"Comment by Cindy GSO 1 hour ago
Guess this is what we get for all the years we sat back and let the government run itself! I for one was NEVER involved before Obama came out of hiding. He did get one of his wishes and that's getting out the vote! We will be out in full force in 2010-2012. There are more people active in politics now then ever before. The only good thing to come out of Obama is the awakening of us that were asleep. We ALL have to be aware of what is going on and do our part (no matter how small) to keep freedom alive. Men and women have died for us the least we can do is make a few dozen phone calls! I do think it is also important to let the politicians that are looking out for us and want what is best for the country ( I believe there are still some left) that we are behind them and we're ready to fight for the America we once had! Like you said Zeb "Maybe Conservatives should take a page from Alinsky and ACORN and behave more like liberals." We have turned the other cheek for the last time!"
The above is a wide spreading viewpoint that is catching on and more and more people are trying to interact with 9/12 project groups, taking initiatives that should have been taken years ago. The important thing is that the initiatives are being taken now, and that's a good thing. I can tell you my family, a military family with four sons, a grand son and even my oldest sister was in the reserves. We all followed my father's foot steps, a tall man who stood 5'5" in height, but towered over every liberal he ever met before he passed away. If only my health challenges would have allowed me to reenter the intelligence community where I felt most comfortable, working to preserve the freedom and republic views of the America we love so much. I know that to say, "Well, they got what they ask for" is a popular phrase right now, but what is at stake is far to important than cliches and silly come backs that are meaningless at this point. It's time to rethink what happened and why so many were lulled into a state of numbness that allowed a Senator with only two years experience in the Senate, and Community Organizer appears to be his only resume position. A man who cast his vote in the Senate as "Present" rather than for or against anything, so that he could never be accused of being on one side of the fence or the other. He kind of just existed, sprucing up his oratory talents and skills to overwhelm those how listen to him and captured their attention. Well, he got their attention, mesmerised them and got them to vote for him. Now he is President of the Untied States attempting to use his skills to intimidate congress and the Senate to pass bills that will destroy the very foundation our country was built on. To watch the America of the past crumbling into a pile of Progressive, Liberal, and most of all Socialistic governance of the American People. Can it actually happen? I just don't think so, I believe from my heart that the American people will gather in 2010 and 2012 and using their most powerful weapon, the Vote, to change the direction the radicals have led us. I believe in America, I believe in her people and something called the Constitution, something this President is trying to shred. Well Mr. President, take a good look at it, it begins with, "We The People". That should scare the hell out of him, as he does not believe in that, only "The One" matters. Sorry, wrong again, as many in the past have found out. We The People, matters and will make the difference in 2010 and 2012. Mfgjr
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