As I reflect back on all my comments on the 9/12 project, I find that I am looking back on history in a way that I have not in many years. I provide the following as an example of why I say this:
In 1956, Nikita Khrushchev gave his famous speech addressing Western ambassadors at a reception at the Polish embassy in Moscow, where he made his famous remarks "we will bury you!" (actual quote reads: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will dig you in"). He later remarked in a speech in Yugoslavia, "I once said , "We will bury you, and I got in trouble with it. of course we will not bury you with a shovel, Your own working class will bury you." A reference to the Marxist saying, "The proletariat is the undertaker of capitalism"; a popular articulation of the materialist conception of history as the inevitable progression of class struggle towards communism. My memory is vague on the rest, but if I recall (I was rather young at the time, but the speeches are somewhat embedded in my mind) he further indicated how this would be accomplished, through our schools, churches, and government. Your are correct Bea Turner 3, we must get the progressive, socialist educators out of our schools, and our only hope is to reteach our children the meaning of being a free thinking and democratic country. Forget what arguments are presented here today, all we have to do is look at history, and the remarks made decades ago, by Nikita Khrushchev providing an insight to what he felt our future was going to be. Does anyone recall when he banged his shoe on the table in front of him, when he demonstrated his disdain for a capitalist, democratic society as this country enjoys. His predictions are close to being fulfilled, an I will continue to ask America not to waiver and bend to anything that would bring us to the level of those who agree with that dictator of long ago. Do what American do, vote out those who have brought us to this point, and vote good solid patriots, with strong ethics and demonstrated their devotion to our American values. I continue to support our Constitution and our democratic way of electing our leaders, and dethroning those who fail to meet our standards of high moral ethic and do it by our votes. That is the American way.
As young as I was, the memory of it all remains forever embedded in my brain. I pray that America wakes up and takes a hard long look at history, then at our schools, and then as important as anything I have said, a strong look at who we have in Washington, leading us in both houses and the White House! Then, after that long hard look, not just go on with our lives, but do something, what ever it takes to get all Americans to understand that if we do not grab hold of the moment, we will have lost an eternity, ...forever...we must not, can not fail. If anyone reading this fails to understand the importance of it's message, we have already failed.
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