After watching our President read his speech, from the usual monitors, the other day on how he is the hero of “Libya”, lightening struck; our America is really very much in need of our help to save her. Oh, I know God is the answer, but the God I grew up with has always told us that “God helps those who help themselves”! It was then that the light bulb switched on over my head and I came to the realization that God really meant what he said, and if we don’t climb off our safety nets, we will watch our America change from the great, beautiful land that God blessed us with, to something so very different. Neither you or I want that and although you probably are way ahead of me on this, I have truly reached the conclusion that it is up to us, and yes we must, not should, but absolutely must turn to our wonderful and loving God and make things happen. We must make things happen that will start the slow change in the direction these socialists and radicals of this administration and congress are taking us! And for those who have given up, it’s time you wake up and get on board, the train will not wait for those who procrastinate, it will leave you behind and you might be the one that makes the difference. How would you feel about not acting and because you failed to act, we lose America to those who would destroy everything our founding fathers stood for, fought for, and delivered for us, under their strong faith and belief that God will be there for them and they were right, God was and he delivered what has become the beacon that stands for “freedom”, the shining hope for mankind around the world to continue to be the leader that the world looked up too as the one nation all mankind could always depend on when they are in trouble, the one stable, strong, and righteous leader who is made up of men and women willing to sacrifice so much for so many. If you have not figured it out yet, America needs us, just as the world needs us, and it is time for us to step up to the plate!
Throughout our history, America has had good, bad and adequate Presidents, at least until our current President mesmerized America to elect him into the most powerful office in the world, the most respected office in the world, and the most dependable office in the world, so what happened? Well, as this old worn out, broken down Vietnam Vet, disabled and tired observed history start the change that is causing the promised “Transformation” of the free, democratic republic, called America, into an America led by radical, Socialist and communist deadbeats of the 60’s and 70’s, led by a charismatic young, clearly one of them, but one who promised “Change” and it was time for change, but not the change promised by this self indulgent egomaniac who allowed his hunger for power and greed for recognition that allowed him to be called a “Head of State” and travel all around the world on our dime, not his change we would discover would lead us into the trappings of his world and ideology.
How is it that we were fooled by one who all the signs told us who he was, even his own words promised what he is delivering, yet so many of us still voted for something he never said he would deliver, and because so many of us failed to see or believe all the truths of a man trapped in his delusionary world that so many like him before tried to bring about in so many other countries where the times led those vulnerable followers into the sinister, evils of the “Socialist, Marxist, Radicals” who hunger for a moment in history to bring about chaos, destroy and then in his already warped mind bring about a world that is a utopia never achieved because it is only an idea written in a book, where once achieved, what was once good and strong will evolve into a subservient, mindless world of the have not’s, while those who led them into this warped “Transformed” State, take everything from almost all but those who assisted in the destruction of the once Republic that our forefather’s gave so much so that we would be rewarded with God’s gift. America needs us now, not tomorrow, next week, next month or on the next election day, she is bleeding and it is up to us to heal the wound and stop the bleeding. America needs us now, more than at any time in our history and it is up to us to respond and answer her call. She has been there for us, as God’s gift, we are obligated to come to her aid. America needs us.
We all knew on the day we elected a Socialist Radical into the highest office in the land that our America was and is in trouble, the great gift of God, the legacy of our forefathers has been taken, no stolen, from an American population fooled or lulled into trusting, against our instincts, that the man who promised “Transformation” and “Redistribution of wealth” must have meant something other than what we knew he promised, and so here we are, desperate to find a way out and in that desperation we call for “Impeachment” or even thoughts that God would never consider valiant or proper. No, we must do it as our forefathers would want for us to do, with dignity and resolve. We must act with God’s guidance, trusting in him as our forefather did before us. It is up to us to take the lead and call on those we currently have in office, knowing not all are going to be there for us, but for their own personal self-serving agendas, we must identify those who are there for the right reasons and demand that they fight for us as we will do all we can, within our power and within the limits of the laws of our country, to bring about the change we expected from the “President of the United States”. A President we cannot trust nor have faith in as we know that he is not there for us, and never will be, regardless of what lies spew from the lips of his deceiving mouth.
We cannot ever trust or believe in this man again, regardless of what words or actions are rendered as he is not one of us, he is a “Radical Socialist” who believes in his cause and will never change, not for us, not for anyone, he is who he is and we must never fall into his trap again. America needs us, she depends on us to be there for her as she was for us. We must not fail to stand together, arm in arm, ready for whatever is planned for us by this evil, Godless soul, who only has the destruction of our value system, diminish who we are, and destroy the essence of an America that once was, and now calls on us to come to her aid. We must not complain, look for easy answers, trust who we know cannot be trusted, and deliver ourselves, ready to sacrifice what needs to be sacrificed as we look to God, for the answer is in him, it will be through love, hope, faith, and charity that will clear the path ahead for us to endure the suffering that is sure to be there, but let us think of those in battle, in lands far from ours, who are giving their lives and limbs, as well as their minds, so that we have a chance here in the land they protect and defend. We must be the soldiers here, picking up the phones, the emails, the letters, the gatherings in peaceful protest, making our voice loud and our hearts known to all those filled with hate for we who love America and the gift that only God could have given. America needs us now, we must start the campaign of identifying our next leader and we must ensure that he or she will be strong and filled with the spirit of God. There will be names that sound good to some, while bad to others, we must put aside our personal and self needs to find our leader, the one that will take back the power and dignity intended for the man who sits in the seat behind the desk in the oval room at the White House. American needs us now, to come together and ready to find ways to look past our differences and find that one person, who is touched by the holy spirit and guided by God’s will, taking us on the ride to restore America back to the America God left for us to care for and take care of, never to allow another false prophet to ever have another chance to do what this man is trying to do, but will fail. He will fail because he is not who he thinks he is, and he does not have the power he thinks he has, he is nothing without us, and we can effect the change that he promised, but were changes that lulled us into believing we were getting change that was nothing like the change he promised.
America is calling on us to save her, and like the soldiers on the battle field, we must be willing to sacrifice to restore what God placed in our care, our America. Yes, America needs all of us and if we turn our backs on her now, there will not be another opportunity for us to do what we are being called on this very day. You either hear the call and are ready to do what it takes, or you have become one of them. Although confined to my bed and housebound, I will be answering the call as long as God gives me the strength to do what I need to do, or can do, and trust me, I will. I belong to an army of soldiers who will be defending and protecting the very gifts left to us. Our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and our America are in danger, so I must answer the call, and so must you, we just can’t lose sight as too how we go about it, and it must be without the violence of those who would take from us what we love so much. America has called on us, she needs us, we have no choice but to respond, to do otherwise is to fail. Failing is not an option, America needs us, she needs us, God help us, America needs us, “We the People”!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
America Needs Our Help
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