Tuesday, March 23, 2010
On Bended Knee..
On bended knee, and looking down,
I pray the lord soon will be found
By those who fear what freedom brings,
our constitution and other things
I lift my head and thank my God
For loving me, and then I nod
As I understand that what we know
Others miss, so we must show
And should we fail to make them see
All that’s good in you and me
Then at least I know that we have tried
And being us, we can take pride
You lose and I have won
Is what they say, and then they run
They fear the truth that we all know
The truth we’re not afraid to show
The lies they lived so very long
Brings no comfort to those so wrong
The blood that was shed for you and I
Gives them the right to live their lie
On bended knee, with my head down
New life in freedom we have found
Our prayers are heard so understand
we will win new freedom for this land
I am no longer on my bended knee
I trust in God as he allows me to see
That what we lost today will not last
November’s coming and our votes will be cast!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Still Proud to be an American
I have never been prouder to be an American as I was yesterday afternoon as I looked out in front of the Capitol and observed “We the People” voicing their disagreement with the “Health Care Bill” which could very well become “Law as early as late today or early tomorrow. How I wanted to be there, standing with those wonderful Americans who spent their Sunday Afternoon, not only counted “Present” but I know many in prayer as they stood side by side with like minded “Free” Americans, my America, asking God to hear our humble plea to touch the hearts of enough Liberals to do the right thing, and cast their vote “NO” on this horrible Bill.
Those brave, wonderful, Americans, looking Congress in the eye, surrounding the Capitol to peacefully protest their displeasure with those who would sell their own country out to pass the “President’s, Nancy Pelosi’s, and Harry Reid’s” destructive Health Care Bill. A Bill if passed into Law would transform America, as this President promised, to become a Socialist Country for the first time in our young Nation’s history. These peaceful protests took place around the country in many State Capitols, by those who could not make that long trip to Washington DC to join other patriots to let the Progressives in Congress that America still has a voice today (yesterday), and until that Bill is passed, we remain a free nation!
Soon, Congress will convene to cast their votes on a bill that the President, I find it difficult to even say his name, promised, even before he was elected, to Transform America, redistribute the wealth from those who earned what they have to those, in many cases who waited for this moment in time, to take from those who worked for it, to those who just waited for a free ride. I know that there are many in need by circumstance, and need a helping hand, something most of America has always been willing to do without the leaders of our country passing a bill mandating that the Taxpayer’s money be taken and redistributed by force.
Not only will History take a moment in time and change the fundamental truths of the America we know, but destroy those truths creating their own, only their “Truths” will be a lie. America has never needed anyone to force her citizens to give to those in need, and the number of examples are far too many to list, but you and I know what they are and can be proud we shared what we could without being told by our Government how and when we will share what we have. God has instilled in the hearts of his children the spirit of giving, to show mercy on those less fortunate, to kneel down in each of our church of choice and place what we can in the collection plates, much of it to go to those in need. Many of you have sacrificed so others might not have to as much as they would without you there.
What has happened that those on the far left would see this free nation of the most giving people in the entire world be transformed into a country of citizens loosing those freedoms millions have died for, lost limbs for, suffer mentally for, fighting to preserve those very freedoms now in danger. This country may be transformed today, by 216, or a few more, votes, and not one coming from the “Conservative” side, even some brave patriots from the Liberal side will vote against this transformative Bill. It will only take 216 or more votes to forever change the future of a “Free America”, one we all know and love, and never want to see changed into the a few elected politicians who were supposed to be there to represent us, not decide our future in spite of most of America voicing their opposition against this “Freedom Killing” Heal Care Bill! We the people were meant to be the voice of America, not a few individuals elected to represent us, regardless of how “they” would like to see America.
It is a sad day for America when those few who have allowed their representation of the American people be tempted by promises of something to promote their personal agendas, rather than reflect the desires of those who have elected them. Many are suffering inside knowing that they voted some of these people into office, people that they believed in and trusted to do the right thing. “Voter’s Remorse” is being discovered across the country, exposing a growing fear that the “Change they can believe in” is not the change that they expected or wanted. Having honest, healthy disagreement on how to improve “Health Care,” that we all know needs “Reforming” is a good thing. Being told that what was intended in our Constitution are just words, and mean little, is quite another. Most of America respects the words printed on that document, believe in those words, have faith in those words, express hope in those words, and many have served to defend and protect those words.
America was so frustrated with the overspending in Washington that clearly many voted for “Change” and were filled with hope for honest, true, and transparent change, promised by this President. What we all got were lies, dishonest, untrustworthy, behind closed door deals, selling of souls in support of an agenda that although openly warned about, the full extent and consequence of this administration is being felt by all America. Oh, there are still some hardcore holdouts, who believe in Socialism, Marxism, and even Communism, who believes deep inside that this President is the “Chosen One” who will lead our Republic to their world. Can this be true, will Congress, on the left, sell us all out, transform America, as promised by this President, and ensure the complete eventual destruction of our so loved Republic? Will the world lose their leader and protector? Will America’s role in being the most envied country in history, to join the rest of the world in a downward spiral to self destruction? For the moment just questions, but soon those questions could be our reality.
Yes, I have never been prouder to be an American as I was yesterday, the day before, and still this morning, before our country is transformed, as promised by this president. I will continue to be that “Proud American” until, should the worst take place that they are willing to sell their souls and cast their votes for this radical and socialistic Heal Care Bill, America votes all of them out of office and restore sanity to my America, the one we all love and believe in. No matter how long it takes, should the worst happen, I believe with all my heart that God’s love for his chosen country, the one he blessed beyond all others, will be restored to the “Republic” that we all respect and love. If God has tested his children’s love for these United States of America, whatever happens later today, our creator will lead us back to our America, the one we know best. God bless America, and God have mercy on the souls of the cowards who betrayed God’s love and trashed our Constitution, Transformed America, and failed to represent those who elected them. America has voiced her opposition to this travesty and shouted out their displeasure to those in congress and this administration who with deliberate distain for those who refuse to be enslaved by anyone, cast their votes, shutting their eyes and ears to America’s voice. The only question that remains is; “Will there be enough, enough votes to literally transform America?”
I trust God, I trust the American people, but sadly I do not trust the Liberal Congress in power or this President and his chosen radical Administration. My personal belief system tells me that whatever takes place when the votes are counted, America is stronger than those in power think, and the God who blessed this country, will at some point return her to “My America,” “Our America!” The America that has been responsible for taking care of so many around the world, should this incredible Health Care Bill be passed, in spite of our cries for sanity, will find her way back to what she has always been, “America the beautiful!” So, like the thousands of patriots standing in front of the Capitol Building, standing side by side, unlike some of those inside the building, their eyes were wide open, ears listening, and voice demanding for those elected, to “Do the right thing” and that would be; “Vote No” to this Health Care Bill! It’s time to “Vote” for the people, “Vote” with the people who found their way to not only our “Federal Capital” but State Capitals as well. “We the People” have spoken, have you heard us Mr. President? Have you heard us Congress and Senate? Have you heard us America??? Give us back our America! Please, do not “Transform” this nearly perfect Nation! We love her the way she is, giving, freely, without intervention from those of you in Washington who fail to see the beauty in “My America!” Be warned, whatever you chose today, tomorrow we will find a way to restore her if you break her. God bless “Our America” we don’t want yours! Do you hear us Congress? We the People do not want the America you would chose for us! Give us back “Our America!” The free America we all love, not you’re Government Controlled America, is who we are! Destroy our America, you only make Free America angry, very angry, and you really don’t want to make us angry! November is not that far away!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Help Stop This "Health Care Bill"
I sent an email to each named elected congressmen/women in each group. It is important that we all do the same, let them know how you feel.
Address and Office Email addresses:
Emails for House of Representatives Blue Dog Chiefs of:
Staffmike.ross@mail.house.gov, drew.goesl@mail.house.gov, john.zody@mail.house.gov, ashley.jones@mail.house.gov, joe.bonfiglio@mail.house.gov, donna.pignatelli@mail.house.gov, stacey.alexander@mail.house.gov, stuart.chapman@mail.house.gov, tim.mccann@mail.house.gov, meg.joseph@mail.house.gov, kate.haas@mail.house.gov, sharon.wheeler@mail.house.gov, sam.marchio@mail.house.gov, angela.kouters@mail.house.gov, brad.morris@mail.house.gov, pia.carusone@mail.house.gov, susan.mcavoy@mail.house.gov, howard.bauleke@mail.house.gov, matt.walker@mail.house.gov, april.metwali@mail.house.gov, scott.fairchild@mail.house.gov, beecher.frasier@mail.house.gov, elizabeth.hart@mail.house.gov, ron.carleton@mail.house.gov, melanie.morris@mail.house.gov, hayden.rogers@mail.house.gov, bob.siggins@mail.house.gov, candace.abbey@mail.house.gov, trish.reilly@mail.house.gov, cori.smith@mail.house.gov, denis.fleming@mail.house.gov, lisa.quigley@mail.house.gov, joel.elliot@mail.house.gov, peter.chandler@mail.house.gov, charles.jefferson@mail.house.gov, tessa.gould@mail.house.gov, timothy.bergreen@mail.house.gov, john.hess@mail.house.gov, linda.macias@mail.house.gov, phyllis.hallmon@mail.house.gov, terry.stinson@mail.house.gov, adrienne.elrod@mail.house.gov, jason.buckner@mail.house.gov, mark.brownell@mail.house.gov, scott.nishioki@mail.house.gov, stephen.peranich@mail.house.gov, jennifer.walsh@mail.house.gov, vickie.walling@mail.house.gov, chad.causey@mail.house.gov, dean.mitchell@mail.house.gov, FL24SKIMA@mail.house.gov, Jay.Malsky@mail.house.gov, april.metwali@mail.house.gov, tina.mengine@mail.house.gov, tessa.gould@mail.house.gov, doug.moore@mail.house.gov, ashley.tanks@mail.house.gov, zac.petkanas@mail.house.gov, bret.rumbeck@mail.house.gov, adam.blickstein@mail.house.gov, sean.oblack@mail.house.gov, mike.jensen@mail.house.gov, thomas.seay@mail.house.gov, Samantha.Slater@mail.house.gov, elizabeth.farrar@mail.house.gov, adam.bozzi@mail.house.gov, sandra.salstrom@mail.house.gov, caroline.hogan@mail.house.gov, ethan.rabin@mail.house.gov, hwviers@mail.house.gov, laurel.brown@mail.house.gov, jonathan.lipman@mail.house.gov
Emails for Vulnerable House Democrats:
Joe.Katz@mail.house.gov, andy.stone@mail.house.gov, Ben.Marter@mail.house.gov, Todd.Jurkowski@mail.house.gov, Marc.Goldberg@mail.house.gov, nick.choate@mail.house.gov, zack.pohl@mail.house.gov, cullen.schwarz@mail.house.gov, meredith.salsbery@mail.house.gov, rebeccaloving@mail.house.gov, ndrew.stoddard@mail.house.gov, jamie.radice@mail.house.gov, kathryn.prael@mail.house.gov, will.jenkins@mail.house.gov, Meaghan.Smith@mail.house.gov, lauren.amendolara@mail.house.gov, sara.schreiber@mail.house.gov, Teno.Villarreal@mail.house.gov, charles.fant@mail.house.gov, James.Atkin@mail.house.gov, Tim.Mulvey@mail.house.gov, jessica.kershaw@mail.house.gov, joanne.peters@mail.house.gov, jerri.kaiser@mail.house.gov, Brianna.Atkins@mail.house.gov, rachael.berkey@mail.house.gov, david.herring@mail.house.gov, Jake.Rubin@mail.house.gov, garrett.russo@mail.house.gov, George.Burke@mail.house.gov, courtney.lamie@mail.house.gov, Jessica.Barba@mail.house.gov, jose.borjon@mail.house.gov, joshua.rosenblum@mail.house.gov, josh.taylor@mail.house.gov, allison.jaslow@mail.house.gov, larry.abitz@mail.house.gov , melanie.rhinehart@mail.house.gov
My email to each of the above groups and those named in each group:
Today I watched television and saw the cost of the “Health Care Bill” from the CBO. Only $940,000,000,000.00 (that’s $940 Billion Dollars if I am correct) is the cost which elicited the remarks from one of your spokesman, “It made us all giddy” or words to that effect. Giddy, happy that American Tax payers will have to pay money that none of us can possibly comprehend, but we do know it is more than we can come up with, even if those who currently are unemployed, had jobs, jobs that will not come easy.
I am an American Vietnam Veteran, a 100% disabled vet on Social Security. Medicare will be soon broke, and to ensure that happens sooner rather than later, $500 Billion dollars will be taken away and instead of going to prolong Medicare, it will go to pay for additional entitlement programs still not known to the American people. Socialism is already broke and many will soon be denied what they have paid for and promised, (another failed government program), one to be added to the list of growing numbers of failed entitlement programs.
Have you no guilt, is a Government takeover of not only the coming Health Care disaster, but just about every aspect of American life. What happened to the Oaths you took? What happened to your own personal commitment to that document called the “Constitution”? What happened to your souls that you will sell out the American People, those who elected you to protect us against everything this Congress and Administration is forcing on the citizens of what used to be the “the most looked up to country in the world”? Why would you take us to Socialism, Marxism, and Communism? You know it’s true, just look at those surrounding the President, who they are and what their belief system is. Do their values truly mirror yours?
My Father, all four of his sons, including me, and his grandson (My son) gave this country over 136 Active Duty years of service. Three of us, and my son spent our time in the US Army Security Agency (ASA), which later was renamed to the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). During our time spent in this “Special Intelligence Community” we all developed a greater insight into what we were serving for, serving to prevent, prevent this country ever to become the very thing that we were defending against. All the while, our elected leaders over the years were drawing us closer and closer to the radical, extremists that would “Transform” our great country, the “Redistribution of Wealth”, destroying the very idea of our “Republic”. Take away our freedoms and we are no longer America.
Well, you can be sure that America will not give up so easily, we will do what our Constitution allows us to do what needs to be done, (unless you destroy or rewrite that as well) and Vote each and every one of you who signs on to pass this destructive Bill. We are asking you to “Man-Up” and do the right thing, Vote against this monster that will lead this country to everything “Free Americans” are against. Our fate lay in your hands, your votes, for now. Believe us when we tell you that America will hold you accountable, “Trust us”, we will and you can take that to the bank.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email, if you do. Milt Gregory.
Address and Office Email addresses:
Emails for House of Representatives Blue Dog Chiefs of:
Staffmike.ross@mail.house.gov, drew.goesl@mail.house.gov, john.zody@mail.house.gov, ashley.jones@mail.house.gov, joe.bonfiglio@mail.house.gov, donna.pignatelli@mail.house.gov, stacey.alexander@mail.house.gov, stuart.chapman@mail.house.gov, tim.mccann@mail.house.gov, meg.joseph@mail.house.gov, kate.haas@mail.house.gov, sharon.wheeler@mail.house.gov, sam.marchio@mail.house.gov, angela.kouters@mail.house.gov, brad.morris@mail.house.gov, pia.carusone@mail.house.gov, susan.mcavoy@mail.house.gov, howard.bauleke@mail.house.gov, matt.walker@mail.house.gov, april.metwali@mail.house.gov, scott.fairchild@mail.house.gov, beecher.frasier@mail.house.gov, elizabeth.hart@mail.house.gov, ron.carleton@mail.house.gov, melanie.morris@mail.house.gov, hayden.rogers@mail.house.gov, bob.siggins@mail.house.gov, candace.abbey@mail.house.gov, trish.reilly@mail.house.gov, cori.smith@mail.house.gov, denis.fleming@mail.house.gov, lisa.quigley@mail.house.gov, joel.elliot@mail.house.gov, peter.chandler@mail.house.gov, charles.jefferson@mail.house.gov, tessa.gould@mail.house.gov, timothy.bergreen@mail.house.gov, john.hess@mail.house.gov, linda.macias@mail.house.gov, phyllis.hallmon@mail.house.gov, terry.stinson@mail.house.gov, adrienne.elrod@mail.house.gov, jason.buckner@mail.house.gov, mark.brownell@mail.house.gov, scott.nishioki@mail.house.gov, stephen.peranich@mail.house.gov, jennifer.walsh@mail.house.gov, vickie.walling@mail.house.gov, chad.causey@mail.house.gov, dean.mitchell@mail.house.gov, FL24SKIMA@mail.house.gov, Jay.Malsky@mail.house.gov, april.metwali@mail.house.gov, tina.mengine@mail.house.gov, tessa.gould@mail.house.gov, doug.moore@mail.house.gov, ashley.tanks@mail.house.gov, zac.petkanas@mail.house.gov, bret.rumbeck@mail.house.gov, adam.blickstein@mail.house.gov, sean.oblack@mail.house.gov, mike.jensen@mail.house.gov, thomas.seay@mail.house.gov, Samantha.Slater@mail.house.gov, elizabeth.farrar@mail.house.gov, adam.bozzi@mail.house.gov, sandra.salstrom@mail.house.gov, caroline.hogan@mail.house.gov, ethan.rabin@mail.house.gov, hwviers@mail.house.gov, laurel.brown@mail.house.gov, jonathan.lipman@mail.house.gov
Emails for Vulnerable House Democrats:
Joe.Katz@mail.house.gov, andy.stone@mail.house.gov, Ben.Marter@mail.house.gov, Todd.Jurkowski@mail.house.gov, Marc.Goldberg@mail.house.gov, nick.choate@mail.house.gov, zack.pohl@mail.house.gov, cullen.schwarz@mail.house.gov, meredith.salsbery@mail.house.gov, rebeccaloving@mail.house.gov, ndrew.stoddard@mail.house.gov, jamie.radice@mail.house.gov, kathryn.prael@mail.house.gov, will.jenkins@mail.house.gov, Meaghan.Smith@mail.house.gov, lauren.amendolara@mail.house.gov, sara.schreiber@mail.house.gov, Teno.Villarreal@mail.house.gov, charles.fant@mail.house.gov, James.Atkin@mail.house.gov, Tim.Mulvey@mail.house.gov, jessica.kershaw@mail.house.gov, joanne.peters@mail.house.gov, jerri.kaiser@mail.house.gov, Brianna.Atkins@mail.house.gov, rachael.berkey@mail.house.gov, david.herring@mail.house.gov, Jake.Rubin@mail.house.gov, garrett.russo@mail.house.gov, George.Burke@mail.house.gov, courtney.lamie@mail.house.gov, Jessica.Barba@mail.house.gov, jose.borjon@mail.house.gov, joshua.rosenblum@mail.house.gov, josh.taylor@mail.house.gov, allison.jaslow@mail.house.gov, larry.abitz@mail.house.gov , melanie.rhinehart@mail.house.gov
My email to each of the above groups and those named in each group:
Today I watched television and saw the cost of the “Health Care Bill” from the CBO. Only $940,000,000,000.00 (that’s $940 Billion Dollars if I am correct) is the cost which elicited the remarks from one of your spokesman, “It made us all giddy” or words to that effect. Giddy, happy that American Tax payers will have to pay money that none of us can possibly comprehend, but we do know it is more than we can come up with, even if those who currently are unemployed, had jobs, jobs that will not come easy.
I am an American Vietnam Veteran, a 100% disabled vet on Social Security. Medicare will be soon broke, and to ensure that happens sooner rather than later, $500 Billion dollars will be taken away and instead of going to prolong Medicare, it will go to pay for additional entitlement programs still not known to the American people. Socialism is already broke and many will soon be denied what they have paid for and promised, (another failed government program), one to be added to the list of growing numbers of failed entitlement programs.
Have you no guilt, is a Government takeover of not only the coming Health Care disaster, but just about every aspect of American life. What happened to the Oaths you took? What happened to your own personal commitment to that document called the “Constitution”? What happened to your souls that you will sell out the American People, those who elected you to protect us against everything this Congress and Administration is forcing on the citizens of what used to be the “the most looked up to country in the world”? Why would you take us to Socialism, Marxism, and Communism? You know it’s true, just look at those surrounding the President, who they are and what their belief system is. Do their values truly mirror yours?
My Father, all four of his sons, including me, and his grandson (My son) gave this country over 136 Active Duty years of service. Three of us, and my son spent our time in the US Army Security Agency (ASA), which later was renamed to the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). During our time spent in this “Special Intelligence Community” we all developed a greater insight into what we were serving for, serving to prevent, prevent this country ever to become the very thing that we were defending against. All the while, our elected leaders over the years were drawing us closer and closer to the radical, extremists that would “Transform” our great country, the “Redistribution of Wealth”, destroying the very idea of our “Republic”. Take away our freedoms and we are no longer America.
Well, you can be sure that America will not give up so easily, we will do what our Constitution allows us to do what needs to be done, (unless you destroy or rewrite that as well) and Vote each and every one of you who signs on to pass this destructive Bill. We are asking you to “Man-Up” and do the right thing, Vote against this monster that will lead this country to everything “Free Americans” are against. Our fate lay in your hands, your votes, for now. Believe us when we tell you that America will hold you accountable, “Trust us”, we will and you can take that to the bank.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email, if you do. Milt Gregory.
Monday, March 15, 2010
My America is worth fighting for
Growing up in America is one thing (and that is a good thing), but growing up in the Gregory family is quite another (also a good thing in my humble opinion). My mother and father married young and had a total of 6 children. We would have had at least seven but unfortunately one beautiful life terminated at the Air Port in Tokyo, as we were preparing to return to the United States for my father’s next assignment, which would mean returning to Norton Air Force Base, where I was born, in San Bernardino California. So, our last days in Japan were spent at the hospital, where my mother would recover after losing a child we all were looking forward to joining the Gregory “Clan”. I still remember how my mother cried, as we all did, after the loss. My mother loved her children so much, she loved those who failed to enter life as we know it, and there were three of those if I recall correctly. God must have intended mom to have six children as that is where we finally ended up, four boys and two girls. The first a girl and the last a girl, the four boys were grouped in the center, with me being the oldest son, and expected to set the standard for the rest to follow. My father, an Air Force Officer expected a lot from me; after all, I carried his name, which I am very proud of. I would name my first son after me and my father, and put the burden of setting the example for his younger brother, who would join him four years after Milt III entered the world to carry on his Grandfather’s name.
Growing up a Gregory was something we all took pride in and it was a given that we would follow my father’s footsteps in serving our country in the uniform of one of the military services. My father kind of expected me to join the Air Force, but was just as proud when I selected the Army to serve in. I was anxious to join what was then the United States Army Security Agency (ASA), an elite, relatively small group, at the time, of dedicated “Special Intelligence” types. Special Intelligence was actually a part of our security clearances (Top Secret “SI”) allowing us to collect, analyze, and/or have access to, and when appropriate, report, what was known during those days as Special Intelligence, to be protected due to the very sensitive nature of how it was gathered, how it could affect the Security of the United States of America. Should that Intelligence be compromised, that alone could have severe consequences to the security of our nation. (ASA would later become "INSCOM" or the "Intelligence and Security Command").
Our government, President and those in the Special Intelligence arena took very serious our responsibility not only to protect the nature of the information but how we came to have obtained that information or even having access to that information, and we never confirmed nor denied anything about that information should we be questioned about it. That is something that changed some years ago. I think it was President Jimmy Carter who nearly destroyed the integrigaty of the Intelligence community in ways that still haunt me. That was followed by President Clinton, who held as much contempt for the intelligence community as anyone I have ever seen. But worse, he destroyed the very special sacred space in the White House called the “Oval Office” by his sexual exploitation of at least one Intern (Monica Lewinsky), with a Liberal, radical Left Wing part of congress who dismissed it as the Right Wing, Conservatives attempted to show America just how wrong these acts were, and how by those acts the Office of the Presidency was and continues to be diminished. What was a historical monument in the people’s house became a joke. And never forget, it was that administration who first really attempted to “Transform” America with a Health Care Bill, pushed by Hillary Clinton, and at that time the American people and Congress understood the consequence of passing such a bill, and it failed.
Note, although I know there have been plenty of failures by the so called “Conservatives” of America, even those in the Congress, as well as the White House, none compare to those failures made by the far Left Wing extremists of the Liberal Democratic Party. Now we have a far left extremist congress, and even more dangerous, a President, surrounded by radical extremists, Socialists, and even Communists, who are intent on “Transforming” America into a “Progressive” State, leaving behind those truths that built America, gave hope to those who had little, inspired those who felt lost, and gave promise to continue the march to the Republic that became the envy of every country on earth. What concerned me during the elections of 2008 and continues to concern me now is that this President, the one elected by the “People”, President Barak H Obama who was so self confident that he foretold of what his intentions were in speech after speech during the campaigns leading up to the elections of November 4th, 2008, a day I’ll never forget, nor should any of us who failed to hear the words he spoke, promising us of the very transformation of this country that we are now in fear of seeing come to fruition.
It’s strange to me how our government was once trusted to honor their taken oaths, for the most part, and protect sensitive information, classified to protect not only the information, but the sources, and even more important, the means used to gather, collect, analyze, and report that information, used to keep America safe from our enemies, and we had plenty then, and even more now. The main difference is, at least it is to me, most Americans trusted those who gathered and disseminated that intelligence to those with a need to know and now those same Americans have been convinced by the radicals leading our Country that somehow those who risk their lives are the bad guys, and that we should prosecute them, destroy their credibility, punish them for their heroism and sacrifices. Most recently are the Seals currently being court marshaled for following orders, risking their lives, catching those who tortured and murdered Americans in Iraq. These braves Navy Seals chose to be Court Marshaled rather than their integrity questioned and service marred by something lesser, such as an Article 15 and/or reprimand. The Generals or Admirals could have stopped it, and our Commander in Chief could end it today, but chooses not to. Doesn’t it make you wonder why? It should, it should make you ask that question to your Senators, Congressmen, and even the President. Why are they so intent on punishing our heroes?
It’s not enough that you ask them to be ready to die or be tortured if caught, but to be punished should they bump a terrorist and cause a bruise in the course of taking them prisoner. The President is Commander in Chief, he could easily pardon any minor transgression against one or all of the terrorists captured by our heroes who went in and got them for a grateful nation. Why has President Obama not spoken up and done what he should have at the very start of all this, forgive our heroes, dismiss any and all charges and decorate them for their heroism. What makes a Commander in Chief, a President with the kind of power he has, to choose not to do the right thing? Every American should be outraged, angered to the point of voicing their feelings and committing to use not only their voice, but their vote to resolve the injustice perpetrated on those who serve this country without regard for their own lives, without any need for recognition, only the honor to serve, protect and defend this country and the citizens who make America up.
When I write for NWW on these matters I can feel the pride of the readers, the Administrator, the creator of this network, and myself, for my small contribution in trying to help turn America around, restore the pride and dignity of who we are as a people, but it will take all of us together to get it done right. When I receive emails, notes on the net, letters, and just interaction with those of like minds, asking me for assistance, I will always do what I can, and pray it is enough. The thought of failing my fellow Americans weighs heavy on my heart and soul, and I know failing is not an option, so I continue, as so many others do, and many do it so much better than I. The good news is, we have many who are anxious to do it right, sacrifice whatever needs to be sacrificed to win over the masses in order to save this nation from the grasp of a self absorbed radical, extremist Left Wing, wanting to Socialize America without regard to the consequences of actions. So many before us have sacrificed their lives, limbs, and sanity, to preserve this great country’s traditional links to a “Republic” that has allowed freedom to flourish. The poison that is being slowly infused into the hearts and minds of the American people could be the final destruction of the belief system that has carried us to greatness as a nation. We must not, cannot allow this to happen.
Our future as the leader of the free world is at stake, and so many are counting on us to save this country from being swallowed by the radicals of the world, eaten and spit out by those who care only for the enslavement of America. Joining hands, hearts and our minds we can still stop those who would take us to what we all fear the most, loss of liberty, freedom and the will to stay on the trail that leads us to the America we all love so much. The America that we do not want to see “Transformed” into “Obama’s World” is one we will never recognize. Transformed into a world of controlled thoughts, controlled beliefs, and a controlled life, a world we would not want our children to come to accept.
I have not heard from Congressman David Scott of the 13th District of Georgia since I emailed him on this subject just days ago, I wonder why? But, not hearing from him, or any other elected official I communicate with, will not keep me from my continued effort to engage with those in Washington DC. I will continue to my personal efforts, and am encouraged by all those, like me, who refuse to give up and will never give in, only work harder to save this country from the very thing that threatens all of us, loss of our freedoms, a destruction of what was once a great economy. A failure to march, let our voice be heard, and cast our vote in November will certainly be what catapults us to a certain self destruction. So, my friends, let us gather our thoughts and go on the offensive stronger than ever, never letting up, never giving up, and never surrendering to those who would enslave our children in school as they penetrate their young minds with the filth of removing God, replacing it with “Obama” that will be an America none of us will ever recognize, or want. Stay with us, those who love this country enough to continue the silent protest against a government that would have us bow down in homage to “The One”. Please let us not forget our history and heritage, and never forget that without God’s blessings, nothing can be achieved, so our prayers are as important as our actions.
My America, like yours, is the one that history wrote long ago, not the one This President and Congress would take us too. God bless America, and all those who have not forgotten where, or how she was born. Our creator has never failed us, so let us continue to believe in those thoughts “Faith, Hope, and Charity” as Glenn Beck has introduced into his segment on FOX News this year. Just say the words, “Faith”, “Hope”, and “Charity”, and when you hear those words you just spoke, the reasons for what we do all becomes clear.
Growing up a Gregory was something we all took pride in and it was a given that we would follow my father’s footsteps in serving our country in the uniform of one of the military services. My father kind of expected me to join the Air Force, but was just as proud when I selected the Army to serve in. I was anxious to join what was then the United States Army Security Agency (ASA), an elite, relatively small group, at the time, of dedicated “Special Intelligence” types. Special Intelligence was actually a part of our security clearances (Top Secret “SI”) allowing us to collect, analyze, and/or have access to, and when appropriate, report, what was known during those days as Special Intelligence, to be protected due to the very sensitive nature of how it was gathered, how it could affect the Security of the United States of America. Should that Intelligence be compromised, that alone could have severe consequences to the security of our nation. (ASA would later become "INSCOM" or the "Intelligence and Security Command").
Our government, President and those in the Special Intelligence arena took very serious our responsibility not only to protect the nature of the information but how we came to have obtained that information or even having access to that information, and we never confirmed nor denied anything about that information should we be questioned about it. That is something that changed some years ago. I think it was President Jimmy Carter who nearly destroyed the integrigaty of the Intelligence community in ways that still haunt me. That was followed by President Clinton, who held as much contempt for the intelligence community as anyone I have ever seen. But worse, he destroyed the very special sacred space in the White House called the “Oval Office” by his sexual exploitation of at least one Intern (Monica Lewinsky), with a Liberal, radical Left Wing part of congress who dismissed it as the Right Wing, Conservatives attempted to show America just how wrong these acts were, and how by those acts the Office of the Presidency was and continues to be diminished. What was a historical monument in the people’s house became a joke. And never forget, it was that administration who first really attempted to “Transform” America with a Health Care Bill, pushed by Hillary Clinton, and at that time the American people and Congress understood the consequence of passing such a bill, and it failed.
Note, although I know there have been plenty of failures by the so called “Conservatives” of America, even those in the Congress, as well as the White House, none compare to those failures made by the far Left Wing extremists of the Liberal Democratic Party. Now we have a far left extremist congress, and even more dangerous, a President, surrounded by radical extremists, Socialists, and even Communists, who are intent on “Transforming” America into a “Progressive” State, leaving behind those truths that built America, gave hope to those who had little, inspired those who felt lost, and gave promise to continue the march to the Republic that became the envy of every country on earth. What concerned me during the elections of 2008 and continues to concern me now is that this President, the one elected by the “People”, President Barak H Obama who was so self confident that he foretold of what his intentions were in speech after speech during the campaigns leading up to the elections of November 4th, 2008, a day I’ll never forget, nor should any of us who failed to hear the words he spoke, promising us of the very transformation of this country that we are now in fear of seeing come to fruition.
It’s strange to me how our government was once trusted to honor their taken oaths, for the most part, and protect sensitive information, classified to protect not only the information, but the sources, and even more important, the means used to gather, collect, analyze, and report that information, used to keep America safe from our enemies, and we had plenty then, and even more now. The main difference is, at least it is to me, most Americans trusted those who gathered and disseminated that intelligence to those with a need to know and now those same Americans have been convinced by the radicals leading our Country that somehow those who risk their lives are the bad guys, and that we should prosecute them, destroy their credibility, punish them for their heroism and sacrifices. Most recently are the Seals currently being court marshaled for following orders, risking their lives, catching those who tortured and murdered Americans in Iraq. These braves Navy Seals chose to be Court Marshaled rather than their integrity questioned and service marred by something lesser, such as an Article 15 and/or reprimand. The Generals or Admirals could have stopped it, and our Commander in Chief could end it today, but chooses not to. Doesn’t it make you wonder why? It should, it should make you ask that question to your Senators, Congressmen, and even the President. Why are they so intent on punishing our heroes?
It’s not enough that you ask them to be ready to die or be tortured if caught, but to be punished should they bump a terrorist and cause a bruise in the course of taking them prisoner. The President is Commander in Chief, he could easily pardon any minor transgression against one or all of the terrorists captured by our heroes who went in and got them for a grateful nation. Why has President Obama not spoken up and done what he should have at the very start of all this, forgive our heroes, dismiss any and all charges and decorate them for their heroism. What makes a Commander in Chief, a President with the kind of power he has, to choose not to do the right thing? Every American should be outraged, angered to the point of voicing their feelings and committing to use not only their voice, but their vote to resolve the injustice perpetrated on those who serve this country without regard for their own lives, without any need for recognition, only the honor to serve, protect and defend this country and the citizens who make America up.
When I write for NWW on these matters I can feel the pride of the readers, the Administrator, the creator of this network, and myself, for my small contribution in trying to help turn America around, restore the pride and dignity of who we are as a people, but it will take all of us together to get it done right. When I receive emails, notes on the net, letters, and just interaction with those of like minds, asking me for assistance, I will always do what I can, and pray it is enough. The thought of failing my fellow Americans weighs heavy on my heart and soul, and I know failing is not an option, so I continue, as so many others do, and many do it so much better than I. The good news is, we have many who are anxious to do it right, sacrifice whatever needs to be sacrificed to win over the masses in order to save this nation from the grasp of a self absorbed radical, extremist Left Wing, wanting to Socialize America without regard to the consequences of actions. So many before us have sacrificed their lives, limbs, and sanity, to preserve this great country’s traditional links to a “Republic” that has allowed freedom to flourish. The poison that is being slowly infused into the hearts and minds of the American people could be the final destruction of the belief system that has carried us to greatness as a nation. We must not, cannot allow this to happen.
Our future as the leader of the free world is at stake, and so many are counting on us to save this country from being swallowed by the radicals of the world, eaten and spit out by those who care only for the enslavement of America. Joining hands, hearts and our minds we can still stop those who would take us to what we all fear the most, loss of liberty, freedom and the will to stay on the trail that leads us to the America we all love so much. The America that we do not want to see “Transformed” into “Obama’s World” is one we will never recognize. Transformed into a world of controlled thoughts, controlled beliefs, and a controlled life, a world we would not want our children to come to accept.
I have not heard from Congressman David Scott of the 13th District of Georgia since I emailed him on this subject just days ago, I wonder why? But, not hearing from him, or any other elected official I communicate with, will not keep me from my continued effort to engage with those in Washington DC. I will continue to my personal efforts, and am encouraged by all those, like me, who refuse to give up and will never give in, only work harder to save this country from the very thing that threatens all of us, loss of our freedoms, a destruction of what was once a great economy. A failure to march, let our voice be heard, and cast our vote in November will certainly be what catapults us to a certain self destruction. So, my friends, let us gather our thoughts and go on the offensive stronger than ever, never letting up, never giving up, and never surrendering to those who would enslave our children in school as they penetrate their young minds with the filth of removing God, replacing it with “Obama” that will be an America none of us will ever recognize, or want. Stay with us, those who love this country enough to continue the silent protest against a government that would have us bow down in homage to “The One”. Please let us not forget our history and heritage, and never forget that without God’s blessings, nothing can be achieved, so our prayers are as important as our actions.
My America, like yours, is the one that history wrote long ago, not the one This President and Congress would take us too. God bless America, and all those who have not forgotten where, or how she was born. Our creator has never failed us, so let us continue to believe in those thoughts “Faith, Hope, and Charity” as Glenn Beck has introduced into his segment on FOX News this year. Just say the words, “Faith”, “Hope”, and “Charity”, and when you hear those words you just spoke, the reasons for what we do all becomes clear.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
My Email to David Scott, Congress, Georga, 13th District
Congressman David Scott,
I wrote to you prior to the vote in the House asking you not to vote for this Health Care Bill, a Bill that this country cannot afford and will secure a debt that my grandchildren will be stuck with and will never be able to pay it off. Their dreams, as mine are for them, of living the American dream will be destroyed and they will be destined to live in an America not seen since the Great Depression. I am so proud of those Democrats that have the guts to vote against this Bill, or at least say the will not vote for it as of now. I wonder how many more deals will be made and how many weak congressmen will be bought and paid for behind closed doors.
Are you one of those Congressmen, Congressman Scott? Are you going to sell your soul and disregard what this nation's citizens are clearly against. Are you a Congressman for the people, or for your own personal agenda? You told me that you were a blue Dog Democrat and would not vote for this Bill last time around, but you did, and my disappointment is shared by so many here in the 13th District of Georgia. You betrayed those of us who believe in you and I am asking, along with my friends, that you do the right thing and not be bullied into making deals behind closed doors, or vote on a Bill that will destroy this country.
You were voted into office because we believed in you, but you were not honest with those who counted on you to represent us, and you failed by doing what you said you would not. Please tell me that you are going to do the right thing for not only Georgia, but the United States of America and help block the passing of a Health Care Bill that will finish what has been started, the end of this Republic, growing it closer than ever towards a Socialist State. Is that what you want? Please tell me that you don't.
There were 39 Democrats who had the courage to vote against HR 3962, Nov 7, 2009, at 11:16 PM, you were not amongst them as you assured me you would be.
You still have a chance to redeem yourself by doing the right thing by standing up to those who would have you vote as they wish, without regard to you, your State, or this Nation. You know in your heart that we cannot afford this and it will be the end of this country as we know it. As a 100% disabled Vietnam Veteran I gave 20 plus years in the United States Intelligence and Security Command, spilling my blood (some gave their lives) in a belief that we were preserving this country for the future of our children and grandchildren. I have one son who served in the same field as I, two of my three brothers, while one other brother served in the Navy and my father in the Air Force (a total of over 136 active duty years. We all served to keep this country free, and to see those in Congress rushing to pass a Bill that will help speed this country to a form of Government we never thought possible.
I will finish with we here in Georgia will be watching what decisions our representatives make and will vote accordingly in November. I trusted you, I believed in you, and you failed not only me, but all those I told that you would stand up to those in Congress who are forgetting the oath they took. I ask you to think about those words, and suggest you review that oath once more before you cast your next vote. Thank you for taking the time for reading this email. I am proud to be an American, proud to share my views with those who represent me and those in your District. Make us proud that we made the right decision in voting for you in the past.
Milton F Gregory Jr
I wrote to you prior to the vote in the House asking you not to vote for this Health Care Bill, a Bill that this country cannot afford and will secure a debt that my grandchildren will be stuck with and will never be able to pay it off. Their dreams, as mine are for them, of living the American dream will be destroyed and they will be destined to live in an America not seen since the Great Depression. I am so proud of those Democrats that have the guts to vote against this Bill, or at least say the will not vote for it as of now. I wonder how many more deals will be made and how many weak congressmen will be bought and paid for behind closed doors.
Are you one of those Congressmen, Congressman Scott? Are you going to sell your soul and disregard what this nation's citizens are clearly against. Are you a Congressman for the people, or for your own personal agenda? You told me that you were a blue Dog Democrat and would not vote for this Bill last time around, but you did, and my disappointment is shared by so many here in the 13th District of Georgia. You betrayed those of us who believe in you and I am asking, along with my friends, that you do the right thing and not be bullied into making deals behind closed doors, or vote on a Bill that will destroy this country.
You were voted into office because we believed in you, but you were not honest with those who counted on you to represent us, and you failed by doing what you said you would not. Please tell me that you are going to do the right thing for not only Georgia, but the United States of America and help block the passing of a Health Care Bill that will finish what has been started, the end of this Republic, growing it closer than ever towards a Socialist State. Is that what you want? Please tell me that you don't.
There were 39 Democrats who had the courage to vote against HR 3962, Nov 7, 2009, at 11:16 PM, you were not amongst them as you assured me you would be.
You still have a chance to redeem yourself by doing the right thing by standing up to those who would have you vote as they wish, without regard to you, your State, or this Nation. You know in your heart that we cannot afford this and it will be the end of this country as we know it. As a 100% disabled Vietnam Veteran I gave 20 plus years in the United States Intelligence and Security Command, spilling my blood (some gave their lives) in a belief that we were preserving this country for the future of our children and grandchildren. I have one son who served in the same field as I, two of my three brothers, while one other brother served in the Navy and my father in the Air Force (a total of over 136 active duty years. We all served to keep this country free, and to see those in Congress rushing to pass a Bill that will help speed this country to a form of Government we never thought possible.
I will finish with we here in Georgia will be watching what decisions our representatives make and will vote accordingly in November. I trusted you, I believed in you, and you failed not only me, but all those I told that you would stand up to those in Congress who are forgetting the oath they took. I ask you to think about those words, and suggest you review that oath once more before you cast your next vote. Thank you for taking the time for reading this email. I am proud to be an American, proud to share my views with those who represent me and those in your District. Make us proud that we made the right decision in voting for you in the past.
Milton F Gregory Jr
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Father Son and Holy Ghost
I found out my son was dying the end of March when I received a call telling me he was in the hospital. He had a diseased liver and a transplant was out of the question. He was a teacher and at thirty six years old, my youngest son of two was about to die and there was nothing we could do. Knowing he was about to die was something difficult for me to handle, as it would be for any parent who loved their child. I recalled when he much younger and was going through college, receiving his Masters Degree in Connecticut. To celebrate, his mother and I took him and his wife to Disney World, in Orlando Florida; he was only in his mid twenties at the time. While down there he caught double pneumonia and we did not think we were going to make it back to Georgia in time to get him to the hospital but we did and that is where we learned something about our Health Care system.
I recall taking him to the emergency room at the hospital and when his mother and I went to check him in, what struck me the most was how attentive everyone was when they saw how ill he was. My wife went with him while I checked him in. A doctor was standing there while I gave the administrator his information. It was only moments before the doctor who examined him came out and told me that he would have to be checked in. I told the doctor that he was not covered by any insurance and I was sharply scolded when the doctor looked at me with those stern eyes and said, “I don’t care that he is not covered by insurance, he needs care and he is going to get it. I felt very foolish and saddened that I was thinking of the cost, while the doctor was only concerned about giving our son the medical attention he needed.
I completed filling out the paper work and the lady taking the information told me that as a student, over twenty one years old, he only had to declare that he was an indigent and the state would cover the costs. A bit ashamed, I thanked her for being patient while I fumbled around with the paper work, but managed to get through it. My wife, his wife and I visited him every day until he was well enough to leave and come home. He would go on to become a teacher, none of us knowing in f a few years he would have joined those souls at peace in heaven.
Now I did not think much about it then, but as I watch this congress and President about to screw up what was a system that works, I feel sick about what is about to happen. What I am going to tell you next some will accept as just a nice story, others will discard as an over active imagination of a grieving father. But everything I am about to tell you is the truth and should you believe it or not is irrelevant to me, my wife and I, and thank God my who passed, know that every word is without question factual and the truth. My son passed away May 4th, 2006, but what happened on March 30, 2006, and continued for the next year, is something I’ll never forget or want to.
After receiving the call that my son would soon die, I was, as you can imaging, distraught and in a bit of shock set in. I put the phone down and with tears in my eyes walked around the house for a few moments and then went into the garden. I walked around to the front of the house and sat down on some garden timbers staring straight ahead, in a daze, starting to cry without shame, when what happened next would have an effect on me for the rest of my life. A white dove or pigeon, pure white, something I never saw before around our neighborhood, flew down and sat on the arm of a bench we had set near the road that passed by the side of the house. This beautiful white dove (I’ll call it a dove because that is what I saw in my eyes) hopped off the arm of the bench to the ground and walked along the path from the bench, past me, only a few feet in front of me and up steps to a gate at the top of those steps. The dove just stood there looking at gate, not going through, although it could have easily.
I recall taking him to the emergency room at the hospital and when his mother and I went to check him in, what struck me the most was how attentive everyone was when they saw how ill he was. My wife went with him while I checked him in. A doctor was standing there while I gave the administrator his information. It was only moments before the doctor who examined him came out and told me that he would have to be checked in. I told the doctor that he was not covered by any insurance and I was sharply scolded when the doctor looked at me with those stern eyes and said, “I don’t care that he is not covered by insurance, he needs care and he is going to get it. I felt very foolish and saddened that I was thinking of the cost, while the doctor was only concerned about giving our son the medical attention he needed.
I completed filling out the paper work and the lady taking the information told me that as a student, over twenty one years old, he only had to declare that he was an indigent and the state would cover the costs. A bit ashamed, I thanked her for being patient while I fumbled around with the paper work, but managed to get through it. My wife, his wife and I visited him every day until he was well enough to leave and come home. He would go on to become a teacher, none of us knowing in f a few years he would have joined those souls at peace in heaven.
Now I did not think much about it then, but as I watch this congress and President about to screw up what was a system that works, I feel sick about what is about to happen. What I am going to tell you next some will accept as just a nice story, others will discard as an over active imagination of a grieving father. But everything I am about to tell you is the truth and should you believe it or not is irrelevant to me, my wife and I, and thank God my who passed, know that every word is without question factual and the truth. My son passed away May 4th, 2006, but what happened on March 30, 2006, and continued for the next year, is something I’ll never forget or want to.
After receiving the call that my son would soon die, I was, as you can imaging, distraught and in a bit of shock set in. I put the phone down and with tears in my eyes walked around the house for a few moments and then went into the garden. I walked around to the front of the house and sat down on some garden timbers staring straight ahead, in a daze, starting to cry without shame, when what happened next would have an effect on me for the rest of my life. A white dove or pigeon, pure white, something I never saw before around our neighborhood, flew down and sat on the arm of a bench we had set near the road that passed by the side of the house. This beautiful white dove (I’ll call it a dove because that is what I saw in my eyes) hopped off the arm of the bench to the ground and walked along the path from the bench, past me, only a few feet in front of me and up steps to a gate at the top of those steps. The dove just stood there looking at gate, not going through, although it could have easily.
I watched disbelief as this beautiful white dove waited, turned and came back down and squatted in the ivy in front of me, just on the other side of the path. Somehow, seeing the dove made the pain I was in ease up a little. I got up and went in and got my camera so that I could take a picture of it, if was still there.When I returned, walking very gently so that I would frighten this magnificent creature, I was surprised to find that a second white dove had landed on the arm of the same bench, followed the same path as the first and then squatted next to the other white bird. I did manage to get a photo of the second as it went up to the gate and stared at the gate before it went and sat in the ivy next to the first. I sat back down on the garden timbers, watching the two in amazement when what happened next had to me more than just coincidence. A third pure white dove flew down, sat on the arm of the same bench, hopped down and followed exactly the same path as the others and rested in front of me, with the other two in the ivy, while I just stared at them, thanking God for sending them, I now believe, as my wife does, to ease our pain and comfort us.
I watched them sitting in front of me for a couple of hours, when about four thirty they got up together, walked back up the path they came down, and flew off into the distance until I could see them no more. I was so glad I got a couple of photos as I thought if I had told anyone they would think I was a nut job, but I had the proof and could hardly wait for my wife to get home so I could share what just took place.When Val got home, we talked about our son and prayed that he would be with us for a while. I won’t go into the reliving of the next month as it is not a pleasant way to go and there are those who might read this and have been through what we did and I don’t want to have them return to a time prior to the passing from this world to the next. But I will tell you about the three white doves that came each day at eight o’clock in the morning, leaving at four thirty each afternoon, that is, until the early morning hours of May 4th, when my son passed. I had sent my wife and his brother home the evening of the third, as we knew he would be passing within a few hours, and it was not something I wanted them to witness, and I remained with his wife all night and we were both with him when he left us about six thirty in the morning on the fourth. I called home and my wife and son came out to be with him for the last time before they came to take him. All the arrangements had been made so after spending time with him, we went home to grieve.What happened next is the part that is most difficult to believe, we don’t have to wonder, we were there.
Val went into the house while my oldest son stood in the driveway and I hugged each other as we sobbed. As we stood there, we heard then saw the three white dove flying very fast from around the side of the house, flying in a circle around us, then straight up into the air about a hundred feet or so, then flew a part (like the blue angels do in one of their stunts), joined up gain and flew across the street, landing on top of the pointed roof of the house there, and stayed there all day. We watched them for a period of time, then joined my wife in the house and all cried throughout the rest of the day, as we just lost not only our youngest son, but the father of two beautiful little girls, and the husband to a beautiful young lady, also a teacher, and of course, his “kids” from the school. I was first up, and when I went into den, I noticed the three white doves squatting on the deck, just outside my patio doors, looking in at me. I sat in my recliner and they stayed where they were all day, just looking in on us.
They would remain at our house never to leave again, not for a year. They were so unafraid that eventually one by one was taken by a cat, the last on May 4th, 2007, exactly one year from the day my son left us to join my mother, my wife’s mother, and my brother. The strange thing is, as soon as the last dove was taken, three morning doves came and have been here ever since. Being Roman Catholic, when the three white doves arrived while my son was still here, and he did have the chance to see them, touch them, and knew as we did that they were sent by a caring God that knew my wife and I could never handle our son’s passing. He was far better at accepting his fate than we were. We all, to include my dying son, agreed that we should call the three white doves, the “Father, Son and Holy Ghost”. You know, they just might have been. One thing for sure, they were a part of “My America”, sad, the other America will never understand the significance of the true events I just shared with you. (Check out the photos of the actual doves I wrote about)
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