My first son, born in Ankara Turkey in 1967, grew up following me all over the world until he was old enough to join the Army. He followed my foot steps and joined the U.S.Army Intelligence and Security Command. After 15 years of service, he decided to get out and become a contractor where he wound up spending over 6 years in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and continues to serve somewhere over there doing what he can to support our troops and this country. But today, my son comes home (mainly to his wife Alicia) but will be home for father's day, a real gift to me. I am so proud of Milt III, I know I am a bit biased, but he is one of the most wonderful, and kind persons I know. I can't wait to see him, and it will be just hours and his plane will land and we will spend what ever time we can just enjoying each other as we has so much in common, in so many ways. God has blessed me in so many ways and I feel that my time on earth has been for reasons known only to him. But, I am here and I am lucky enough to have by my side Val, my wife of 43 years. I met her in Harrogate England and we fell in love the moment we saw each other, married 6 months after the day we found each other in Nina's Coffee Bar in Harrogate. We left for Athens Greece for my next assignment and that is where my son was conceived. He was born in Ankara Turkey due to a little thing called the seven day war and the influx of Americans to Athens required Val to go to Ankara, where they had a hospital that had the space to provide a place for her to bring Milt III into the world. He also is a strong Conservative and supports capitalism and a Republic rather than the socialistic government this Administration brings to our great country. That is the only down side for today, the upside is Milt III is coming home, is in the air and nearly arriving, arriving to bring his special love and wonder to his family and to his mom and dad. My son comes home today, and I just can't let "The One" destroy this day by thinking too much about what he is doing or not doing. I will spend my time today with Milt III, who to Val and I really is "The One!" Mfgjr
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