I am paraphrasing but it is accurately portrayed, when I say that the president basically cut off George Stephanopoulos and stated that he did not see ACORN as a major issue, and that he really did not know how much ACORN was being funded. He clearly did not want to talk about ACORN and cut the conversation short by changing subjects. He never answered the question if he would call for all government funding for ACORN to be discontinued.
What strikes me is that our President, the President of the United States, fails to see that ACORN, which has shown that it is a corrupt organization that receives tax payer money to fund it, is part of the core problem this country wants to change in Washington. ACORN is slated to receive 8 billion dollars, and to the president, is not an important issue. ACORN has already received around 53 million dollars, and that also is not an important issue, to the President. The only thing he indicated he thought was not a good thing was what was captured on film by the two young patriots who caught ACORN in the act, in several states, on both sides of the continent.
By answering George Stephanopoulos in the way he did, relative to ACORN, made the President look uninformed, unaware, and ignorant of what has been going on and an important issue with "We the People". The money, that the president is unaware of being provided to ACORN, is paid by the tax payers of America. And, the millions of dollars paid, and the billions of dollars scheduled to be paid, to ACORN, may not be significant amounts to the President, but it is to all of us, as we are the ones who's pockets are being picked by the government.
I am not ignorant of the fact, nor are the American people, that the President of the United States did not answer the questions on ACORN for one reason and one reason only, his association with that corrupt organization. It cannot and must not be forgotten that he once was a lawyer for this organization, and worked with them as a community organizer. He will dismiss his ties because to do otherwise makes him complicit with their extreme left radical agendas. Well, Mr. President, "We the People" are not stupid, we are not ignorant, and we are not going to set aside the fact that you have been associated with this group and clearly by failing to speak out against this group only fortifies your position of support for them.
Although some of the questions were in appearance to be tough, in actuality the questions did not solicit any response that answered the questioned asked, only caused a change of subject, returning to "Health Care". There were many questions that ranged from Healthcare to racism, none were completely answered and all were minimized.
The one thing that struck me I guess was that President Obama had only one agenda, not to answer any questions that were "irrelevant" to his intended message on Health Care, and not to allow any questions that would suggest any tie between "ACORN" and him. It was tough to sit through but I forced myself to do so for the purpose of reporting back to you, what I saw, and what I thought, and if you happen to watch any of it, did you see something other than what I have expressed.
I do better understand why President Obama could not come on FOX, if he had, he would have to face and answer questions other than what he dictated or wanted. He knows that the American people would expect him to answer questions on ACORN, Corruption in congress, and waste of tax payer's money by funding corrupt organizations. That does not fit his agenda, so that is why he did not appear on FOX, to bad, he could have
Oh, and by the way, the President further failed to support the CIA and the former Agency Directors, by stating that he would leave it up to the Justice Department to decide if further investigations or criminal prosecutions related to CIA activity and/or agents would be necessary. Again dismissing this as an issue that does not rise up in importance for him to make a decision. None of us should be surprised that this President will not make decisions on important matters, after all, when did he ever make decisions of importance. While serving his short time in the Senate he only answered "Present" in most if no all votes. I doubt that he made decisions while a "Community Organizer", does any one really know just what he did do while there? God only knows what decisions he has made as President only were to break promises and commitments to the Poles and Czech's by deciding against putting in a defensive missile system in those countries.
How on earth did we get here? How did this President sway so many that he became the leader of this country. Answer these questions and we can answer the questions that would solve the mysteries of the universe. There is no answer that would make sense, only that many of us were asleep at the wheel, but now that we have decided that we are no longer tired and have slept enough, we are on the move and will soon be heard loud and clear. "We are not going to take it anymore!" The sleeping giant is awake now and ready to take on our state and federal governments to make them face and take responsibility for their culpability in the corruption allowed to flourish while hard working Americans work for an honest living. Good, caring, patriots who take what little time they have out of their lives, are taking on government, holding tea parties to grow a movement that is sweeping across the nation. That's more than our President is doing and far more than our congress and senate are doing. Until there is an up or down vote on de-funding ACORN, money will continue to flow in to this corrupt and evil organization. Do not forget SEIU and the association with ACORN that exists, and the ties it has to this Administration!
Well, it was difficult to watch all five of the morning shows to see just how they each challenge the President on matters of importance. In my opinion, they failed to meet the challenge. They accommodated the President, allowing him a forum to continue his agenda on achieving Government Health care system that will break the back of the American economy, and the pocketbooks of the American people. Mr President, "We the People" are not stupid, we are not gullible, and we are not mindless robots that snap too when you command. "We the People" are America, and we love our country, and our constitution, so don't mess with either, as our voice will only become louder and louder.
I sure am glad this assault on the morning shows by our President is over, I am not sure I could have sat though one more of his scripted interview. But, he President Obama, so I can feel certain that it will not be his last, as he must have his face on TV more than any President I have ever witnessed. God help us if he has another four years, we must, absolutely must, see to it that he is a one term president, before he does any more damage to our Republic! I know what I have to do, do you? Vote - Vote - Vote, and he will get the change, but the change we want! Mfgjr
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