Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Email to David Scott, Congress, Georga, 13th District

Congressman David Scott,

I wrote to you prior to the vote in the House asking you not to vote for this Health Care Bill, a Bill that this country cannot afford and will secure a debt that my grandchildren will be stuck with and will never be able to pay it off. Their dreams, as mine are for them, of living the American dream will be destroyed and they will be destined to live in an America not seen since the Great Depression. I am so proud of those Democrats that have the guts to vote against this Bill, or at least say the will not vote for it as of now. I wonder how many more deals will be made and how many weak congressmen will be bought and paid for behind closed doors.

Are you one of those Congressmen, Congressman Scott? Are you going to sell your soul and disregard what this nation's citizens are clearly against. Are you a Congressman for the people, or for your own personal agenda? You told me that you were a blue Dog Democrat and would not vote for this Bill last time around, but you did, and my disappointment is shared by so many here in the 13th District of Georgia. You betrayed those of us who believe in you and I am asking, along with my friends, that you do the right thing and not be bullied into making deals behind closed doors, or vote on a Bill that will destroy this country.

You were voted into office because we believed in you, but you were not honest with those who counted on you to represent us, and you failed by doing what you said you would not. Please tell me that you are going to do the right thing for not only Georgia, but the United States of America and help block the passing of a Health Care Bill that will finish what has been started, the end of this Republic, growing it closer than ever towards a Socialist State. Is that what you want? Please tell me that you don't.

There were 39 Democrats who had the courage to vote against HR 3962, Nov 7, 2009, at 11:16 PM, you were not amongst them as you assured me you would be.

You still have a chance to redeem yourself by doing the right thing by standing up to those who would have you vote as they wish, without regard to you, your State, or this Nation. You know in your heart that we cannot afford this and it will be the end of this country as we know it. As a 100% disabled Vietnam Veteran I gave 20 plus years in the United States Intelligence and Security Command, spilling my blood (some gave their lives) in a belief that we were preserving this country for the future of our children and grandchildren. I have one son who served in the same field as I, two of my three brothers, while one other brother served in the Navy and my father in the Air Force (a total of over 136 active duty years. We all served to keep this country free, and to see those in Congress rushing to pass a Bill that will help speed this country to a form of Government we never thought possible.

I will finish with we here in Georgia will be watching what decisions our representatives make and will vote accordingly in November. I trusted you, I believed in you, and you failed not only me, but all those I told that you would stand up to those in Congress who are forgetting the oath they took. I ask you to think about those words, and suggest you review that oath once more before you cast your next vote. Thank you for taking the time for reading this email. I am proud to be an American, proud to share my views with those who represent me and those in your District. Make us proud that we made the right decision in voting for you in the past.

Milton F Gregory Jr

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