I am so glad my father, mother, brother and one of my son's are not here to witness the destruction of our constitution by the very man this nation elected to protect it. How could this happen, how could the people at the voting stations not know this was coming. There was so much out there to let us know that our president was a progressive, a socialist who wants to level the playing field by destroying what made this country so great, the freedom to achieve any degree of wealth we wanted to, if we dared. Telling the world how wrong, how bad, this wonderful country is, then apologizing for all our past mistakes, and never reminding the world of all the good we have done, for so many. What happened, what changed that made so many blind to what electing this man would bring. My father provided 137 years of active duty service between him, his four sons and his grandson (My wonderful son Milt III). One in the Navy, three sons and a grandson in the Army Intelligence community, all serving to preserve the constitution and the wonderful way of life our country provides. Mistakes were made along the way, but more than made up for by the many sacrifices made to protect so many around the world, providing freedom to millions, creating democracies to ensure a road to peace in the world, and fighting terrorism, not criminals, but terrorists who will again demonstrate the hate and contempt they have for our way of life. It's coming, all because the sign of weakness is growing more and more obvious by those who lead us in congress and sit in the oval office, the very place that should have someone seated behind the desk, a man who is willing to protect what this president detests so much. How did it happen, it must change and the power of our votes in 2010 and 2012 are the only answer to changing the direction of this administration. My rambling has gone on long enough. Don't sit back and hope someone else will cast the vote that counts, it must be mine, it must be yours, but it must happen. Mfgjr
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