To my fellow Conservatives, I found this on the 9/12 project and had to make sure it was shared with all of you. So, please take a moment and read it. The message is very strong and very important!
"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds...[we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our miss-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers...."
The photograph of a young boy, sitting on a post, saluting under the American flag, was taken in Vienna Austria (note, the flag was added years later for effect). That young man is me at age four or five. Even then I appreciated what being a patriot was and meant. My father saw to it, bless his heart and soul, he made sure that each of his children loved the country they belonged too. It always amazes me that more fathers did not take the time to ensure that the next generation was prepared for what would be coming down the way. I recall his amazing insight and warning us kids how important it was to pay attention in school when it came to social studies and government. Little did my father know that in his later years, teaching in school would turn to brainwashing, teaching socialism, gently into the curriculum, and I observed it in my own children, especially the one that went to college. Both my sons were strong Conservatives, one joined the military (my oldest son, who followed my footsteps in military intelligence,) (while my youngest went to college and was slowly indoctrinated into being a pacifist, and then embracing socialist views.) My oldest served 16 years of active duty, then loosing faith with President Clinton, left the military to serve as a civilian contractor in the same field, more than that I can not go into. But you can be sure, he would not mind sitting on a post ans saluting the American flag. I am proud of both my sons, the youngest, passed away at the age of 36, from liver disease, following years of drinking at college, then later as a school teacher. He did not know he was dying until it was to late, and then his mother and I, along with his wife, watched him slowly pass, from something we all knew would destroy him. The sad thing is, we all were just ordinary people, with average IQ's, while he was an extraordinary person, with 162 IQ. Even with his socialistic ideas and learning's, he would have been proud to sit on that post and salute the American flag. he would have just done it from the other side of the isle. We discussed our differences in points of view, and it was clear I could never reach him, he could out talk me any day of the weak. He sure as heck was smarter than I was/am. The sad thing is, as smart as he was, he could not figure out why being progressive socialist was not good for a country that was based on it Conservative values.
My oldest son made it home from "over there" for father's day, and I now my youngest son was here in spirit, I could feel his presence, and you know, I am no sure, but I think, just maybe, he may have payed more attention to our talks than I give him credit for and his liberal thinking may be just a phase that now has changed and he is with his brother, mother and I in fighting the good fight, against the far left liberals. I could be my imagination, but I just think I am right in my feeling his presence and nudging me, to let me know, he now understands the difference and if he could, would vote for a Conservative rather than give our country away by voting with the liberals. Thanks God, if I am right or wrong, thanks for at least letting me feel that he has changed, up there, at your side, along with his grandmother, grandfather, and uncle. I can rest now, I can feel good about his leaving us, taking with him all his talents, singing, music, playing the guitar, etc., etc.. God bless America, and God bless all those who defend her right to be in what ever camp they choose. That is what makes this country so great, freedom, freedom that so many payed the ultimate price for. God bless this great land of ours, and continue to keep her safe and strong. Mfgjr
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