Please do not fall into the group of "Conspiracy Theorists" who believe in all the bunk "Shadow Government" etc. What Glenn Beck is clearly and deliberately laying out for all of us, possibly at great peril to himself and others that are tracking (as a term used by some on this link) the developments of who is being appointed to these mysterious Czar positions. Now that is something to cause concern, but if only I did not take an oath to protect certain information I could debunk the "Shadow Government" crap in a few moments. We must focus on what is real, not all the distractions, and we all will be seeing many more distractions as things become more serious at the administration level. There is much to be thinking about, but not all that you will be guided to by various people that fall for that stuff. These folks that guide you there have little faith in our America, the America made up of loyal people like you and I, and others with the interest of protecting the constitution, which I am fully committed to. But without going into details, please trust me that in spite of a very deliberate, planned and organized effort to reconstruct our Republic into a Socialist, Marxist, yes, even Communist State, and that is what is important, for all of us. If we get off on tangents that lead us down dead end trails, we loose the integrity of what is a committed, and dedicated effort to ensure that the United States of America remains a free, capitalist republic, and defeat the extreme leftist movement that would move us towards an oppressed nation, with the constitution tossed in our face, shredded and torn. That is not to be, those of us who served in uniform to protect this country understand what is at stake, and that the importance of not giving a government intent on taking away our freedoms, the excuse to take extreme actions that will cause bloodshed that none of us wants. Time is of the essence and though we do not have a lot of time, we must be responsible as to how "We the People" return America to it's conservative values, with the constitution in tact. I have shed blood, more than once, and lost a father and brother over the years, all protecting you and America from those who would harm and/or destroy what we have, and what was not expected, to be honest, is that the destruction would come from within. Just be thankful that Glenn Beck provided each of us with a forum to communicate, the 9/12 Glenn Beck Project (for as long as it is allowed to stay on the air) and a means to communicate very powerful, though peaceful, methods of giving pause to those in government who thought it would be a breeze to take the "Right" and turn them "Left" with a smile and a spoken word. What they did not count on is the wonderful and smart, intelligent people, of all parties quickly seeing through the facade so expertly and smoothly translated by extremists into what they thought would be a "No Brainer" and a "Cake Walk". What they did not count on are the incredible folks (now retired, but not brain dead) who would use their skills and training to initiate a counter to what they have initiated. Believe me when I tell you I know a very dedicated, motivated, and expert group of patriots who are banding together (Band of Brothers Mean anything?) to do what we can to continue the tradition of protecting and respecting the words of the constitution, more than ever, not just know what the words say and mean, but honor those who wrote them and were committed then to provide an America that most of the world learned to love and respect, and I just ask patience to be our mantra, with every attempt to recover from the damage already inflicted on this wounded eagle. The men and women I worked with for years, along with just about every man and woman who ever served in the armed forces and are still living, will be encouraging the already very effective efforts by what I call the geriatric generation, with their bright faces, canes, walkers, power chairs, and gift of really understanding the constitution and the importance of keeping her in one piece, with those sacred words inked on the tattered pages, signed by those who authored her. Stay with me now, don't let yourselves to be led astray, away from doing the right thing, putting, what you have been doing, pressure on those who are tripping over themselves in congress and senate to please this less than committed President, who has no clue as how to govern, only to render as experience, "community service", and a couple of years in the Senate, where he clocked in from time to time and voted "present" as to not be committed to anything specific. This country is in trouble and it is up to all of us to resolve, hopefully without violence, the danger our wonderful country finds herself in. This is no time for Macho, look at how tough I am with my gun and bullets, bit. If we really are committed and dedicated to recovering from this very serious period and stay focused as we regroup, and take the bits of information that is factual, true, and solid, analyze it, and together evaluate where we are at, then do what needs to be done, wherever that takes us. Nothing should ever be said on any open, unsecured links that would give a heads up to those we are engaged in disrupting and dismantling, but in a way that fails to cause a crisis to provide the cover and excuse to declare a National Security situation, that would only incarcerate many men, women and children, who disagree with a government that would deny all of us our Constitutional rights and freedoms. Patience, take note, our time will come and we will prevail, but not if we go off half cocked and do this wrong. Just remember, there are many, and I mean many, who are on the side of right and are committed to use the process that our constitution provided us, before any other means are considered. There is a plan, one of continuance of putting extreme pressure on our government representatives to do what they took an oath to do and that is protect and defend the constitution of these United States of America. Do not have a heavy heart my friends, trust that we will, and we will, prevail in the end. The good guys always win! Mfgjr
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