Being disabled at this time in my life frustrates me and drives me to near insanity as I read what comes across the various writings indicate the anger, the need to address the "change" that President (I have a hard time using that before his name) Obama promised. What he promised is not what the 912'rs expected, or maybe they did, and I am sure the change is not what most of the voters expected. Watching Obama, in his arrogance and superiority complex, continue to campaign, selling his socialism agendas, as if he actually believes that he rules the world. Where does he come off taking over private industries and placing his supporters and friends in charge, even those who dropped out of college, never worked a day, other than campaigning for Obama, with no consideration for the people that will have their lives destroyed by his decisions and actions? Any day now I expect to see him and hear him announce to the citizens of America that the Constitution is no longer a part of the governance of this country, and that he has initiated his own set of rules and laws as to how America will be governed. It is close to happening, much to close for me. I really actually feel ill when I see and hear reporters, interviewers, and ordinary citizens, tremble with excitement whenever they are in the presence of "The One". I know that the people will open their eyes and ears one day and then the fear will set in, the fear of what has happened and the fear as to what will happen due to "Their Vote" last November 4Th, when they elected "The One" and now they know, they know a huge mistake has been made, a mistake that may one day bring down the greatest country in the world. They, as I do, will ask, "How did this happen," Why did we not know or see that "The One" was not, is not and never will have the experience to lead the most powerful country in the world, and a nation of the most wonderful people in the world. This has always been the most giving country ever and it drives me crazy to hear "The One" apologize, and condemn America for mistakes of the past, as he continues to live off the hate he, along with his followers, have for our last President, President Bush, who upheld the promise to protect this nation and govern it from the White House, not in front of the media every chance he had. America will long for the good old days, that were just a few months ago, as "The One" will continue to hate America, what she stood for (and still does), and speak out, reaching out for what he needs most, power, every one's love and admiration. I really wonder who makes up his real "Inner Circle," the one meets in the shadows, behind closed doors at the White House, the peoples house, now "The One's" place to plan the destruction of the constitution and the way America was under Capitalism and the Republic she was. The Eagle will become a vulture! Let's not say goodbye to America, Let's say hello to 2010 and 2012 by voting the scum out and patriotic people in, people who still love the constitution and are not afraid to show emotions when our flag is in view, or a soldier passes by. There is still time, but it is running out. My old boss, Bo, always called me the "eternal optimist," I hope I will continue to earn that tag! Mfgjr
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