Sunday, May 15, 2011

Without God, We Fail!

Growing up I learned very early that without God in my life, very little else matters. The important things in life, that makes us who we are, can never be more important than the God who created our very existence. So much in our future depends on just how much faith in God we have, how much we trust his power, and is the love we claim to have for him real or just something we think is real? Do we even know what “Love” for “God” is? To answer this question, and those that surround it, is not to be taken lightly, if we do, then we really do not understand our relationship to the one true God, the God who created all creation, each and every man, their souls and all things here on earth and to the ends of his universe. Why does this even matter to you and me? If you have to ask that question, I am afraid we are in serious trouble.

I surely do not claim to understand the answers, or even have the answers, I only have what God has given to me, and that is my soul, my life, and what he has allowed me to consider at this time of significant importance when it comes to what I believe is going to make the difference come November 4th, 2012, when casting our votes will be the most important thing we do as man, privileged to live in the America our God blessed and handed to our “Forefathers” to develop a governing body that would be entrusted, by the people, “We the People”, to ensure that their governing decisions are in the best interest of those they govern, and the nation so blessed by God. This nation was provided to us as a “Christian Nation” that would determine its own future, guided by God’s spirit and will.

Throughout the ages God’s children have been challenged by Godless children, but all are the children of the one true God. I don’t know if I made myself very clear as to my understanding of our part, or place in God’s world. I am not now, nor have I ever been a man of the cloth (meaning, Priest, reverend, or one who preaches the gospel of the lord, be it Christian, Jewish, or any religion that recognizes that God as our creator) therefore my limited knowledge comes from my less than stellar reading of the Holy Bible. My limited knowledge of the content of God’s teachings are failures of my responsibility as a flawed man, but a man who knows that God has a place in his heart for me, and those like me. My relationship with God is one I am not now or ever have been ashamed of who I am as a Christian, only my weakness to fulfill my obligations as a good Christian, but that is for God to judge when he calls me home. What is important as I write this column is that we, as a nation, understand and accept that without God, we will lose at the gift God gave to us, through our “Forefathers” so many years ago. If we walk into the election booth and leave God outside, no matter who we vote for, our nation will never find its way back to the America we all want so much to return to. It will not be possible, without God, America is not the nation she was when we became that nation we all love so much.

Each day we all should be saying a prayer to guide us to find that one candidate that will lead our America back to greatness, not that we are no longer great, we just are not as great as we once were and we should be, and we have to be again. We need to be guided by the spirit of God to know who we need to lead us back to a healthy nation, one that all other countries look up to, as they once did. It can and will happen, if he listen, hear and answer when God touches us and allows us to make the right call, without God’s guidance, we will just vote for who we like rather than who we need. God will answer our call for guidance, but we must have faith in how our system works, we vote and chose a candidate, one we feel God led us to, but then should the nation decide it will be someone other than our choice, we must trust that God has guided us as a nation, not just as an individual. We must stand behind the candidate chosen by the masses (Christian Conservatives) and not fight over who should have been selected but was not. We must accept that God heard our prayers, combined prayers of a Christian Conservative base and accept that our choice was not necessarily God’s choice. If we do not trust that God heard our prayers and guided us to the right candidate to represent us, those of us who believe in God’s love for us, his power to guide the majority rather than the individual, our trust, love and faith will not have been true to our hearts, our convictions, but only to ourselves.

I feel certain that God will test us in many ways and we must not let him down, to do so is to let America down and those who do believe, as I do, that God will ultimately take us to the right man to start us on the road back to an America where God is once again accepted to be taught in schools, talked about without scorn, prayers before sports games, and Christmas is not just another holiday but the Christ child’s birthday, a holy day where no one is ashamed to celebrate the meaning rather than the “holiday” on a calendar. If we fail to get behind the candidate decided upon after the primary elections to nominate our man or woman who will go up against not only “Obama” but the entire media complex that will be doing all in their power to ensure that “Their Man” is re-elected. So, you can see just how important it will be to trust that God will guide us as a Nation, not necessarily as an individual. Together, as a Nation, we must have faith and put our full support behind our candidate , doing all we can to show that we are united and not whimper because “our choice” may not have been the “Nation’s choice”. I just don’t believe that God will allow us to choose any candidate who is not a Christian Conservative, if together as a party we not only pray, but believe in God’s love for us, our trust in him, and our absolute faith that his spirit will guide us to victory and once again America will know “Honor”, the honor lost to progressives and radical socialists who are lost in their own self indulgence. Yes, I truly believe that “Without God, We Fail”!

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