Saturday, February 5, 2011

God is still t he answer

If you are paying attention to what is happening all over the Middle East, as I am, especially in Egypt, then you must be just a little afraid of what the future holds in store for us, and when I say “us” I mean mankind. Well, as difficult as it is, I know it is for me, while the picture being painted continues to appear bleaker and bleaker, for some reason I still see a bright spot, a light that has filled my heart from a very young age, it’s called “Faith”. God has a thing for testing man’s faith from time to time, and sometimes the test can be almost overpowering, and a fear can easily creep into one’s heart and cause deep depression to set in, but that’s when that glimmer of light, always present, but sometimes hard to see due to the darkness of the days surrounding us during these times we are truly tested. As bad as it is or sounds in the news, I still see a light, a ray of light cutting through the darkness and nearly blinding me. If you believe, as I do, in a God who will protect us from what many insist is going to happen, then like me, your fears are not as great as those who don’t know what “faith” is or the power of faith.

If you go along with those that say Egypt, and all those countries now in turmoil, means that the world as we know it is about to collapse and “Extremist Muslims” are going to take over the world and we “Christians” will be tortured and mutilated as those of that “Extreme Muslim” religion (if you can call such hatred a religion) enslave us, then I guess we don’t believe in the same God who blessed us, gave us this great country, and guided us to a “Republic” that is unmatched by any other form of government anywhere in the world. No, I am not blind, nor stupid, and I am not ignorant to what is happening, I just have a different view of the outcome. It is possible that God will turn his back on those he blessed, but somehow I don’t see it, I see a light, a ray of light that gives me a peace in side, a belief that my creator however angry he might be for the way so many of us have messed up his gift, his love for his children will result in his forgiveness and a way out of what appears to be hopelessness will come to light, and we will find our way out of the darkness. I have always been “Optimistic” when it comes to our future, if I have been weak, and surely I have, than I ask that God forgives me, and guides me back to the shelter of his love.

I don’t have any answers, and I don’t know how it all ends, but I do know that God gave his only son, who suffered and died for all of us and he only asks that we accept that and we will be saved. As a Christian we either believe in his power or we don’t, and if we don’t, I guess we are not really the Christians we claim to be. I know many will pay a price for the path that those now in “Power” (Governing our country) have chosen to take us down, but their reward will not be forgotten by our creator, we just have to know that he loves us and will be waiting for us should he choose to allow the worst to happen, but I see only goodness if we do what needs to be done and put good Christian Conservatives into place come Nov., 2012, and that includes the Whitehouse!

I can see that a couple of years ago many lost faith and hope, looked for answers in a false prophet, heard “Change and Hope” and voted for something that was not there. Rather than trust in God, many turned to a man, a man called “Obama” and this could not have made our creator very happy after giving so much. We either believe or we don’t, there is no other answer, and the outcome will be determined on what we do as Christians in the coming days. I choose “God”, and I think most of those on this site will choose the same. Glenn Beck has been trying to tell those who still don’t get it, that it is up to us, each of us, individually, and collectedly, we must look for the answer in “Prayer” and our faith in God, who in his wisdom will guide us away from the darkness of where we currently are. There is a light, we just have to look.

So often we have a tendency to look for complicated answers when the answers are often very simple, and usually as simple as a “Prayer”, each of us say sometime during our day. I have always looked to prayer for answers to my challenges, and always, and I mean always, I have found that the answer lay in simple words uttered to “God”. I have always believed that he hears our prayers, and he always answers them, we just fail to understand the answer at times. Well, we must not fail to understand the answer when he gives us them in these times of great need. As a child my prayers were simple and my answers were simple, but always an answer was given, and as I grew older, my prayers became more complex, and so the answers were also at times complex, but always an answer given, and always an answer I could understand. God has been and is now the answer, we just need to realize it, and let him know we believe.

When we lost our youngest son, he was only 36, it was prayer that brought us the peace, and the three doves that came brought with them our needed answer (a whole column was written on the story of my son’s passing and the gift of three pure white doves was told and can be found by going to: )Answers are not always that obvious, but one thing obvious to me is that there is always an answer.

So, as I come to an end of this heartfelt thought, I ask that we all keep our faith, and know that God will not let us down, but we must not let him down either, if he gives us the answer we are looking for, it will be up to us to take his “Second Chance” and ensure that we never let him down again, and make sure that we don’t just vote because we think we will gain something for nothing, but vote because our vote will better the outcome of this great nation God blessed us with. I have always felt and known that God was and is the answer, and if you don’t know that, I think you might be on the wrong site. Tonight and every night Val and I will be praying for all those who gave so much so that we might continue to enjoy our freedoms, and we will pray that all Christian Conservatives wake up and all pray together for our country, and know that if we do, God will hear us, and he will give us the answer, one we will be happy with.

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