Let me start by letting you know that I am a Viet Nam Vet, now 100% disabled Vet, filled with the desire to work on fixing what is broke, and the only way I have is to speak out. My voice still works as does my brain (at least some of it according to my wife). But as a Viet Nam Vet, I have heard the rumors relative to reducing benefits, taxing health care for veterans (Tri-Care) and I am concerned for obvious reasons. So, I think about things like Social Security, Medicare, and programs that I, along with millions of Americans paid into for most of their lives, if they are my age, which is in the mid 60's. I keep hearing about those in congress and the White House telling us that although we have no money, they want to create programs that will smother us. What is wrong with our elected leaders in Congress, in the Senate, and in the White House. Why can they not see that we should concentrate on fixing whats broke before we spend more of what we don't have, it's called money. Where is the leadership on this, who is making the decisions, who is really the "boss" of we have one at all. Would it not make more sense for our government to fix what they broke, by over spending in the past. Social Security is something Americans paid for as they worked all their life, and so they paid for medicare as well. Our government took that money and spent it on other programs, depleting the funds Americans paid for by having money taken out of their pay checks to pay for a promise made by our government when they started the programs. As you know, they kept on taking money from programs we, the people, paid into, knowing in their hearts their government would not take their money and blow it on programs to protect their seats in congress, both the House and Senate, yes, even the President. Now, knowing that they have raped Social Security, and Medicare, they now want to create something called "Universal Health Care" another program that will require congress to deplete what is left in our current programs. Why would we want congress to make promises knowing that there is no money to fund it, so let's just bankrupt all the promised programs, that did not come in by taxes, but money we contributed to programs that we, as American citizens, trusted our government to protect, and ensure that all Americans that paid into them would receive the benefits of those programs promised. But, as we all know, when they want to create more programs, they just take money from wherever they can, reducing what the programs in place have to offer, and here we are, and for what, a government who only knows how to take, take and take, the giving are the American citizens ("We the People"), and we the people better know what to do come 2010 and 2012. Let's stop electing likable candidates, unless they have the background and moral ethics to be who we want them to be, our representatives, legislating what "We the People" want, not what the elected officials decide they want for their private agendas and projects. Keep their fingers out of the programs they are breaking, fix them first before they legislate one more program, outside National Defense. We need smart legislators, not corrupt elected officials without ethics or moral fiber. God help us if we can not, or will not study our next candidates to be elected by "We the People" to govern this nation. We must be smarter, much smarter when we choose those who we entrust with the money we voluntarily give to our government, that we trust to spend wisely, and in good faith we hand them our money to ensure programs promised to those citizens "We the People" are maintained and healthy, not stealing from it, without our involvement to fund their private agendas in their States where their seats in Congress House and Senate, are in danger, by some honest politician, if there is one, who will challenge the dishonest elected official, using the money "We the People" have voluntarily handed over to our government that we trusted to spend it wisely, with care, knowing how hard we worked for each dollar we gave, took out of our paycheck, out of our pockets, out of our family's food money, medical insurance money (for their health), money to cloth our children, money for the family transportation, money we use to give to our churches so that they may feed the needy, yes, we voluntarily handed this money over to our government, to spend on programs that over the years our government promised would be their for us, "We the People" who are now tired, less able to work and further provide much more, voluntarily to our government, that we trust so much. Would it not make more sense to fix that which is broken and promised to "We the People" first, prior to giving it away to others who have never provided a single penny to build these programs, but still benefit from them because "We the people" voluntarily gave until they could give no longer give. No one ask us if they could use the money for their pet projects and personal agendas, but they did. Wonderful, we can count on our government to take what is left to fund what was promised to we "old" folks, and give it away, or take it to spend on what ever they have in mind, without even once thinking about asking "We the People" for permission, or involve us in any use relative to their private state projects. They don't mind cutting important military programs while we are at war, diminish the intelligence community (something I know a little about, as I spent over 20 years in that field (United States Army Intelligence and Security Command) or better known as INSCOM. We better pray for better and smarter elected leaders in the future, before we run out of time. Mfgjr
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