I have always been one who believes that being positive is part of my basic makeup. As each day goes by it becomes more and more difficult to continue my honest and absolute self imposed deep rooted positive attitude, something I need, something that is as much a part of me as my breath, my heart, or my soul. Without my positivity, I am not who God made me and so I will continue to fight with all my might to continue to believe in the good of the world and never give in to the corrupt and “looser” nature of those I have little faith in, the “Progressives” of the world!
It seems like just yesterday that America was watching demonstrators in the streets of Egypt, while there were those in the shadows right here in the U.S.A., waiting to go on the offensive and try to emulate what was taking place across Europe, and the Arab world, a move towards overthrowing their governments. Here, it is our own government, at least this Administration and the Progressives in Congress that are encouraging the negativity here in the greatest nation in the world. Why would they do that? Well, if you have been watching “Glenn Beck” you would know the answer to this rhetorical question, for he has been warning us about this for a while now. I must give old Glenn credit, he saw it coming, warned us of the looming misadventures of the “Left Wing” of this country, waiting for their opportunity, while attention is or has been on places outside the borders of this great nation, the Progressives were preparing for what we see taking place right now, and the dangers of missing the attempt to finish off what they started must not be overlooked. Remember, this president, this administration, and the previous Democratic controlled Congress, started their attempt to destroy the America we all know and love.
As I am writing this, I can hear in the background the chanting of demonstrators (Wisconsin Labor “Unions”) who clearly are trying to stir up images of what went on in Egypt and other Arab countries such as one, who has always been a strong friend of the U.S., Bahrain, and now there is talk that the “Labor Unrest” could go “National”. As I document my thoughts, I have “Fox News” keeping me informed as to what is going on and knowing that what I am hearing, is coming from Fox News, I know that I can count on what is being reported as being accurate and true. Our own President, who is linked to “Workers of the world” (a Marxist/Communist) orientated organization, through his ties with “Andy Stern”, the most frequent guest of the White House. I think that is something that all of us should be a little concerned about.
As the news being broadcast around the world becomes more and more depressing, with news of nothing but bleak and ominous events that analysts and “talking heads” all try and decide for us what it all means, we can only sit and wonder as we listen, taking in what is reported and try and decipher what is real and true and what is not. No one is getting it all right, no one has a handle on the truth and that is enough to disturb any of us! The important thing for me is that we do not allow all this very depressing and discouraging information that we are processing to become our reality and forget that we have something so much more important in our lives to be thinking about in times of trouble and anguish, it called “Faith”, a strong belief in a loving and caring God that will bring us to a good conclusion at some point, just about when we thing that all is going bad and nothing we do will correct the direction of current events. I just cannot believe that my God will give up on us if we are faithfully saying our prayers to him, letting him know that we are here and we believe in him.
This very self proclaimed “Optimist”, who I truly believe that I am, will not just lay down and die, believing that God failed us, failed me, and there is no hope for a future that holds anything good in it. No, I just will not allow my mind to go there, for if I do, then I am conceding that God is not all powerful, all good, all giving, all knowing and our one and only true God. If I do that, than I am the hypocrite I suggest that most “Progressives” are, I have not only failed myself, I fail God, the God I believe in, who gives me strength and gives me love. I will have failed the God who protected me so many times when I was a young soldier in Vietnam, leaving behind my young wife from England, and newborn child, only a month old, only to die somewhere, as so many others did, on foreign soil, never to know the wonder of their growing up, and watching them show me why I should be so proud of them. No, chose to be the optimistic and positive person that my creator made me. I love my God, I trust my God, I believe and know my God and I will not turn my back on him and say that the America he gave us is not worth protecting and keeping whole, as it was meant to be, so that we all can share time here on earth, with our families, joining together to ensure that those who would destroy what God has made and given to us, will fail. At this moment in time they “The Progressives” are feeling embolden to start their “Revolution” in their attempt, supported by this current President and administration, to “Transform” our America into a true failed state, a “Socialist” governed country, to join the “Workers of the world” in their quest to create “One World Concept” with one currency, one government, one “Ruler” and one “Failed Transformation” of our America! No, and I know I repeat myself, but I say no and no again to all those who refuse to see the good in the world and only see the gloom and doom of those who know nothing of the God that provides us a very positive world and future, but we must ask for it, we must “Pray” for it, failure to do both will almost assure that our positive outlook will fail to overtake the very negative outlook of those who are very determined!
So, I am reaching out to all those in the “Positive” world that I live in, to pray, to ask, and plead for our loving God to have mercy on us and save us from what appears to be an almost certain and very negative end to what is formulating in front of our very eyes. Together we have the power to overcome any obstacle; together we can win battle, and the almost overwhelming odds in front of us will disappear behind the power of an incredible God, who loves his children, and all we have to do is ask, pray, and trust that our God will hear and answer our prayers. God really is an amazing God, one who can show us the way, but it requires us to truly trust in his wisdom and mercy, after all, he created us, this world, and gave us our nation, for us to love and protect. Knowing this, how could we even consider failing him by losing our faith in him.
I am reaching out to every member of NWW, the 9/12 Group, the Tea Party Patriots, and every American who loves this country, to join with me and using the gift God gave us, life, to breathe new life into the movement America started a couple of years ago, and not let up for one second, not ever, for it is up to “We The People” to do what needs to be done, to get the job done in ridding our Government of the “Progressives” who would turn this great free nation into a Socialist State, and I know that we and I mean “We The People” will just not let that happen! We can’t, we must not fail. We should not worry, we all know that God will be there with us to lead the way to restoring honor to our nation, and help us to prepare to defend our nation against all those who might consider for one moment that we do not have the resolve to defeat any attempt to attack or harm our nation or our fellow Americans. God bless us all and God be with each of us as we start again our journey to protect America from those who might harm us or “Transform” her, we just can’t allow that to happen.