Yesterday I watched the debates in the House of Representatives, House of Representatives?, I really don't believe that is the right name for our congressmen and congresswomen any more, it should be House of Dictators, a far more fitting name. The majority, which happens to be the Democrats (for now), along with 8 weaklings in the Republican Party, passed what they call an Energy Bill. The debate was sad to watch, sad to see our "Representatives" disregard what the majority of the people (their own poles) are against. I wonder what ever happened to our congress following the wants and needs of the majority of America, is that what our constitution is all about, "We the People"! I thought the congress worked for us, as it is, they dictate to us what they have decided would be best for America, a Progressive, Socialistic, society, where they take from those who have gone out and earned a living, working two or three jobs if necessary, but still working to provide a life for their families, and stashing a bit away for the ability to retire one day. But, our very liberal Democrats have decided that those who did work hard should give what they have to those who made no effort and depend on handouts, "bailouts" and just what ever groups like "ACORN" can manage to manipulate from congress to give those who are much to lazy to work, when they had the jobs available, during the times when the banks and other corrupt companies (like investment companies stole the working class's money, and poured into the nonworking class's pocket's, along with their own. Watching this happen is a heart breaking change to the American Way, work for it, save it, and share what you want, not the government dictates, with churches and other charities. This was working, Americans always came to the aid of the unfortunate and those in distress. But why should they, us, anyone who works hard, give away their earnings to those who just don't want to share in the working class's world. They would rather belittle them, intimidate them, make them feel guilty for earning a living, until the government decides for us that we should subsidise those who refuse to work and depend on handouts. Why not develop programs to assist those who really want to earn a living by providing job assistance and/or educational programs rather than just taking, and taking from those who have until they are also have nots. Well, yesterday, I watched our congress do what they do best, put the screws to those who earn a living. I would like to thank the leadership (Minority Leader) for standing up for American ideals, liberty, the constitution, and the ordinary man and woman, who work hard, only to see socialism creeping in and the Progressive jerks who have been elected by weak liberals who have no thought about taking from the haves and giving it to the have nots, whether the have nots have ever tried to get a job or not. Being a Liberal used to mean something, my mom, who is no longer with us, was one of those strong liberals who believed in something and voted for presidents who loved America and never, ever considered changes were taking place to take America to Socialism. Well, those who elected the radical left, the very far left, putting them into office, in Congress, and in the White House, will soon learn that Socialism is not what they were voting for, but that is what they are getting. Yes, many wanted change, but not the changes that are in the making and may very well destroy what America was, I would love to say "is" but I think the changes to Socialism has already found it's way into changing America forever. I pray I am wrong and it is not to late. I will continue to hope and pray, until we all can vote again in 2010 and 2012, if we still have the right to do so. Please America, tell me I am right and America wants to continue to be the leading example of Capitalism and conservatism that made America the envy of the world. We have always led in giving, led in kindness and blessed with wonderful people who believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. What I witnessed yesterday in CSPAN made me feel ill, and I want to feel good again and am depending on the Senate to do the right thing, and I think she will, I have faith in our government, at least for now. We all can effect the outcome of the midterm elections in 2010 and the General Elections in 2012. Our voice must be heard, and as loud as our votes will allow. Our power is in the vote, and we can vote those out who hate America as a Republic, and love her as a Progressive, Socialistic country. So, vote them out, and vote America back to who she is, the example of the world for of what being and American means, Freedom, and represented not dictated too by the far left Liberals. Each of us, every American should never forget the sacrifices made by those how served our country, wearing the uniform of the Military Services, and all those who make sacrifices to preserve the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our Republic! We must not loose what they sacrificed so much for. Never forget, never give in, never give up! Go to the Voting Stations come election day in 2010 and 2012, and preserve what those wonderful men and women sacrificed for. God Bless every one of them, and God Bless America Mfgjr
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