I sent an email to each named elected congressmen/women in each group. It is important that we all do the same, let them know how you feel.
Address and Office Email addresses:
Emails for House of Representatives Blue Dog Chiefs of:
Staffmike.ross@mail.house.gov, drew.goesl@mail.house.gov, john.zody@mail.house.gov, ashley.jones@mail.house.gov, joe.bonfiglio@mail.house.gov, donna.pignatelli@mail.house.gov, stacey.alexander@mail.house.gov, stuart.chapman@mail.house.gov, tim.mccann@mail.house.gov, meg.joseph@mail.house.gov, kate.haas@mail.house.gov, sharon.wheeler@mail.house.gov, sam.marchio@mail.house.gov, angela.kouters@mail.house.gov, brad.morris@mail.house.gov, pia.carusone@mail.house.gov, susan.mcavoy@mail.house.gov, howard.bauleke@mail.house.gov, matt.walker@mail.house.gov, april.metwali@mail.house.gov, scott.fairchild@mail.house.gov, beecher.frasier@mail.house.gov, elizabeth.hart@mail.house.gov, ron.carleton@mail.house.gov, melanie.morris@mail.house.gov, hayden.rogers@mail.house.gov, bob.siggins@mail.house.gov, candace.abbey@mail.house.gov, trish.reilly@mail.house.gov, cori.smith@mail.house.gov, denis.fleming@mail.house.gov, lisa.quigley@mail.house.gov, joel.elliot@mail.house.gov, peter.chandler@mail.house.gov, charles.jefferson@mail.house.gov, tessa.gould@mail.house.gov, timothy.bergreen@mail.house.gov, john.hess@mail.house.gov, linda.macias@mail.house.gov, phyllis.hallmon@mail.house.gov, terry.stinson@mail.house.gov, adrienne.elrod@mail.house.gov, jason.buckner@mail.house.gov, mark.brownell@mail.house.gov, scott.nishioki@mail.house.gov, stephen.peranich@mail.house.gov, jennifer.walsh@mail.house.gov, vickie.walling@mail.house.gov, chad.causey@mail.house.gov, dean.mitchell@mail.house.gov, FL24SKIMA@mail.house.gov, Jay.Malsky@mail.house.gov, april.metwali@mail.house.gov, tina.mengine@mail.house.gov, tessa.gould@mail.house.gov, doug.moore@mail.house.gov, ashley.tanks@mail.house.gov, zac.petkanas@mail.house.gov, bret.rumbeck@mail.house.gov, adam.blickstein@mail.house.gov, sean.oblack@mail.house.gov, mike.jensen@mail.house.gov, thomas.seay@mail.house.gov, Samantha.Slater@mail.house.gov, elizabeth.farrar@mail.house.gov, adam.bozzi@mail.house.gov, sandra.salstrom@mail.house.gov, caroline.hogan@mail.house.gov, ethan.rabin@mail.house.gov, hwviers@mail.house.gov, laurel.brown@mail.house.gov,
jonathan.lipman@mail.house.govEmails for Vulnerable House Democrats:
Joe.Katz@mail.house.gov, andy.stone@mail.house.gov, Ben.Marter@mail.house.gov, Todd.Jurkowski@mail.house.gov, Marc.Goldberg@mail.house.gov, nick.choate@mail.house.gov, zack.pohl@mail.house.gov, cullen.schwarz@mail.house.gov, meredith.salsbery@mail.house.gov, rebeccaloving@mail.house.gov, ndrew.stoddard@mail.house.gov, jamie.radice@mail.house.gov, kathryn.prael@mail.house.gov, will.jenkins@mail.house.gov, Meaghan.Smith@mail.house.gov, lauren.amendolara@mail.house.gov, sara.schreiber@mail.house.gov, Teno.Villarreal@mail.house.gov, charles.fant@mail.house.gov, James.Atkin@mail.house.gov, Tim.Mulvey@mail.house.gov, jessica.kershaw@mail.house.gov, joanne.peters@mail.house.gov, jerri.kaiser@mail.house.gov, Brianna.Atkins@mail.house.gov, rachael.berkey@mail.house.gov, david.herring@mail.house.gov, Jake.Rubin@mail.house.gov, garrett.russo@mail.house.gov, George.Burke@mail.house.gov, courtney.lamie@mail.house.gov, Jessica.Barba@mail.house.gov, jose.borjon@mail.house.gov, joshua.rosenblum@mail.house.gov, josh.taylor@mail.house.gov, allison.jaslow@mail.house.gov, larry.abitz@mail.house.gov ,
My email to each of the above groups and those named in each group:
Today I watched television and saw the cost of the “Health Care Bill” from the CBO. Only $940,000,000,000.00 (that’s $940 Billion Dollars if I am correct) is the cost which elicited the remarks from one of your spokesman, “It made us all giddy” or words to that effect. Giddy, happy that American Tax payers will have to pay money that none of us can possibly comprehend, but we do know it is more than we can come up with, even if those who currently are unemployed, had jobs, jobs that will not come easy.
I am an American Vietnam Veteran, a 100% disabled vet on Social Security. Medicare will be soon broke, and to ensure that happens sooner rather than later, $500 Billion dollars will be taken away and instead of going to prolong Medicare, it will go to pay for additional entitlement programs still not known to the American people. Socialism is already broke and many will soon be denied what they have paid for and promised, (another failed government program), one to be added to the list of growing numbers of failed entitlement programs.
Have you no guilt, is a Government takeover of not only the coming Health Care disaster, but just about every aspect of American life. What happened to the Oaths you took? What happened to your own personal commitment to that document called the “Constitution”? What happened to your souls that you will sell out the American People, those who elected you to protect us against everything this Congress and Administration is forcing on the citizens of what used to be the “the most looked up to country in the world”? Why would you take us to Socialism, Marxism, and Communism? You know it’s true, just look at those surrounding the President, who they are and what their belief system is. Do their values truly mirror yours?
My Father, all four of his sons, including me, and his grandson (My son) gave this country over 136 Active Duty years of service. Three of us, and my son spent our time in the US Army Security Agency (ASA), which later was renamed to the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). During our time spent in this “Special Intelligence Community” we all developed a greater insight into what we were serving for, serving to prevent, prevent this country ever to become the very thing that we were defending against. All the while, our elected leaders over the years were drawing us closer and closer to the radical, extremists that would “Transform” our great country, the “Redistribution of Wealth”, destroying the very idea of our “Republic”. Take away our freedoms and we are no longer America.
Well, you can be sure that America will not give up so easily, we will do what our Constitution allows us to do what needs to be done, (unless you destroy or rewrite that as well) and Vote each and every one of you who signs on to pass this destructive Bill. We are asking you to “Man-Up” and do the right thing, Vote against this monster that will lead this country to everything “Free Americans” are against. Our fate lay in your hands, your votes, for now. Believe us when we tell you that America will hold you accountable, “Trust us”, we will and you can take that to the bank.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email, if you do. Milt Gregory.