I am intent on one thing as I grow older and find that in my retirement I still have a purpose in life. You know the old saying, Old soldiers never die, they just fade away. Well, I am not ready to fade away just yet. I am ready to make a difference in encouraging as many people (and old soldiers) think about what a huge mistake this nation made when it voted into office, and I mean the president of the united states of America, a progressive, a socialist, someone who wants to change the face of America forever. Now I have never considered race in my life as anything but a man of a different color or culture, etc. That mind set has not changed, nor do I think race should ever be considered when thinking about who we are electing into office to lead this country. What we should and better consider is what is their social thinking, where are they in their head when it comes to making decisions for the most powerful country in the world. How will the changes that he or she makes effect the culture and values of this great land for the four or eight years they are in office. Are they honest, do they reflect the conservative values of a nation born by a God who has blessed this nation with wonders that are evident from sea to shining sea, from the great mountains of the north, to the colorful deserts of the south. Blessed with treasures and resources that abound in almost every state, in every area of the country, that would allow America, if allowed, to almost be self dependant should it be necessary, or if we chose to do so. America is the most giving land in the world, but as she is deliberately made poorer, as is her population of ethnic groups that make up America, across her wonderful land, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It is of utmost importance that America is saved, returned to the conservative values that make her the great nation that she is. But each day America watches, on TV, hears it on the radio, on a daily basis, that she is being corrupted in both the House and Senate of our Congress, as well as the White House, and the administration that fills it's halls, and rooms. Changing America from a capitalist, democratic, republic that she was, to a progressive, socialist country she is becoming. Motivations or reasons for this phenomenon is really irrelevant at this point. It makes no difference as to the "Why?" or the "How?" did this happen, the impassability of this ever happening in America even being a question. It is happening, it is here, it is real, and it is not going to change unless we get involved and make changes take place, it's called using the most powerful weapon "We the People" have in our arsenal. It's called the "Vote", and if you don't think that is a powerful weapon, check out the way those currently holding seats in the House, Senate, and most of all, the White House, are reacting to those little things called "Tea Parties", and the prospect of this movement of the 9/12'ers taking hold, could actually make a difference, with massive changes the casual effect during the 2010 and 2012 elections, with the end result being a change in government, riding corrupt elected officials currently holding seats in the House and Senate, replacing them with dedicated, educated, motivated, and as important than anything said yet, patriotic, wonderful men and women who will repair the shredded documents called the "Constitution" and the "Declaration of Independence", reminding the nation that "We The People" and their "Vote" do count, and without a single violent act, the nation restored to what she was/is, a nation of patriots, who will never, under any circumstance allow this nation change from a Republic, into a Progressive, Socialist nation. It will be challenged due to the blind elections that caused this enormous challenge in the first place. The American people, no matter how hungry for change, the change was never change from freedom too Socialism. It will happen, the return to our America will happen (and when I say "our America" I mean without any reservations, "our" means, all Americans, no matter what culture or heritage makes up their person, all races, religions, political affiliation or patronage, and no matter what or who they are, that is what I mean by "Our America" should there be any question by those who are always suspicious and lack any trust in their fellow man/woman. I feel comfortable with who I am, and what motivates me to try and capture the attention of every American who cares about this great land, to remember that "We The People" can rescue our wonderful country from those who would change who she is, that just will not happen, "We The People" will just not allow that to happen. We will do what is necessary, we will Vote, and Vote we will, in 2010 and 2012. I have faith in my (our) America, and the wonderful people who make up the passions that make her the Greatest Nation On Earth! We want her back, and you can't have her! Once again, starting 2010, America will come alive again, and start to breath the breath of freedom, exposing the corrupt officials who will have lost their seats of power, riding them from our country's capital, replacing them with patriotic, mindful men and women who have learned before they enter their positions in the House and Senate, that the People put them their to "represent us" and we, the people, can remove them if they forget that they are not the power in this country, "We" are! So, remember to Vote next year, and know who you are voting for, research and study them before you enter the voting booth and cast the most important thin you will ever do, your vote! God bless America! God Bless every American who never forgets that America will allow every man and/or woman to achieve any goal they might want, they only have to earn it by educating themselves, and/or working hard at what ever choice in life you make. So, God bless you all. To those who would have changed this great land from a fee God loving nation, too a nation of robots, corrupted by the progressives and socialists that now hold the power in Washington. Their time is coming, try and sleep tonight those who are on the opposite side of who we are, sleep will be difficult, if it comes at all. We are coming, we are coming with our votes, and many of you will learn the power of the vote in the near future. To those who have abuse the entrusted their positions of representing their state, and the people who trusted them, be afraid, be very afraid, we really are coming, your time in Washington is almost over, election booths will be filled with the noise of change, real change, the kind that America really wants, a free nation of conservatives. To late to change if you hold a seat in the House and Senate, and yes, the White House! Get used to the idea of relocating, and better get a head start, this change you all wanted will be fast and furious. And then, We The People can sleep at night, without fear that we will wake up in a socialist country, it ain't going to happen! Don't you just love this great country of ours. We don't even have to fire a shot and we can change those who govern us. We the people are charged with the protection of our nation. So, come 2010, lets "Getter Done"! Thanks for allowing me to take up so much space on your web or link, I never really know what exactly it is, as I am not computer literate. God bless America, and God bless you all! Mfgjr
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