was built on. To watch the America of the past crumbling into a pile of Progressive, Liberal, and most of all Socialistic governance of the American People. Can it actually happen? I just don't think so, I believe from my heart that the American people will gather in 2010 and 2012 and using their most powerful weapon, the Vote, to change the direction the radicals have led us. I believe in America, I believe in her people and something called the Constitution, something this President is trying to shred. Well Mr. President, take a good look at it, it begins with, "We The People". That should scare the hell out of him, as he does not believe in that, only "The One" matters. Sorry, wrong again, as many in the past have found out. We The People, matters and will make the difference in 2010 and 2012. Mfgjr