I hardly know where to start. I grew up in a home where my mother and father taught all six of us (their children, two girls and four boys) that God created all men and women to be equal, never consider religion, race or political background when determining the character of any person, only the character of how they live their lives. We were taught never to judge anyone as that task belongs to God alone, and surely each of us will be judged one day at the end of our journey here on earth.
My father, all four of us "knuckle heads," as he called us boys, and my son, served for a total of 137 years of active duty service. My father served over 33 years in the Air Force, one brother was a Navy doctor, three of us served together in Army Special Intelligence, along with my son who eventually followed my footsteps, with only defending this great country and the diverse peoples that make America what she is, America! While serving, the one thing I noticed more than anything else was was that not one of us ever once, in my entire 20+ years, thought about what color, religion, or politics influenced the make up of the person, male or female. Our only concern was how to best serve our country and protect her from the enemies of our time. Left or right was only what were words called out in a parade, when troops were being marched, or while driving and having to decide which way to turn at the next intersection.
Now, I am not saying that I was not aware that there were people that race was a negative part of their lives, black, white, or whatever ethnic background they happened to be. I am saying that I did not allow those people to be a part of my life as only bad things can happen when that is the most important thing you have while you serve out your short existence here on earth. I surrounded myself with people who shared my values, regardless of their personal ethnic, religion, or political makeup. I wanted my family to know the wonderful feeling of being free from the chains that bind those who close their eyes to the goodness and give in to the corruption, greed and hate, that fills so many. I often wonder what it would be like if everyone could only be as lucky to have been raised by parents who filled our minds with love instead of hate. I never thought that I would ever see a past president try to make race an issue because one congressman disagreed with the current President, and challenged the truthfulness of comments made during a speech.
How could one, let alone seven Senators, defend ACORN's actions by voting against cutting off funds until they have been investigated and audited? I find it interesting that at least one of those who voted against cutting the funds from this malicious group, filled with corrupt and criminal elements, happens to be from the same state that our current President was a part of, as a "Community Organizer" and Lawyer, for that very organization. As I pondered this question, I thought about how ACORN makes donations to politicians from both the House and Senate, and both Parties. I thought about the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars ACORN donates to politicians, and that the money they donate surely must come from the very TAX money collected from citizens of this country. So factually, it is our TAX money funding ACORN, who in turn donates large amounts back to the political figures who collect our TAX's. There is a certain irony about this that is disturbing, because that makes us complicit in keeping the corrupt figures in office while financing the very corrupt organization called "ACORN". If anyone should decide if this organization should receive one penny it is the taxpayers of America. I am certain that everyone of you feel as I do about financing any organization, that is corrupt in any shape or form. I vote no! I vote now as I comment here and I will certainly vote in 2010 and 2012. I think you can guess where my vote will be going, and it will not go to one person who supports organization, with our hard earned dollars, or pass bills that place this country in debt in such a way our children and their children will never experience the American dream. That is where the real shame is to me, knowing my five granddaughters will have to carry the burden of the waste by uncaring politicians who only have power and money as their God.
Watching the evil perpetrated on the American people by elected political figures, as a result of their personal greed, tears at my heart and soul. My old brain tries but fails to comprehend the ability for those in power to violate the trust of "We the People" and future generations, as they decide on how to further waste our money, pay off corrupt organizations who help elect them, and stomp on our near perfect constitution created to defend us against these very people. How sad it is that with all that is going on, there are a few who really care, and will be lost in the shuffle as they will be tossed out with those who really should go. Glenn Beck is right when he says that this is symptomatic of something much, much larger, and until "We the People" rid the sacred halls of congress of those corrupted, and expose corrupt organizations who accept our hard earned money, paid to Uncle Sam as tax dollars, our great country is in danger of disappearing as the great nation that the world envied. We must not, cannot allow this to happen. We need to continue the battle to regain our country back, restore our constitution, and elect honest and patriotic politicians who are not afraid that "God," representing our values, might be spoken or heard by someone.
Yes, in spite of what is wrong with America, mostly in Washington DC, there is still so much that is good, so much that represents who we are and what we are. We, all of us, are America, we are "We the People" and that is something I am very proud to be, very proud to be! I am proud to be called "fellow American" or "one of us" or "one of you," most of all, although ashamed we are governed by some very corrupt elected politicians, I am proud to be an American. After all, that's who "I" am, an "American!" I stand with you, along side of you, and as long as you and I don't allow those we disagree with to define us as racist, we will be fine, we will not fail, because, and I'll say it again, "We the People" are Americans! Mfgjr
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