Once again BigGovernment.com has produced another incredible tape of actions by ACORN showing the same young, brave and heroic man and woman who broke the first story, same characters, same outcome. How do those in Washington live with themselves, knowing that the corruption is not only happening while they turn their heads, but they, the "powers to be," are paying this organization, with our tax dollars, billions of our tax dollars. We need to put the same kind of pressure on our congressmen/women and senators, to investigate, and cut off the flow of precious dollars, that Americans have worked hard for, as we did collectively with the Van Jones appointment.
We must not sit back and allow our government to believe for one moment that it is they, not "We the People" who are the responsible ones and get away with taking, and I do mean taking, money from Americans who live honest and good lives, working hard to earn a living, and give it to organizations like ACORN. They talk about corruption and waste, while they enable that corruption and waste in order to continue receiving donations for their personal campaigns. God help us if we sit back and continue to allow this to go on unchecked, without our voices screaming as loud as possible that "We the People" are not going to take it any more, we are tired of corrupt officials leading our country. We must send a message that their days are numbered and their time in office will be limited to their courage to do the right thing. No longer will Americans sit back and be robbed of what we work for so that "the wealth can be spread around, redistributed, and given away to those who do not, will not chip in and earn their way instead of living off those who made this country great.
I am not talking about those who truly, through no fault of their own circumstance, are unable to provide for themselves or their children. I am talking about the leaches that suck the blood out of America's life by falsely apply for unemployment, commit fraud filing false insurance claims, receive money for creating false voting ballots and on and on and on. When does it stop, when will those in Washing DC hear us. The answer is tomorrow, and each year we vote, vote to clean out the trash and replace it with committed, dedicated and honorable men and women who sacrifice to represent us without compromising their own ethics, nor ask us to compromise ours. It's time America, it's time to wake up, as we have been, and follow the lead of those like Glenn Beck, who led the charge and gave encouragement to those of us who were not sure exactly which way to turn, while the answer was in front of us all the time.
It is up to us, yes us, "We the People" to stand up and do the right thing, let our voices combine in a symphony of music to the ears of those still afraid to speak out, to cry foul when wronged, give courage to those still waiting for the sleeping giant to complete the task of standing up! Well, Washington, I believe that you will be more than surprised to see just how tall the sleeping giant is, how strong this strange thing called the American Spirit can be, and unafraid to challenge your stomping on us, taking from us, keeping America from rising up and taking back our constitution, bill of rights, and all the important things that make us special, make us great, make us American! Your time is coming in the near future if you have not responded to the will of the people, the reason you were elected. Your time is coming to an end of abusive waste of our money, not yours, but ours. Where are the heroes in Washington, when will they step out of the shadows and see that they have friends called the American people?
Years ago Hollywood gave us heroes like "Mrs Smith goes to Washington" to encourage America at a time fear permeated the air and we needed to know there are good people who will go and fight for us in our capitol. Now, Hollywood only gives us images of bad people doing bad things, glorifying corruption, violence and sex. The 9/12 project culminates tomorrow and in Washington DC, with Americans from all walks of life joining together to send a message to those who call themselves leaders, Congressmen and women, as well as Senators, and don't forget the President and his administration, who promised change, but instead is leading us down the road to destruction, with talk of changing the Constitution, and who knows what else.
9/12 is going to be the beginning, not the end, of a grassroots movement that will be unstoppable if we do not give in to the temptation of becoming complacent and giving up. This is our chance to remind those in Washington DC who really understands what makes America so very special. It is "We the People," ordinary and extraordinary people who together will make a difference, the biggest will be in Washington as those who betrayed our trust are voted out and move out, wondering what happened. Well, they don't have to worry, "We the People" happened! You woke us up, now you will hear the collective voice of the American People you have taken for granted. No more, no more will "We the People" just stand by and allow you to destroy what makes this country so great. Free enterprise, free speech, free people, and the freedom to replace everyone of those sitting in their comfort zone in Washington, filled with their self importance, forgetting why they are there.
"We the People" will not let them forget, we will remind them, again and again and again until they are tired of hearing our voices, reading our emails, receiving our letters, then all at once, they don't have to anymore, they won't be there! We will have removed them, kicked them out, sent them packing and replaces with real patriots, heroes, and committed Americans who have heard us, listen to us, and responded to us. So, say goodbye today, or tomorrow, but if you have failed your duties to us, you know, "We the People", just say goodbye and allow those who will get the job done clean up the mess you have made.
Just today I received in the mail a "Notice of FHA Streamline Benefit Entitlement" that will reduce my payments, refinance my house, with (1) No appraisal, (2) No asset Verification, (3) No out-of-pocket expense, (4) Lower monthly payments and last but certainly not least (5) NO INCOME OR EMPLOYMENT VERIFICATION! Is that not what got us in this mess in the first place. This is a HUD program, "a new American Funding that is a direct lender approved by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development"! And you wonder why our national deficit will increase, more banks will fail, another unhealthy practice put into motion that will ensure failure again. This is the same government that wants to take charge of our Health Care? Please continue the campaign started months ago on a one hour show, by a remarkable man who gave us a gift, called encouragement, that's more than our Government has given us! Thank you Glenn for getting this started, and thanks to all those wonderful Americans who have not forgotten what it is to stand up and say enough! Mfgjr
Check the link for the new ACORN scandal (only to us and FOX news, Congress could care less!)
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