I have never been prouder to be an American as I was yesterday afternoon as I looked out in front of the Capitol and observed “We the People” voicing their disagreement with the “Health Care Bill” which could very well become “Law as early as late today or early tomorrow. How I wanted to be there, standing with those wonderful Americans who spent their Sunday Afternoon, not only counted “Present” but I know many in prayer as they stood side by side with like minded “Free” Americans, my America, asking God to hear our humble plea to touch the hearts of enough Liberals to do the right thing, and cast their vote “NO” on this horrible Bill.
Those brave, wonderful, Americans, looking Congress in the eye, surrounding the Capitol to peacefully protest their displeasure with those who would sell their own country out to pass the “President’s, Nancy Pelosi’s, and Harry Reid’s” destructive Health Care Bill. A Bill if passed into Law would transform America, as this President promised, to become a Socialist Country for the first time in our young Nation’s history. These peaceful protests took place around the country in many State Capitols, by those who could not make that long trip to Washington DC to join other patriots to let the Progressives in Congress that America still has a voice today (yesterday), and until that Bill is passed, we remain a free nation!
Soon, Congress will convene to cast their votes on a bill that the President, I find it difficult to even say his name, promised, even before he was elected, to Transform America, redistribute the wealth from those who earned what they have to those, in many cases who waited for this moment in time, to take from those who worked for it, to those who just waited for a free ride. I know that there are many in need by circumstance, and need a helping hand, something most of America has always been willing to do without the leaders of our country passing a bill mandating that the Taxpayer’s money be taken and redistributed by force.
Not only will History take a moment in time and change the fundamental truths of the America we know, but destroy those truths creating their own, only their “Truths” will be a lie. America has never needed anyone to force her citizens to give to those in need, and the number of examples are far too many to list, but you and I know what they are and can be proud we shared what we could without being told by our Government how and when we will share what we have. God has instilled in the hearts of his children the spirit of giving, to show mercy on those less fortunate, to kneel down in each of our church of choice and place what we can in the collection plates, much of it to go to those in need. Many of you have sacrificed so others might not have to as much as they would without you there.
What has happened that those on the far left would see this free nation of the most giving people in the entire world be transformed into a country of citizens loosing those freedoms millions have died for, lost limbs for, suffer mentally for, fighting to preserve those very freedoms now in danger. This country may be transformed today, by 216, or a few more, votes, and not one coming from the “Conservative” side, even some brave patriots from the Liberal side will vote against this transformative Bill. It will only take 216 or more votes to forever change the future of a “Free America”, one we all know and love, and never want to see changed into the a few elected politicians who were supposed to be there to represent us, not decide our future in spite of most of America voicing their opposition against this “Freedom Killing” Heal Care Bill! We the people were meant to be the voice of America, not a few individuals elected to represent us, regardless of how “they” would like to see America.
It is a sad day for America when those few who have allowed their representation of the American people be tempted by promises of something to promote their personal agendas, rather than reflect the desires of those who have elected them. Many are suffering inside knowing that they voted some of these people into office, people that they believed in and trusted to do the right thing. “Voter’s Remorse” is being discovered across the country, exposing a growing fear that the “Change they can believe in” is not the change that they expected or wanted. Having honest, healthy disagreement on how to improve “Health Care,” that we all know needs “Reforming” is a good thing. Being told that what was intended in our Constitution are just words, and mean little, is quite another. Most of America respects the words printed on that document, believe in those words, have faith in those words, express hope in those words, and many have served to defend and protect those words.
America was so frustrated with the overspending in Washington that clearly many voted for “Change” and were filled with hope for honest, true, and transparent change, promised by this President. What we all got were lies, dishonest, untrustworthy, behind closed door deals, selling of souls in support of an agenda that although openly warned about, the full extent and consequence of this administration is being felt by all America. Oh, there are still some hardcore holdouts, who believe in Socialism, Marxism, and even Communism, who believes deep inside that this President is the “Chosen One” who will lead our Republic to their world. Can this be true, will Congress, on the left, sell us all out, transform America, as promised by this President, and ensure the complete eventual destruction of our so loved Republic? Will the world lose their leader and protector? Will America’s role in being the most envied country in history, to join the rest of the world in a downward spiral to self destruction? For the moment just questions, but soon those questions could be our reality.
Yes, I have never been prouder to be an American as I was yesterday, the day before, and still this morning, before our country is transformed, as promised by this president. I will continue to be that “Proud American” until, should the worst take place that they are willing to sell their souls and cast their votes for this radical and socialistic Heal Care Bill, America votes all of them out of office and restore sanity to my America, the one we all love and believe in. No matter how long it takes, should the worst happen, I believe with all my heart that God’s love for his chosen country, the one he blessed beyond all others, will be restored to the “Republic” that we all respect and love. If God has tested his children’s love for these United States of America, whatever happens later today, our creator will lead us back to our America, the one we know best. God bless America, and God have mercy on the souls of the cowards who betrayed God’s love and trashed our Constitution, Transformed America, and failed to represent those who elected them. America has voiced her opposition to this travesty and shouted out their displeasure to those in congress and this administration who with deliberate distain for those who refuse to be enslaved by anyone, cast their votes, shutting their eyes and ears to America’s voice. The only question that remains is; “Will there be enough, enough votes to literally transform America?”
I trust God, I trust the American people, but sadly I do not trust the Liberal Congress in power or this President and his chosen radical Administration. My personal belief system tells me that whatever takes place when the votes are counted, America is stronger than those in power think, and the God who blessed this country, will at some point return her to “My America,” “Our America!” The America that has been responsible for taking care of so many around the world, should this incredible Health Care Bill be passed, in spite of our cries for sanity, will find her way back to what she has always been, “America the beautiful!” So, like the thousands of patriots standing in front of the Capitol Building, standing side by side, unlike some of those inside the building, their eyes were wide open, ears listening, and voice demanding for those elected, to “Do the right thing” and that would be; “Vote No” to this Health Care Bill! It’s time to “Vote” for the people, “Vote” with the people who found their way to not only our “Federal Capital” but State Capitals as well. “We the People” have spoken, have you heard us Mr. President? Have you heard us Congress and Senate? Have you heard us America??? Give us back our America! Please, do not “Transform” this nearly perfect Nation! We love her the way she is, giving, freely, without intervention from those of you in Washington who fail to see the beauty in “My America!” Be warned, whatever you chose today, tomorrow we will find a way to restore her if you break her. God bless “Our America” we don’t want yours! Do you hear us Congress? We the People do not want the America you would chose for us! Give us back “Our America!” The free America we all love, not you’re Government Controlled America, is who we are! Destroy our America, you only make Free America angry, very angry, and you really don’t want to make us angry! November is not that far away!
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