Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dedicated to my son Wayen Michael Gregory

Well, there is this fellow known only as Bob C in the 9/12 Project and he and I have different point of views. He is well intended, but we certainly look at America through different lenses.

This was my response to his last remarks to me: I thought it was important enough to include in my blog. So, here it is boys and girls:

Bob C.. I have read your responses and come to the conclusion that your view of America and mine will probably never meet. When I served in the intelligence community, and I don't have any problem in saying which ones I served with (Army Security Agency and United States Intelligence and Security Command, which both supported a host of agencies that would and did include the CIA, NSA, and DIA and classically others that I'll not mention. In working with these hero's of America I found that America truly misunderstands deeply just who and what these agencies do, and the sacrifices made by the men and women of these agencies. The people, the country, our wonderful Nation call America, was always what was the driving force behind the wonderful men and women who gave their lives, limbs, and at time their minds. I worked from the bottom to the highest levels and received awards for the changes in how some of the work was done. Always, never once, did I feel or hear or think that anyone I came in contact with did what they did for any reason other than preserving the gift of the American culture. My brother gave his life in defending those against the very ones now trashing our constitution and destroying the American way of life. My Brother (and I can't use his name) served with me, actually at the time, under me, in Ethiopia in East Africa, another brother served with me in Europe (I'll say no more about that, accept that he is still there and continues to work for this country, and his heart breaking the administration is destroying the intelligence community and cutting the defense budget on weapons that make the difference in combat. And then there is my son, my wonderful son, who I got into this business of gathering intelligence, analyzing it and ensuring that our president and certain members of congress receive this sensitive, very vital intelligence, knowing the potential that it may be placed in the hands that will leak it out to the press, as has been done in the past, by those seeking power and money rather than preserving the sensitive information, to be read by the president and certain members of congress, and to go not further, other than those with the need to know, in the military. All this is to remind you that we have wonderful people in our government and military, who give their lives, sacrifice their family life (my son has only seen his wife for a total of one year out of the six they have been married, because he knows his work is so vital, especially now, to preserve our nation as one that tries to rid the world of countries that are not democratic in nature, but it takes a host of various agencies and groups to turn things around. One thing I learned in one of my classes, in the advance intelligence course that my brother, now deceased, and I both went through, is that the hardest thing to change in people is "human behavior". It is a slow process and the Communists are masters at it because they have the patience to wait, out wait those of us who are trying to spread democracy rather than socialism, or communism. So, when I hear someone in our own groups stay on one theme of spewing progressive, socialist, communist and fascist ideas, it concerns me, as I watched this done in countries that I was working with patriots to change their views about their own countries, and lean more towards our beliefs. I know that there are many times that those in the business I was in for so many years, failed America and misused their place in time and abandoned the moral ethic that we all, or most of us at least, worked so hard against. I will continue to believe in America, the American people, and most important, our constitution and bill of rights. I fight to the end to defend against those who would shred either. Thanks Bob C for the time you took to answer what you felt compelled to do. It reminds me that America is made up of many different views and ethics, moral values and a process of thinking. That is what makes America great. I'll not argue with your thoughts Bob C, nor will I engage in debate with one who has a mind set as strong as mine. I'll not change who I am, nor do I think you will change who you are. I feel your intentions are honorable and well meant, but we do have a very different point of view of America, the agencies that protect her, and the parties that govern us. I do agree with you on the point of that if we do not change out the democrats, and some republicans, this nation is doomed to be a third world country, and that is something that as long as I have the breath in my body, I will fight against all who fail to see the good in America and try to introduce whatever bad they can find. This has been a real challenge for me to type out and will be my last attempt to explain who I am or where my thoughts were born. I am who I am, and I am proud to say I feel good about that. I pray that we can make the changes in congress and the White House in time, so I revert back to what I always say: Vote, Vote, Vote in 2010 and 2012 and rid congress of those we need to get out and vote in those who will serve America the best. I love this country, enough to give my life if need be, and I will eventually pass on, with only one hope, and that is that we won, we managed to inflict maximum pain to the democratic party and put people in congress that will do what they were elected to do, "The people's business" as so often is said in the halls of congress. I will never forget that it is "We the People" who those we elect answer to, so let's make them answer to us and vote them the heck out, and some good people in. Sorry for this lengthy post. Mfgjr

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