To day as I watch Glenn Beck, my need to speak out to all my friends has become a passion with me. Organizations like ACORN are clearly organizations that need to be investigated and an audit must be made as to where they have spent our money and where they plan to spend it in the future. Mr Beck is a great teacher and has the facts to back his teachings up. Do you ask yourself "Why will congress not inspect, investigate and have an audit done to ACORN? And now I hear Mr. Beck telling us about other organizations that mirror ACORN and it's activities. Something is clearly wrong, and our oversight committees refuse to ask the questions that need to be ask, but go right on excusing their abuse of our hard earned dollars. Spending, spending, spending and spending, with no end in sight. Spending appears to be a way of life for the "Left" and they have no intention to reign it in any time soon. We are out of money, and begging for money from China, while the rest of the world watches and must be asking themselves "What happened?" By the way, my granddaughters, along with all of our children and grandchildren will inherit all that "Spending" the congress and this administration continues to do at a rate that is insane. Why will not the voice of the "Right" shout out loud enough to make the "Left" take pause and think about what is being done. I hear those who say the Obama administration and some in congress are doing what has been their objective for a long time. They just needed someone, "The One," to take the office of our president and make it the head office of the Socialist agenda they are charged with. I look at my granddaughter and want to cry, just sit and cry as I know what this evil man, holding the most sacred office in the world, intends to bring down America, do away with it's constitution and end our right to earn and keep wealth, by "taking" it from us. How long will it go on? Well, it's time to act, find our future leaders, maybe it's you, or someone you know, but we must find them, and elect them into office, local and in Washington! We must change the mindset in Washington of spending and rid the leaches that would destroy this wonderful country. We are running out of time, but it's not to late, there is 1010 and 1012. If we don't do it then, we may very well just be a bit late. We can all sit back and exist, living as we are directed to live, spend as we are directed to spend, be taxed and taxed, until we have nothing but our blood to give. I have been saying it and saying it over and over again. We must vote them out, get rid of them (Them being the Liberal Democrats, and any Liberal Republican that shares in the destruction of what America was. As we turn more and more to socialism, someone will rise up and be the leader we all wanted and needed, but will it be to late? Look at my granddaughter, look at your children if you have any, and ask yourself, "Do I want my children to grow up in a socialist country, give up the chance to excel and be what ever she or he wants to be. Any wealth gained will be given to someone who sits on their "A.." while others earn their means to eat, live in a home, and enjoy doing nothing, while others, like you and I, continue to work themselves to death. If you have a family, think long and hard about what you want for them and their future. If you don't, their future will not be very bright. Once more, implore you all, along with me, to do what needs to be done to effect change that counts. Vote...Vote....1010 and 2012...Vote....Vote and encourage everyone you know to Vote!
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