I am a 100% disabled veteran who retired in 1983. I come from a family who gave over 137 years of active duty service. My dad served 33 years Army, then the Army Air Corps, then last of his long and decorated career, in the Air force (Passed away in 2007, buried at Arlington National Cemetery) by brother Mike, served 26 years in Army Intelligence, first ASA, then later the U. S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), after a long decorated career, he was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, in 2001). My Brother Maurice, the only one to serve outside the Army, but in the Navy, a long and decorated career, and retired a number of years ago. I have another brother who served a long and decorated career in INSCOM) prior to his retirement, but continued to serve in the same field as a civilian! And last but not least, my son, who served a long and very decorated career in (INSCOM), took part of the action in Somalia, known as "Black Hawk Down). After getting out, he spent many years in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi and now places in that region that I am unable to provide. So, as you see, with my 22+ years in first ASA, which later became INSCOM, I had a long and very decorated career, which included the Purple Heart, Two Bronze Stars, one with a V device for Heroism, the Air medal received a number of times, along with three Meritorious Service Medals, and a number of other decorations that, along with all of my families military decorations, mean a great deal to me, as they provide evidence of a family of well, very well decorated soldiers, who loved and served their country. I served from 1963 - 1983, receiving my purple heart in Viet Nam, at a small RVN LZ or post, during the Tet offensive, blocking the NVA from retreating from HUE. I was in the 3rd Bde, of the 1st Air Mobile Cav Division. To say I am proud of my service, or the service of any of my family would be words that would fade away as there could never be enough words to express the pride I have for serving, knowing my whole family (All the Gregory men volunteered to serve, and did, while one of my sisters served in the National Guard out of Portland Organ. My dad cried at his retirement, my brother and I both cried at our retirements, and I would have to guess, but believe all the Gregory men shed tears when they said fair well to active duty service (But we all continued to serve after we left active military service. I know this was just for a comment, but I could not leave out my family's service, as we all gave a little of ourselves because of the love we have for our country. I continue to pray for my son, who I can not speak of at the moment. My brother Marshall, and my Brother Mike both served either under me, or with me. One in Africa, and the other in Germany. My son, served in the shadows of us all, giving what he had, and what he had was very special, and I, with so much to tell, must come to an end. I wish you all good luck, and to those in the 7th Cav, "Gary Owen"!, I will not forget A Shau Valley, Camp Evans, Dak To, Khe Sanh, Hue, PleiKu, Chu Lai, and Cam Ranh Bay (Where I landed and took my 3 day jungle Training, before joining my Bde, up North. But each of those cities named had very special places, as did the LZ's, some mentioned and some not. What amazed me most is that out of 360 days, I spent all but 8 days in the field, as they say, or in the jungle might be more meaningful. 5 day's RR to Hawaii, where I spent every moment with my young wife, then back to Viet Nam. The only other time I spend out of the field was Da Nang, where I woke up after sleeping for three days when I passed out at PK-17, after not sleeping for days. This is where I was wounded, my first day there, on 3 Feb, 1968, it was Tet, my Tet was just outside Hue, in a small ARVN LZ or post, where many died, many wounded, many fought for what we all believed in, an America we loved, an America we wanted to return too and feel that we were appreciated for what we were doing and did. An America who loved us as much as we loved her. It was an interesting view each of us had of our America. God Bless America, and all those who know what it is to be a citizen of this great country, no matter who leads her, she always makes it back, always returns to what she is, great, powerful, a little magic in her. God bless all the souls who have giving the ultimate price, observed others make that sacrifice, and those who just cared about being an American! God Bless us all! Mfgjr
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