Where do I start, as yesterday I watched all the cable news talking heads reporting the stepping down of Governor Palin as Governor of Alaska before the end of their term. It's funny, I observed FOX News, of course, and saw and heard the shock and dismay in their reporting, searching for someone who could explain the sudden event. None found, some indicated their opinions that Governor Palin is stepping down due to pressure of the job, the attacks on herself and her children, etc., etc. Others thought she might have made a huge miscalculation in an attempt to prepare for the 2012 Presidential race. All the brains, who are sure they can read between the lines, giving their perspective on why she did what she did, when all you had to do is listen to her and she gave not only strong hints, but a clear path to what her goal is. Other cable news agencies thoughtful people of the Liberal persuasion indicated anything that they thought might discredit her as a potential threat to their political views. Oh how they wanted to express their glee of watching her stumble and perhaps fall into a cavern deep enough that she will not be able to crawl out and return to her "former" status as a supper star on the Conservative scene. Well, what difference does it really make, unless you are like me, filled with real hope fore once. Hope is something we Conservatives have not had from our leaders for some time. Oh I know there are voices out their that have echoed their party's "Talking Points", giving us what we wanted to hear, the Republican Party is still alive, wounded, but alive. I, for one, was as stunned as anyone. Being an average American, but strong Conservative who loves this Capitalist country that is under attack by progressive socialists, but at the same time found hope in her words. I believe that she is not just giving up her roll as Governor for reasons of distress, but rather that she meant what she said in her speech. If you listened it was clear, at least to this average American, that she loved her job, but loved more her state, Alaska, and even more, her country. Loving so deeply this great land, and her Alaska, she would not place her state in a position where she would lead while constantly being attacked by those who just can not stand the fact that she is not only a good Governor, but a great Governor, who may finish her term and really be a threat as a front runner in a presidential race in 2012! Many of the attacks on her character would cost a great deal of money, and her moral ethic would not allow her to continue to place the burden of this cost on her fellow citizens, and the distraction would not allow her governance of Alaska to be fully paid attention too. This wonderful and gracious lady, who talks like the rest of us, never holding herself above us, but one of us, decided to do what was and is in her heart, leave her position as Governor and turn to doing what I think she was meant to do, fight the good fight, for all of America and the strong Conservative values. Now this will really haunt the far left Liberals who fear the truth, what is right for all America, not their personal agendas. It will be like going to a haunted house thriller at the movies, fearing the unknown, the unexpected, the boogieman or woman, who will at some point silence them in some horrible way. The poor fools, she wants only to defend our precious American values, our Constitution, our religious beliefs and what we are all waiting for, our "Joan of Ark" who will save conservatism and the Republican Party. So many consider that she will split from the Republicans and go Independent, I feel she will do just the opposite, strengthen the Republican Party by her virtue, her honesty, her down to earth telling the truth about what we (Conservative Republicans) want to hear so deeply, that America will survive this attack by the far left and will once again rise to the occasion and return to her true values. I, for one, believe in her. I think, and it is my humble opinion, that the far left will attack this rock of a woman and strengthen the views of Americans across the land, that their experiment in progressiveness and socialism is failing and destroying the Republic's values, while shredding the Constitution. Americans across the land will rise up to the occasion and vote out the disillusioned far left and return congress to real patriots and protectors of the Constitution. I find hope in her decision to release herself from finishing her term as Governor, and take on the very party that is now a threat to her beloved State, and Country, and give them a fight, one that will expose their true colors as a party of extremist liberals, who have seized the democratic party, turning it into the first Socialist Party that successfully was elected into the White House, and taken over the congress, both houses, leaving the belly of our country and Conservative values now exposed to the very sharp teeth of their extreme radical leadership. I will not believe anything other than what I heard her say, from her own mouth, that she will use her time free from costing Alaska court time and costs defending, what surely will accelerate, attacks on her and her wonderful family, and take her fight to the whole country! We have our secret weapon, now released and exposed, and ready to do battle for our beliefs. It will be up to us, all of us who have faith in our system of Capitalism and conservatism, smaller government, and an end of wild spending, to get behind her, support her, speak out for her and let her and the whole country know she is for real, and so are we! At the end of the day, I truly believe that we will witness a remarkable event unfold, the birth of a new American hero, one who will be attacked harder than ever, one that will need our strength and values to support her desire to lead the way to restoring our government and country to it's rightful ownership, "We The People"! Mfgjr
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