This old Army Intelligence Veteran’s eyes filled with tears as I witnessed what took place yesterday from my den, where I spend most of my time now due to various disabilities. How I wanted to be there, be a part of this historical event that reminded me, not that I needed it, just how wonderful this country is, and how wonderful the people that are America. There are no words that fully paint the picture of so many people, of all ethnic backgrounds, religions, cultures, and personal motivations, coming together to declare the love for which we stand.From all across our wonderful country people traveled in buses, planes, and other vehicles to be a part of this historical event. Many, not having the money to make this trip, found a way, determined that nothing would stop them from joining hands with fellow Americans, uncaring of their political backgrounds or other’s personal reasons for being their.
The joy that filled my heart as I watched the unfolding events of yesterday through clouded, tear filled eyes, warms my heart.I smiled, along with all the men and women, young and old, with children who will one day recall that they were there. They were not to fill our capitol’s air with hate, but their concerns and fears that the very people that “We the People” elected are stomping on our Constitution and Bill of Rights! To think that those elected officials were more concerned about filling their pockets with special interest money, than fulfilling their sacred oaths to carry out the will of the people. Moreover, it is clear to anyone with a brain that the will of the people does not include spending generations to come into a debt that is impossible to repay if they continue down this path of reckless waste of the taxpayer’s hard-earned money.As the day came to a close and the various newscasts reported the events of the day, depending on which way they leaned politically, with the exception of FOX, who were just happy to be a part of reporting on an event that clearly showed the joy of the American people on this special day.
It was hard to miss that the “Angry Mob” depicted by many news organizations and talk shows, were just the people that make up our great country. No, I did not watch this amazing demonstration of our freedom through rose-colored glasses, but rather through my cloudy, tear filled eyes. The tears were tears of joy, tears of hope, grateful for what started six months ago culminating yesterday, 9/12. Clearly an expression of tens of thousands, if not millions of people, across our country, in most if not all our states, cheering on our common goal to tell those in Washington DC that “We the People” are not going to take it any more, that we have had enough!Then, this morning, as I was reliving the wonder of yesterday, a bit of sadness crept in and stole away some of the joy. Then, this morning watching FOX news, I was reminded that we still have a long way to go. Glenn Beck is right; this is just the beginning, phase one if you will. On the news the reminder of the corruption that remained in not only in the halls of congress, and perhaps this current administration, but in organizations like ACORN continues to permeate what otherwise is a land of hones, hard working people and companies.
The young man and woman, who took on, without fear of the potential consequences, reminded me that tax payer money is going into the pockets of not only the women who were visible to us all exploiting these “customers”, but also those who gave them instructions to carry out their illegal acts.If it’s not enough that they got caught in the act by these brave patriots, but now indicate that they (ACORN) plans to sue them for whatever and that is just wrong! Making the young man and woman the villains instead of praising them for exposing the corrupt nature of their employees demonstrates the hypocrisy of whom they (ACORN) are. Instead of congress crying out for a full investigation of this corrupt organization and cutting off all funds of the taxpayer’s dollars, only silence. America, Glenn Beck is right on, this is just the tip, and we must not fail in continuing to engage this corruption by putting pressure on those we elected to do the right thing. The sad thing is, we should not have to say a word.
It is the “duty” of our elected officials to take action, after all it is their pockets being filled by donations from ACORN and organizations like them. Where is the outrage?Am I the only one who finds it strange that with all the investigations going on, in at least 14 states, related to ACORN and voting fraud and other illegal activities, that the leadership in both the house and senate have not voiced their anger of how our taxpayer money is wasted? You need not answer that, it was a rhetorical question; I know you all know the answer to that question. Just think of the hundreds of millions, probably billions of taxpayer money funneled into organizations like ACORN, and ACORN certainly is not the only organization in the pockets of those corrupt elected officials, not only in Washington DC, but at the state levels as well.
You know if only all of us did what we should be doing, America can and will return to what she once was, but we will have to commit and then act on our commitment.If all what I have said is not enough, now Congressman Wilson, who yelled out in congress, “You lie,” at the president, then apologized to the President for his actions, is now being asked to apologize to Congress for braking a rule. Congress will not call for an investigation into corruption that wastes our taxes, but will punish a congressional representative for yelling out the truth, though be it out of order, it remains the truth. Punish rudeness, that costs nothing but hurt feelings, and allow corruption among their ranks, that costs the American people who elected them, their hard-earned money, money that provides for their families.
Now what is wrong with this picture?Who do our elected leaders really represent, another rhetorical question, you know the answer, and so do I. ACORN should not get one more penny from taxpayers, not one. ACORN should be investigated, then those who are, and there are plenty I am positive, should go to jail, and not just those involved with ACORN, but those elected leaders who are equally guilty for protecting them!Therefore, a day of joy, filled with good people made out to be monsters by some, but heroes to me, and sadness resulting from knowing we have corruption in the House and Senate of Congress, and probably this current Administration. Oh yes, and corruption in our states capitals, complicit in the destruction of America’s dignity, stomping on our constitution, and failing to fill the promises made to the voters as they took their oaths of office. Many of those elected officials feeling nothing as they take our tax money and instead of spending it wisely to create a strong and respected America, fall to temptation and squander what so many works so hard for to live the American dream.God bless America, and God bless every one of you who carry on what was started 6 months ago, as the 9/12 project took shape and ordinary people are doing extraordinary things.
For those who take advantage of we who care, are willing to be included in the redistribution of the wealth of America, by living off those who made America what she is, and that is not Socialism, but a Republic that was and will soon once again be respected and envied by the world. Americans are a compassionate people, but do not lie to us, take advantage of us, or ignore us. Do not ignore us!Still, the sadness is overshadowed by the joy. There is a day coming when those who failed to hear our voice will soon wonder what happened and then be gone. Some believe we are living under an allusion, but we will prove them wrong. It must start somewhere, by someone, why not now, why not us!
The joy that filled my heart as I watched the unfolding events of yesterday through clouded, tear filled eyes, warms my heart.I smiled, along with all the men and women, young and old, with children who will one day recall that they were there. They were not to fill our capitol’s air with hate, but their concerns and fears that the very people that “We the People” elected are stomping on our Constitution and Bill of Rights! To think that those elected officials were more concerned about filling their pockets with special interest money, than fulfilling their sacred oaths to carry out the will of the people. Moreover, it is clear to anyone with a brain that the will of the people does not include spending generations to come into a debt that is impossible to repay if they continue down this path of reckless waste of the taxpayer’s hard-earned money.As the day came to a close and the various newscasts reported the events of the day, depending on which way they leaned politically, with the exception of FOX, who were just happy to be a part of reporting on an event that clearly showed the joy of the American people on this special day.
It was hard to miss that the “Angry Mob” depicted by many news organizations and talk shows, were just the people that make up our great country. No, I did not watch this amazing demonstration of our freedom through rose-colored glasses, but rather through my cloudy, tear filled eyes. The tears were tears of joy, tears of hope, grateful for what started six months ago culminating yesterday, 9/12. Clearly an expression of tens of thousands, if not millions of people, across our country, in most if not all our states, cheering on our common goal to tell those in Washington DC that “We the People” are not going to take it any more, that we have had enough!Then, this morning, as I was reliving the wonder of yesterday, a bit of sadness crept in and stole away some of the joy. Then, this morning watching FOX news, I was reminded that we still have a long way to go. Glenn Beck is right; this is just the beginning, phase one if you will. On the news the reminder of the corruption that remained in not only in the halls of congress, and perhaps this current administration, but in organizations like ACORN continues to permeate what otherwise is a land of hones, hard working people and companies.
The young man and woman, who took on, without fear of the potential consequences, reminded me that tax payer money is going into the pockets of not only the women who were visible to us all exploiting these “customers”, but also those who gave them instructions to carry out their illegal acts.If it’s not enough that they got caught in the act by these brave patriots, but now indicate that they (ACORN) plans to sue them for whatever and that is just wrong! Making the young man and woman the villains instead of praising them for exposing the corrupt nature of their employees demonstrates the hypocrisy of whom they (ACORN) are. Instead of congress crying out for a full investigation of this corrupt organization and cutting off all funds of the taxpayer’s dollars, only silence. America, Glenn Beck is right on, this is just the tip, and we must not fail in continuing to engage this corruption by putting pressure on those we elected to do the right thing. The sad thing is, we should not have to say a word.
It is the “duty” of our elected officials to take action, after all it is their pockets being filled by donations from ACORN and organizations like them. Where is the outrage?Am I the only one who finds it strange that with all the investigations going on, in at least 14 states, related to ACORN and voting fraud and other illegal activities, that the leadership in both the house and senate have not voiced their anger of how our taxpayer money is wasted? You need not answer that, it was a rhetorical question; I know you all know the answer to that question. Just think of the hundreds of millions, probably billions of taxpayer money funneled into organizations like ACORN, and ACORN certainly is not the only organization in the pockets of those corrupt elected officials, not only in Washington DC, but at the state levels as well.
You know if only all of us did what we should be doing, America can and will return to what she once was, but we will have to commit and then act on our commitment.If all what I have said is not enough, now Congressman Wilson, who yelled out in congress, “You lie,” at the president, then apologized to the President for his actions, is now being asked to apologize to Congress for braking a rule. Congress will not call for an investigation into corruption that wastes our taxes, but will punish a congressional representative for yelling out the truth, though be it out of order, it remains the truth. Punish rudeness, that costs nothing but hurt feelings, and allow corruption among their ranks, that costs the American people who elected them, their hard-earned money, money that provides for their families.
Now what is wrong with this picture?Who do our elected leaders really represent, another rhetorical question, you know the answer, and so do I. ACORN should not get one more penny from taxpayers, not one. ACORN should be investigated, then those who are, and there are plenty I am positive, should go to jail, and not just those involved with ACORN, but those elected leaders who are equally guilty for protecting them!Therefore, a day of joy, filled with good people made out to be monsters by some, but heroes to me, and sadness resulting from knowing we have corruption in the House and Senate of Congress, and probably this current Administration. Oh yes, and corruption in our states capitals, complicit in the destruction of America’s dignity, stomping on our constitution, and failing to fill the promises made to the voters as they took their oaths of office. Many of those elected officials feeling nothing as they take our tax money and instead of spending it wisely to create a strong and respected America, fall to temptation and squander what so many works so hard for to live the American dream.God bless America, and God bless every one of you who carry on what was started 6 months ago, as the 9/12 project took shape and ordinary people are doing extraordinary things.
For those who take advantage of we who care, are willing to be included in the redistribution of the wealth of America, by living off those who made America what she is, and that is not Socialism, but a Republic that was and will soon once again be respected and envied by the world. Americans are a compassionate people, but do not lie to us, take advantage of us, or ignore us. Do not ignore us!Still, the sadness is overshadowed by the joy. There is a day coming when those who failed to hear our voice will soon wonder what happened and then be gone. Some believe we are living under an allusion, but we will prove them wrong. It must start somewhere, by someone, why not now, why not us!
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