I used part of these comments to answer a question by one of the members of a group participating in the "No We Wont" web site. I found it to be of such importance that I am going to offer it up as a discussion in all the groups I am a member of. Part of the information comes from Joseph Farah's "G2 Bulletin, which I am a member of, and the rest are my opinions, along with sources that I will just have to have you trust are trustworthy, I certainly do. I suspect that if Saudi Arabia is seriously considering to allow Israel to fly over "The Kingdom" to bomb Iran's nuclear sites, they know something that we should be paying attention too. This is more than just a bit of news, it is of such magnitude that demands our attention.
If I was not concerned about Iran's nuclear intentions, (which I certainly was) I am now. As someone who spent time in the world of "Intelligence" and my area of interest was that part of the world, this news is of such importance that our President should be holding hands with Israel, no, holding both hands with Israel, to act as the friend we have always been. Iran must be far closer to their target goal of having a weapon system to deliver such a bomb than estimated or the "King of Saudi Arabia" would not even be contemplating such a move.
We better be paying attention to the small things happening around us, that is what paints the big picture. It's time to end the fooling around with the political angles and get down to business with deciding who to address what could lead to a disaster of such magnitude that could end the population of an entire race in that part of the world. Where is the President on this issue, why has he not spoken out and let the world know where he stands. The king of Saudi Arabia just sent the United States a signal, are we paying attention? God help us if we are not.
I suspect this President has no idea what a "Signal" is, or how to respond to one. Time is not on our side if the signal I just read into this bit of news, is correct, and I suspect I am more able to recognize a "Signal" than the President is apparently. ACORN is just a bit of home town news compared to what the Saudis just indicated. This is something I will be watching very close, I imagine closer than the President will be, he is to busy making speeches around the world, and United States, in hopes someone will love him.
I am more than concerned that President Obama has not supported Israel more than he did (which he did not support at all) when he spoke at the United Nations today. President Obama is so wrapped up in himself, and his self indulgence in the "New World Order" that I believe drives his every though. More and more I see a man that is engrossed in being President of the world rather than the greatest country that ever existed. He spoke at the United Nations in the same way he speaks to a crowd during a campaign speech. His head held with his chin up, as if looking down at the rest of the world. I really believe that he thinks he is the second coming.
While Iran is building a weapons system to deliver an atomic bomb to wipe out Israel, and possibly having a defensive missile systems (delivered by Russia) installed around his nuclear sites to protect his treasure (a threat that will not only destroy Israel, but be a big stick to wave at countries in the entire region) This would solidify in the mind of the leaders of Iran that they hold all the cards and will become not only a threat, but a very powerful message to the world, "Don't mess with us!" and if you do, you will pay a price. They must be laughing at America as our own President has removed a missal defensive system that could have diverted any thought of an attack on Israel. Things are going so wrong in that area of the world with this President's foreign diplomacy policy in that part of the world, oh heck, let's just say it, what foreign diplomacy policy, in any part of the world.
Investigating our CIA, creating anxiety amongst the agents we must count on to keep us informed on the activity relative to matters of importance to our defense against enemies that we know are out there, enemies with only one thing on their mind, the destruction of this country, and now, with this President, all they have to do is sit back and watch him destroy America from within. Leaders of most countries, old enough to recall a time at the United Nations when a little fat Soviet Leader, pounded his shoes on the table, and declared that "We will not have to fire a shot, we will destroy you through your schools, churches, your own government, and sit back and watch you destroy yourselves" now that is not an exact quote, I have paraphrased it and taken a lot of liberty in the wording, but the end result is the same. It is what he said, maybe in different words.
I remember Nakita Khrushchev,and his tirade against the United States when he declared,"we will bury America from within". Now those are his exact words he spoke. Now we have so called liberals, I refer to them as Far Left Democrat Socialists, their agenda is to carry out that threat made by the former Russian/Soviet Unions president. Why are we not thinking about this? More than likely most of my generation may have forgotten whose remarks, and anyone younger than I probably never heard those remarks spoken, and certainly were never taught them in school, after all, it is through the schools, churches and government that he promised to deliver on his threats. If you have any doubts on what I say, do a little research on your own and goggle Nakita Khrushchev, I think you will be surprised if you don't already know it. The far left knows it, they are a part of the effort to make it succeed!
Time is going by and time is so important. our congressmen and women must hear from us, I know many of you, like I am, are intensely in a campaign of writing, emailing, and phoning our elected politicians in congress, both the house and senate, both state and federal levels, along with the White House, and feel like it is a futile endeavor that is going no where fast. Stop thinking like that, stay on subject and continue this campaign to return our country and constitution to they belong, back to ""We the People" and never forget, that it is worth it, if you forget that, than that means all those who died or gave up their limbs in every war since we became a nation, were for nothing, wasted, just forgotten. We can never let that happen, it was worth it then, and it is worth it now. Stay on subject, I know as a disabled veteran that what those who served, sacrificed, and gave, did not do that for this all to come to an end under this president, at this time, and this moment. I'll never give in, nor give up, I will keep up my campaign to defeat those in congress who are a part of the problem and assist the corruption in and out of Washington DC.
If Israel is allowed to be eliminated off the face of the map, and we, Christians, allow it by our passiveness, than we will be as much to blame as this person in the White House we call, Mr. President. Please tell me that we are not like him, not able to turn our head and ignore what is going on, forget that those people in Israel are not important enough to be concerned about so we will just pretend that Mahmoukd Ahmadineiad, the monster that is called President of Iran has no intentions to do what he promises to do and wipe out Israel, destroy them, kill them all. Please do not allow the extreme effort we have been charged with, to eliminate this so called President of the Untied States by voting him out, if he is not impeached before then, in 2012.
My ramblings go on and on and must tire those of you who take the time to read them, but my passion and love for this wonderful and blessed country, called the Untied States of America, far exceeds my ability to just come to an end and give you a brake from my ranting's. Please forgive me for not taking a breath and giving you a break by my silence, but what is at stake is far to important and I'll continua to be a voice, one of many, and the numbers are growing, thank God. We must keep the message alive, the movement alive and our contentious effort to expose the corruption and evil both in and out of the sacred halls of congress, the White House, and monuments that recall America's history, both good and bad, but they do stand and recall who we are and what we are, all of which should never be forgotten. Rise up, rise up with me (who is confined mostly to my power chair) and be a major part of the "Refounder's" movement that Glenn Beck, who with us, loves this country and really wants to rid congress and this administration of the bad guys and put some good guys in to recreate the America we all want to know.
America is made up of good and decent people, but, unfortunately, it is also made up of some of the worst of the worst who should never have been voted in, so America, let's vote them out, all of them who have betrayed us, failed us by not doing what we elected them to do, govern with honesty and courage. There are men and women out there right now, just waiting for their chance to prove to America that there are good people to govern this country, not all of America is like those we now know, many of us have known for a long time, that far to many who have been elected are not worthy of representing the American people, so let's put some people in who are worthy of representing us. I am ready for the fight to do that, are you? Mfgjr
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