I just can't sit and watch what is about to happen in our congress, in the congress filled with elected officials that are meant to represent each of us. We have the Speaker of the House leading a faithful few in meetings behind closed doors, writing bills that are not allowed to be read or debated fully, then asking the minority to cast their vote on a bill(s) that they have not been allowed to read, discuss the content fully, nor have a knowledgeable debate on a bill not fully vetted. How did we get here. How was America fooled and led blindly to elect progressive socialists who will shred the Constitution and destroy the American values as we once knew them. America must wake up and look in, as I do, on C-Span (both the house and senate) then it will be clear what needs to be done come 2010 and 2012, to repair the damage this dictatorial administration has done to the United States of America, once the most admired and respected country in the world, believed to be strong and the defender of American values and ideals all over the world. Now looked on as a weak and apologetic nation that bows to everyone who follows the world of progressive socialists. We can wait no longer, we must act and act now with letters, phone calls, Fax's, e-mails, and our voices, but most of all, our VOTES, in 2010 and 2012! If we miss our chance due to apathy, we have only our selves to blame, only our selves to look too as real failures for not being strong enough to do the right thing, Vote, write, call, e-mail, and fax those who represent us. No more apologising, no more conceding that we are a bad country that needs to change for the good of the world. America is good, she is the hope of the world, and we must support her now and from now on. I am trying to do my part, and still feel it is not enough. Are you doing anything, if you are I thank you and respect you for taking a stand, if not, all I can say is "Shame on you!d)
To the Gregory Family,
The following is what I just emailed to the Speaker of the house and plan on similar communications to elected Representatives in both the House and Senate. It is absolutely imperative that each of you do the same. Our future depends on it. You can either sit by, and hope that someone else will do what you should have done yourself, or take the initiative and do what you need to do as an involved American. Mom and Dad, whatever their political views were, they always got involved and took the initiative. Please do the same, what ever your political views are, do something, not just sit by and hope it that it all works out somehow. Love to you all, Milt and Val
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,
Although I am not currently a resident of California, I was born there and lived there many years. I was fortunate to have made a wise decision to leave California and retire in the great state of Georgia. I am asking you for just once, do what you promised when you took your oath, and be transparent when presenting the Bill for government or "Public" Health Care covering all Americans. (planning to push this through in three weeks without fully allowing the minority to review the full content of the bill, or have meaningful discussion or debate is not what I consider "Transparent" or fair to the American people.) The rest of my family lives in California, in your district. They are watching C-Span looking for fair and open debate on this topic. If it is not clear that this debate takes place, and the content of the bill is not presented to the American people so that they can have an educated opinion based on the content of that Bill, you can be sure their votes and the votes of their friends, will not be in your favor. You have no idea how upset America is with your policies of secret meetings excluding the minority, to push though a bill that is not vetted in a fair and bipartisan way. America wants reasonable Health Care for all, but not at the cost of destroying the economy of what was the greatest nation on earth. Being relegated to begging for money from China and other countries, when America used to be the country that others came to for help and assistance. Don't even considering blaming the last administration for what is now in your hands and your watch. Just for once, make the American people your priority and not your personal interests or agendas.
Than you for your time and attention to the above. I, along with millions of Americans will be watching, 2010 and 2012 will be important years, and the outcome of your leadership will have a major impact on the outcome of elections during those years.
Thank you,
Milt Gregory
The following is what I just emailed to the Speaker of the house and plan on similar communications to elected Representatives in both the House and Senate. It is absolutely imperative that each of you do the same. Our future depends on it. You can either sit by, and hope that someone else will do what you should have done yourself, or take the initiative and do what you need to do as an involved American. Mom and Dad, whatever their political views were, they always got involved and took the initiative. Please do the same, what ever your political views are, do something, not just sit by and hope it that it all works out somehow. Love to you all, Milt and Val
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,
Although I am not currently a resident of California, I was born there and lived there many years. I was fortunate to have made a wise decision to leave California and retire in the great state of Georgia. I am asking you for just once, do what you promised when you took your oath, and be transparent when presenting the Bill for government or "Public" Health Care covering all Americans. (planning to push this through in three weeks without fully allowing the minority to review the full content of the bill, or have meaningful discussion or debate is not what I consider "Transparent" or fair to the American people.) The rest of my family lives in California, in your district. They are watching C-Span looking for fair and open debate on this topic. If it is not clear that this debate takes place, and the content of the bill is not presented to the American people so that they can have an educated opinion based on the content of that Bill, you can be sure their votes and the votes of their friends, will not be in your favor. You have no idea how upset America is with your policies of secret meetings excluding the minority, to push though a bill that is not vetted in a fair and bipartisan way. America wants reasonable Health Care for all, but not at the cost of destroying the economy of what was the greatest nation on earth. Being relegated to begging for money from China and other countries, when America used to be the country that others came to for help and assistance. Don't even considering blaming the last administration for what is now in your hands and your watch. Just for once, make the American people your priority and not your personal interests or agendas.
Than you for your time and attention to the above. I, along with millions of Americans will be watching, 2010 and 2012 will be important years, and the outcome of your leadership will have a major impact on the outcome of elections during those years.
Thank you,
Milt Gregory
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