Of course Max, these are cuts, any way you look at it, be you democrat, republican, or independent, when you do not increase these programs, they amount to cuts. It get worse my friend, these young whippersnappers will have to pony up, they just don't really understand how much. They will never be able to repay what is already owed to the government, after they squandered hundreds of billions of our hard earned dollars, on self agenda programs of their own, that rarely help the country as a whole. This country, this wonderful and exciting country is being raped of it's values, recourses, and drive to discover. I watched FOX this morning, as I always do, and the young "whippersnappers" they interviewed demonstrated that the light came on up stairs (in the head) and the darkness they have been led into was illuminated, even for just a moment, and most "saw the light!" These "whippersnappers" all were expressing their displeasure with the healthcare bill, the fact that they will almost surely not benefit from Social Security, which they are required to pay into, Medicare, which they are required to pay into, and their bright moment that allowed them to realize that the system and government they most likely voted into office, to include the president, have betrayed them, lied to them, and now preparing to indoctrinate them into a three month basic training boot camp, to raise a civilian Para-military, 1,000,000 man/woman force (between the ages of 18 - 24) to be at their (the government's) bidding. They wanted change, they demanded change, they begged for change, and now that it is at hand, they are having this moment of brain freeze, shocking them into realizing that the change that they so eagerly sought, is not what they expected, or even wanted. Too late, to cry over spilt milk, but never to late to recover from their self induced shock and remember when they return to the voting booth in 2010 and 2012, that it is not all that bad to be a conservative, independent or republican, not even a conservative democrat! But one thing is for sure, none of us can afford to ignore the fact that the pressure we, and I say we that includes those young whippersnappers, and us, the geriatric generation who really does not have a strong desire to have discussions with government sponsored goons to give my choices of how or when to die. You ask where the geriatric crowd is now, well, speaking only as one of them, not for all of them, I am now and have always been a dedicated, more than likely a little too vocal, conservative republican. A proud one at that. I have never given in to the deceit and lies of the liberal democrats and now the liberal, Socialists, Marxists, and yes, even Communists appointed Czars that our President Obama has surrounded himself to give America the promised changes, changes he openly declared before the eager followers of this young, smiling very evil man, who now is the leader of the "Free World" and has access to our most precious secrets, gathered and reported to him by the intelligence agencies that he hates so much, and is having his Attorney General's office investigate those heroes that saved more attacks on this country, that would surely have killed thousands more innocent Americans. As someone who served in the intelligence community (U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command) providing special intelligence to the various agencies (CIA, NSA, DIA, and others, along with "Eyes Only" classified information for the President to see and take action on. And now it is learned that President Obama will be forming a panel or group to oversee the interrogations by our intelligence agencies. I could go on, but it will only inflame an already volatile situation that is fast exploding out of control. Soon the voices of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and others who want to get out the truth will be silenced, along with television stations that are not demonstrating that they are following the party line, feeding approved propaganda that will feed the minds of our American population. Their intent will be to have America hear only one voice, and nothing that apposes their agenda or views. Sound familiar, well, get used to it. The geriatric generation you mentioned are and were the first to speak out against the policies being pumped out at record speed with no allowances to read the bills, to review them with both parties present, but instead are put together behind closed doors, by those appointed Czars, then given to the congress and senate to quickly put to a vote and get it signed so that the unread, and without discussion or debate bill, is passed and signed so that America has no chance to understand that there is a systematic restructuring of these United States of America. You think I am just rambling, well in part you are correct, after all, as a geriatric old fart, that is what I am supposed to do, just ramble, while our new government determines just how I will be put down. LOL! mfgjr (By the way, I am a 100% disabled decorated Vet (Viet Nam era) with two Bronze Stars, a number of combat Air Medals, Purple Heart, three Meritorious Service medals, and one of the few decorated by the Viet Nam Government for heroism by presentation of the Vietnam Cross Of Gallantry w/Silver Star, and three Army Commendation Medals to round off the major decorations. I tell you this to let you know, I am decorated, but not nearly as decorated as so many others, and I am alive. But this new government, one I'll never get used too, is intent on finding ways to eliminate our lack of usefulness to the "State" now that we, along with so many other wonderful old Vets, from all the wars are no longer of any use (in their minds), unable to be productive, just to take our retirement checks, Social Security and Medicare benefits. It is time for us, in their minds, to just "die". Now ain't that a kick in the A.., and for what? What the hell have we done to our country, how did we allow this to happen? how are we going to fix it? God help us, and God bless us all, and God bless America!) (This is my short answer to your response).
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