As I watch the news, listen to comments on talk radio, and talk to people in general, I am finding a very disturbing trend. A very strong lack of confidence in our Government, the Government that we elect to represent all of us, yet they appear to only have one thing in mind, satisfy their own personal agendas, needs. Their agendas clearly are wrapped in power and money, with no suggestion that what the people they represent, that elected them, give a hoot about what they really are interested in, what they need, or want, as long at it satisfies the need of the congressmen and women that were elected to represent us, "We the people." I worked from the age of 15, at car washes, pumping gas and mowing lawns. As soon as I graduated from high school, I was on my own. At 18 years old, I watched my mom, brothers and sisters board a plane heading from Okinawa, leaving me on my own to earn a living. I chose to enlist into the military, but first had to pay off some bills, my mom left me with, which came to about 500 bucks. I pumped gas at two stations while also working at a car wash where I met a lady who gave me a job as a handy man working around her house. Once my bills were paid, I enlisted into the United States Army (ASA, which later became
INSCOM), a branch of Army intelligence. I loved basic, the intelligence school I went to was far more difficult than I thought and I was amazed that I seceded to pass and get an assignment. I managed to get through 18 and 1/2 years before having to have a triple bypass heart surgery. The military wanted to medically retire me at 100% disability, which I fought and won my appeal, allowing me to complete my 20 years. So, I was medically retired after 20 years and 3 months. I immediately entered into the civilian job market, and went to work as a Security Officer, and in a few months was Assistant Director of Security of a major hotel (Renaissance Hotel, in College Part (Atlanta Georgia). In two years I was Director of Security and worked for over 22 years before my medical challenges caught up with me and I had to face the fact I was no longer effective and retired. The point is, I worked for over 42 years, with my wife working for over 20 years, and we earned a living, becoming a happy middle class family. Our efforts to establish a retirement we could afford has been jeopardised by our wonderful Republic facing a transition too a progressive and socialist country, something I never, ever conceived could happen in this country. Well, our elected president, President Obama, his administration, and a Democratic House and Senate, is leading our country into Socialism, taking from those, like Val and I, and giving what we worked so hard for, to those who depend on a government that gives the money we worked so hard for, to them, who just waited around complaining that they are underprivileged and we, the workers, owe it to them, the leaches. I know that there are some who really have never had an opportunity to get a job and work at it for any time. I also have worked as a Director of Security in a hotel and watched so many who have been given a chance, steal from the hand that fed them, loosing their job, then complaining of being denied the opportunity to work for what ever reason they could come up with, never facing the fact that they failed to work in an honest and diligent way. Always blaming the system for their failure. Color is not a factor, Race is not a factor, Religion is not a factor, dishonest people (male and female) are the factors, and nothing else. I won't comment on how many times I had to go before the unemployment boards to defend the reason why the person in question was terminated. My question in general is what happened, why is it that those who work, and I did come from a privileged family, I came from a hard working family, my dad in the military, and my mom worked in a Chinese restaurant (so did I). Everyone in our family worked, and gave half of what we made to "Mom" who required us to pay our way as soon as we were old enough to earn a living. Now, after all the work and struggle to finally get here, a place where I felt that I would retire and enjoy my final days. I have had multiple heart surgeries, multiple hip surgeries (right hip), lower back surgeries, suffer from coronary disease, degenerative disk disease, high blood pressure, degenerative joint disease, and a number of other medical challenges of little interest. After all this, instead of being able to live in peace, with excellent medical care, and no fear of not being able to afford to enjoy our retirement, I learn that our dreams and hopes are fading as Socialism takes hold of our country. It is very sad and I just don't know how the American people voted for socialism over democracy. what went wrong, why will I in my retirement be supporting those who have no intent to ever work if they can only continue to bleed the working class of America, which I have the greatest respect for. It has been a long journey to get here, and I was excited when I finally got here, even with my disabilities, believing that our hard work and belief in America finally paid off. It appears that I was wrong, what we have to look forward to in our lifetime and future, is loosing the security we built for our retirement, watching it go to those who will never work, and expect something for nothing. I never did, never will. I am a conservative and an American. I pray of the future of our country and the direction we are headed. I ask America to join me and in 2010 and 2012 return America to the country of opportunity, not handouts. Require people to at least attempt to find work. First, to accomplish that, Taxes must remain at the rates the unpopular "Bush Administration" kept them. The lower the taxes, the better chance America has to recover from the damage our current president and congress has ensured will keep the haves on their way to the have
nots. taxation is the only answer the far left understands. It is the only thing the conservatives make an effort to keep low. It's our money, every penny that goes to
Washington in the name of taxes belongs to you and me. It is a shame how they spend it. It makes me wonder why did I work 42 years, the last few in incredible pain, and why are the
Democrats so anxious to get what ever money they can from us who are at the mercy of their whims in what they
decisis as a means to level the playing field, sharing the wealth, and what ever other socialistic name they can give it. It is not too late, we still have 2010 and 2012. I can only remind you to do what I will do, and have done every election, both local and general, and VOTE! Voting the socialists out and the conservitives in is our only chance to save America, please don't let America and yourselves down. Vote, vote them out and return America to "We the people" words that should mean something again! Mfgjr
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