Well, for those who had doubts, it has just been announced that there will be no increase in Social Security or Medicare for the next two years (at least) and that the cost for Medicare will increase. Of course this amounts to a decrease in both. As we in the geriatrics generation and retired become more and more dependant on Social Security and Medicare, we will have less of it to count on. Promises made to us as we contributed, in my case and my wife's case, for over 45 years each, the checks we depend on to live will no longer be one we can count on to increase as "cost of living" in the future. I understand that it was never intended to replace retirement plans or responsibility, but as inflation, loss of retirement income depended on in IRA's, etc., have been raped by the corrupt banking and congressional industries, leaving us with few places to turn to maintain any standard of living. This includes the devaluation of our house, which we make payments on for what the value was prior to the implosion of the banking industry and home loan associations. The beginning of the end of a prosperous nation is nearing and it will be up to "We the people" to turn this around and save this country from the socialization of America. More and more signs of a congress and presidential administration loaded with 40+ Czars, who include known Communists and Socialists, are out of control and intent on the destruction of America, our Republic, and the conservative values and determination that made this country great. President Barack H Obama promised the change he is giving us, so we cannot say that he did not warn the American people in advance of his election. "We the People" voted him in anyway, praising the promised change, glorifying "The One" as the savior and only chance for America. Now I know not all of us voted for him or his values, but enough American did and now we all pay the price. And still, after all the evidence presented, with still more to come, he is seen as the only hope for America, "The One" who is to be glorified as if he were a "God", which in it's self, to me is more than a sin, it is blind and deliberate. He has a following that only sees and hears what they want, and they want their great leader to continue on the path he has laid before them, and all of us. The difference is that we, and I mean independents and conservatives, can see through his bull and will vote to replace the corrupt and criminal congress and senate, along with their president, and with luck, replace him as well in 2012. But, the big question is, will it be in time, will "We the People" be enough and in time. We must not let this time pass with complacency, and I know that many of us are doing all we can, but we must continue, not matter what road blocks are placed in our path, and I suspect that the obstacles will be more than we ever anticipated on. We need to just assume that the road blocks will be plentiful and sizable, never allowing either to obstruct our determination to charge on and do what we can to return America to the great and wonderful, free Republic she was, squashing the socialist agendas of our democratic congress and presidency. The challenge is substantial and may be more difficult than I anticipate, but if so, I know that I will be motivated to continue my crusade to recover from the damage induced by "The One" with the magic smile that entrances those who observe it, so turn your head, do not look into the deceptive smile that captures ones soul. This man is evil, he, along with the leadership of our current congress and senate, are evil, like never before witnessed in America. God help us if we fail, and failure is not an option, failure is something that must be looked at as a defeat that will translate into the death of America as we have always known her, and that is something that none of us will allow, my trust and faith in the American people is as strong as my faith in my God interceding to crush the very ample adversary I refer to as "The One" who sees himself as a "God", and we Christians all know that there is only one God, and God is far more powerful than "The One" who does not understand the nature or strength of prayer or faith. God blessed this country, and I feel deeply that his blessings were not given lightly, those blessings will continue, eliminating anyone, and I mean anyone who attempts to "change" God's blessings to his chosen country. So, his ear will be listening for our prayers, and we know he always answers prayers made reinforced with faith, true belief that those blessings will be restored. I believe this is and has been his greatest test for those of us who are true Christians, who understand why tests are needed to remind us all of what a wonderful and great gift he gave us when he brought our forefathers to this land, to develop and enjoy his blessings. God bless America and God bless us all, and pray for a wonderful return to our America! I have spoken, and feel better for it. Thank all of you for hearing me and more important knowing that God hears us all. "Remember, God helps those who help themselves" So, vote, continue to address our grievances to our representatives! Mfgjr
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