Well, today an old friend reminded me of the good old days when, she (Andi), Corky (Coralee), Geary, Jerry, and I all hung out together. They were days in the 60's, early 60's, while trying to make it through high school-Hueneme High. It is amazing that we, any of us made it through, although if I recall, Corky and Andi were the smart ones, while we guys, at least me, had to work hard as ever just to make it through. I recall so many events and how Jerry challenged me, when I told him getting "drunk" was only in your head, and I did not believe that you (you meaning anyone in general) could get drunk drinking hard liquor. Well, as I was not one of the teenagers who drank, I found out how wrong I could be. Jerry drove us out to some secluded spot, produced a pint of whisky, I have no idea what kind, which I commenced to drink about half, and watching me, Jerry laughed uncontrollably. He was watching me make a total fool of myself, as I hopped around on one leg, or at least tried, to prove I was right, and more than likely attempted other stupid things to prove I was sober. How wrong could one silly boy, and that was what I was for even attempting to prove anything to anyone, relative to drinking? When Jerry dropped me off at my house (he was still laughing out loud), I entered as quietly as I could as not to disturb my father, who was, as usual, doing his work at the dinning room table. I passed him, and it appeared that I was safe, I had managed to find my way to the downstairs bathroom where I had to relieve my self. I heard someone behind me, then a voice I recognized as my father, asked me if I had been drinking. I, of course replied, no, why do you ask? He said in his usual calm voice, I was just wondering why you are peeing in the waste basket, next to the toilet. The silence was deafening that followed, and never seemed to end. Then, after what seemed like a life time, I finally confessed that I was proving to my friends that you can not get drunk drinking hard liquor, and his response echoed in me ears for what felt like an eternity. He said, "I guess you were wrong". He then returned to his work and it was never brought up again, and my fear that he would tell my mom haunted me for years. Thanks dad for not going there at that point in my life. I am not sure I would have survived the wrath of mom, the disciplinarian in the family, and my life was literally at stake had he mentioned my lack of judgement and stupidity. That was just one of the many lessons learned, one of many more to come. But, here I am, I survived them all somehow. I often wonder what went through my father's head as he watched his oldest son, the one that carried his name, (I was a Junior). The one that was to be an example for my younger brothers to follow. I was then, and am now so very grateful that he spared me that humiliation. I never made any bets or challenged anyone in the name of stupidity again, not that I recall anyway. Oh, just one reminder from an old friend, Andi of our friendship and I was brought back to a day that is burned into my memory forever. I made it through Viet Nam with only wounds that left me with all my parts, and memories that still wake me up at night from time to time. As I close in on my 65th birthday, I am reminded how fast time goes by, and how short life is while we are here. God has blessed me in so many ways, those four friends are one of the best blessings of my lifetime. They were good friends then, and they are still good friends. We all remain in touch, with the exception of Geary, whom we have attempted to reunite with, so Geary, if you come across this rambling, get in touch with any of us. We still love and miss you. Back to reality of today, as we enter a time where America may change in ways that some of us will never be able to deal with as an America that we don't recognize. Never in my lifetime, did I ever imagine that this Republic would slowly turn into a Progressive, Socialist country. May we all get through it OK, and if all goes well, 2012 will be the year America comes home.
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