I received a response from Saxby Chambliss to emails filled with questions, and he has responded to each of my emails in as much detail as I could have hoped for. I have to give him credit, and his team who reads the emails and responds, as I asked very specific questions and he answered each and everyone of them. I returned his email with; "We The People" will be watching what happens and will respond accordingly. I must give him credit, he has always been an up front kind of Senator with me to date, and as long as he continues, he will continue to "earn" my vote and those of us down here in Georgia who appreciates good honest answers (we understand that there will always be some politics in our communications from him, as any politician, but that is to be expected unfortunately. I remember when he ran, as I supported him, I always reminded him that without our votes, he ain't going to Washington! He has kept his word on everything he has told us so far.
I continue to believe that not every man or woman who is a politician is corrupt. My brother-in-law would argue otherwise. Ron and his wife, are from England (his wife is my wife's, sister). He is all doom and gloom about politics, as I know some are here on the 9/12 Project. I have always been a bit more optimistic and would rather find the good in my fellow man rather than concede that every man or woman in congress are evil or corrupt villains, waiting to destroy everything good about America. I must admit that I do find that more and more in the Democratic Party, and it saddens me and my wife. We live in a culture that requires a lot of strength and faith in our beliefs relative to political bias and those who would see only the destruction rather than the building of our nation and political values. I will not be deterred by those who have their own agendas, and preach the negatives, rather than the positives about our great land and those we entrust to lead us. We vote them in, if they fail us, we vote them out. We have been doing that for a long time and it beats the alternatives, by a long, long way. So, suck it up fellow Americans, and remember what we are all about, for those of us who served our country in uniform, remember the oath we took, and it should not be taken lightly, but with the realization that a price was paid for our rights and for our continued rights, there will be continued prices to be paid. I say to those men and women who defend our way of life, thank you, thank those who paid the ultimate price, and thank all those who will follow in their footsteps to keep America free, and a nation of optimistic, God loving, patriotic, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and so on and so on. My flag hangs in front of my house, and when it is so worn we give it an appropriate ceremony, then replace it with a bright new one. We are a family that loves America, and are saddened by the progressives and socialists that hijacked this wonderful country, holding it's people hostage, as they shred the constitution. As this happens, I feel a growing grassroots movement that will change the complexion of congress, both the house and the senate, along with the White House, and by complexion, I in no way mean the color of one's skin, or their religion, or personal beliefs. I mean that the overwhelming complexion of congress at this time is Democratic (closer to progressives and socialists) and we just want to return it back to our Republic, filled with conservatives and Republicans.
So, in answer to your question back in the depths of your head, yes, the email I was responding to was from Saxby Chambliss. Sorry I got off on a tangent as usual, but I never have been able to not do that when my country's reputation is at stake. I'll repeat what I have repeated for weeks now, come 2010 and 2012, get out and vote, vote, get your relatives, friends, and neighbors to get out and vote, then get their relatives, friends,and neighbors to do the same, and so on and so on!!! To America, I say, do not give up, nor allow anyone, and I mean anyone to guide you away from what America is, a great and wonderful country, made that way by wonderful and great people, protected by outstanding and wonderful soldiers of all uniforms. Keep America great by your actions, not just your words.
I continue to believe that not every man or woman who is a politician is corrupt. My brother-in-law would argue otherwise. Ron and his wife, are from England (his wife is my wife's, sister). He is all doom and gloom about politics, as I know some are here on the 9/12 Project. I have always been a bit more optimistic and would rather find the good in my fellow man rather than concede that every man or woman in congress are evil or corrupt villains, waiting to destroy everything good about America. I must admit that I do find that more and more in the Democratic Party, and it saddens me and my wife. We live in a culture that requires a lot of strength and faith in our beliefs relative to political bias and those who would see only the destruction rather than the building of our nation and political values. I will not be deterred by those who have their own agendas, and preach the negatives, rather than the positives about our great land and those we entrust to lead us. We vote them in, if they fail us, we vote them out. We have been doing that for a long time and it beats the alternatives, by a long, long way. So, suck it up fellow Americans, and remember what we are all about, for those of us who served our country in uniform, remember the oath we took, and it should not be taken lightly, but with the realization that a price was paid for our rights and for our continued rights, there will be continued prices to be paid. I say to those men and women who defend our way of life, thank you, thank those who paid the ultimate price, and thank all those who will follow in their footsteps to keep America free, and a nation of optimistic, God loving, patriotic, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and so on and so on. My flag hangs in front of my house, and when it is so worn we give it an appropriate ceremony, then replace it with a bright new one. We are a family that loves America, and are saddened by the progressives and socialists that hijacked this wonderful country, holding it's people hostage, as they shred the constitution. As this happens, I feel a growing grassroots movement that will change the complexion of congress, both the house and the senate, along with the White House, and by complexion, I in no way mean the color of one's skin, or their religion, or personal beliefs. I mean that the overwhelming complexion of congress at this time is Democratic (closer to progressives and socialists) and we just want to return it back to our Republic, filled with conservatives and Republicans.
So, in answer to your question back in the depths of your head, yes, the email I was responding to was from Saxby Chambliss. Sorry I got off on a tangent as usual, but I never have been able to not do that when my country's reputation is at stake. I'll repeat what I have repeated for weeks now, come 2010 and 2012, get out and vote, vote, get your relatives, friends, and neighbors to get out and vote, then get their relatives, friends,and neighbors to do the same, and so on and so on!!! To America, I say, do not give up, nor allow anyone, and I mean anyone to guide you away from what America is, a great and wonderful country, made that way by wonderful and great people, protected by outstanding and wonderful soldiers of all uniforms. Keep America great by your actions, not just your words.
God blessed this country and enriched her for reasons known only to him. But, I have faith that God will continue to look down on this nation of Christians and continue to bless her, bringing out the best of her. She is a great nation, a beautiful and powerful nation, one nation, under God. As we all are, one people, under God... What a wonderful nation this is and continues to be. We need to continue to believe in God, have faith in God, and pray that he will bless us once again, in spite of our weakness in values at the moment, we will come back, we will return and America will once again shine as the nation immigrants want to call home.
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