Today all the politics and differences Americans have should and must be put aside, with all of our attention dedicated to those who paid the ultimate price and the families who’s loved ones vanished by the hands of terrorists. By a radical people filled with hatred for a country who has given more to the world than any other country or government anywhere else outside the boundaries of this wonderful and blessed nation. But we should not even give those who perpetrated this despicable act against freedom loving people the time of day at this moment in time when all our energy should be directed in remembering and praying for the victims and the rest of the country, for the price paid for enduring peace.
Let us set aside all prejudices and bigotry, allowing us to feel only the love God meant for his children to know. A love that transcends the color of one’s skin, the religions and cultures of both our friends and enemies should overwhelm our personal character this truly sad day. Thinking about or feeling how many years have gone by with our nation protected by young men and women should be as much a part of recalling what took place on September 11, 2001, better known as 9/11, and how fortunate we are to have such dedicated patriots in our presence. Before this day comes to an end, America will for just a moment return to that morning, 0846 hours, 2001, and contemplate what love God must have for all. Allowing us to recover from this unforgettable event, this moment in time that brings us back to the hours following the very first aircraft, filled with human beings, unaware that they were to play a part of history that would change the world forever. Followed by another, and then still another, each carrying equally unaware and innocent children of God to their cruel deaths, each leaving behind someone who cared and loved them.
Today we remember them, pray for them, renewing our commitment never to allow any of them, not one of them to have perished on that day of incredible horror, September 11, 2001, in vain. Today we grieve; tomorrow we resume our efforts to not only never to allow another tragedy of such magnitude by allowing America’s defenses to be provided what they need, while ensuring our intelligence efforts around the world are not compromised. By making demons out of the hero’s who have sacrificed so much in their pursuit to find and bring to justice those who kill and harm not only our country’s treasures, but those of all free loving peoples of the world, we are failing in our part to support what should be a combined effort.
Tomorrow we return to our committed efforts to restore America to her place in the world, the leader of trust, goodness, and never to allow our Constitution to be tread on by anyone, not today, not tomorrow, and not ever. God bless America, and let 9/12 be a new beginning.
Mfgjr Veteran!
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