"There are those who would deny that the Holocaust happened - perhaps until this moment we would say, let them come to Berlin, and from tomorrow we'll say, let them come to Jerusalem and look at these plans, these plans for the factory of death". To see the original historical document, the original Auschwitz plans. "There are those who would deny that the Holocaust happened - perhaps until this moment we would say, let them come to Berlin, and from tomorrow we'll say, let them come to Jerusalem and look at these plans, these plans for the factory of death".
Netanyahu looked directly into the eyes of those before him, and not, as President Obama did, with his chin up, and his eyes looking down on the people before him as if he was "The Chosen One" and talked as if America continues to be the villain and the rest of the world hero's of mankind, but he still was above them all, above America, and above the rest of the world. Oh, how I felt ill as I watched such a great man, like Netanyahu, who was the leader of a small country surrounded by hostility and countries who only want Israel to disappear,
As I watched this hero of a man, this patriot who only asks that peace is brought to his country, but not at the cost of destroying it. He only asks that those who are engaged in seeking peace to this part of the world, include Israel as a nation, not a people to be admonished and eliminated. He spoke with passion and deliberate humble reason. This is a great man, one who love his country, knows he is surrounded by those who would wipe him and all the people of his country of the face of the map. But in his humble and passion, you saw a man who was committed to protecting his nation and would not take a decision to bring a peace to Israel that included putting Israel's existence at stake. I would surely believe that if anyone attempts to stop him from protecting his country,
Hugo Chavesz's opening remarks were his recommending a book by Noam Chomsky "Hegemony or Survival" the imperialist strategy of the United States. Chomsky is an American Author. Now I wonder why he recommends this book for all the world to read. The he goes on: "The Hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species. We can continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat which is like a sword hanging over our heads. I had considered reading the book, but for the sake of time I will just leave it as a recommendation" Those are the words of Chavez, his opening remarks are recommending a book about saving the environment, I wonder where that came from....???
Then, God help me, I forced my self to watched a beast of a man called Hugo Chavez talk about America like it was pure evil. But talked about Obama as if he was hope for Socialism to spread to this country.
Then if that is not enough, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, starts his speech by talking bout the movie "South of the Border" by Oliver Stone. He tells of how a young American lady, who to told him that after watching the film she understood what he was going through and rather thing that he was the monster that he is made out to be by so many in America, she now thought of him in a more positive way. I am paraphrasing his words, as I am typing this after I heard his words spew from his mouth, at the United Nations.
Then he went into his usual rants against America, He made a special reference to America relative to Obama and his idea for change then discusses how socialism is a part of that change, praying for protection of "Obama" and that God will protect him, Obama, from the same kind of thing that happened to Kennedy, being assassinated by a bullet. Chavez went on praising those Marxist rulers of south America, and praising President Obama and his wife, the first lady. What a difference in how he talked about President Bush. I wonder why. Chavez could not control himself from making several references about President Bush, none of which I'll dignify by repeating them. Again, remember, I am making no exact Quotes, as I watched the incoherent babble come from his mouth. He talked about two "Obama's" and how he loved the one who spoke yesterday, and not the one who sends troops to interdict in matters in South American matters (Probably) talking about drug related matters. Then his ramblings got to be more than I could stand. But his praise for President Obama was not lost!
Now I ask you to compare the two men, "Prim Minister Benjamin Netanyahu", and then "President Hugo Chavez". Is there any of us who can even think these two men are in the same class. One is a great man, a hero that commands respect, while the other is less than dirt that has been defalcated on who commands only contempt and nothing more. I wonder which who is who, can you guess, or do you know?
Then, God help me, I forced my self to watched a beast of a man called Hugo Chavez talk about America like it was pure evil. But talked about Obama as if he was hope for Socialism to spread to this country.
Then if that is not enough, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, starts his speech by talking bout the movie "South of the Border" by Oliver Stone. He tells of how a young American lady, who to told him that after watching the film she understood what he was going through and rather thing that he was the monster that he is made out to be by so many in America, she now thought of him in a more positive way. I am paraphrasing his words, as I am typing this after I heard his words spew from his mouth, at the United Nations.
Then he went into his usual rants against America, He made a special reference to America relative to Obama and his idea for change then discusses how socialism is a part of that change, praying for protection of "Obama" and that God will protect him, Obama, from the same kind of thing that happened to Kennedy, being assassinated by a bullet. Chavez went on praising those Marxist rulers of south America, and praising President Obama and his wife, the first lady. What a difference in how he talked about President Bush. I wonder why. Chavez could not control himself from making several references about President Bush, none of which I'll dignify by repeating them. Again, remember, I am making no exact Quotes, as I watched the incoherent babble come from his mouth. He talked about two "Obama's" and how he loved the one who spoke yesterday, and not the one who sends troops to interdict in matters in South American matters (Probably) talking about drug related matters. Then his ramblings got to be more than I could stand. But his praise for President Obama was not lost!
Now I ask you to compare the two men, "Prim Minister Benjamin Netanyahu", and then "President Hugo Chavez". Is there any of us who can even think these two men are in the same class. One is a great man, a hero that commands respect, while the other is less than dirt that has been defalcated on who commands only contempt and nothing more. I wonder which who is who, can you guess, or do you know?
I'll not bore you with the details of all the speeches, the minutia of all the other speeches, as to tell you the truth, I did not pay much attention after Chavez, I could not take any more self abuse by listening to the dialog of each leader in their self indulgence and the subtle innuendo's towards America and Israel. I grow weary about the believing in the truths that each country echoes, depending on what is in their interest. What happened to interaction between countries and their allies? What happened to the trust between major allies of the world, especially those who used to believe in America, you know the countries that believed in each other, trusted each other, had faith in each other. America used to be the leader of the free world, but now is looked at as just another nation of the world gowning towards socialism, growing towards loosing it's influence in the world, all in the name of "The New World Order" and that, at least to me, is a very dangerous trend.
What happened, and where will it all end? I am actually afraid to try and look into the future and see where I believe it is all going to end up. I think I will just go back to what I believe in, and what many, if not all of you believe in, and that is that America is still here, it is still the leader of the free world, and it is still the greatest country in the world, it just needs our help to return to the America we all know she is. I have not lost faith in America, and I have not lost faith in the American people, but I have lost faith in the leader, the President, of this great country, not that I ever had any faith in President Obama.
As time moves on, and today turns into yesterday, as each day eventually does, I too will turn into yesterday, and another young generation will emerge and take charge of developing our country into what she will become. Oh yes, you young people out there, the country is in your hands, not us old folks. It is you, and you must ask yourselves this question; "Are my hands strong enough to hold the future of the world? I don't envy you in how you answer that question, it is a tough question, and only one answer is acceptable, but it is one that must be answered, and sooner rather than later. I know you don't want the responsibility of having to take charge of your personal responsibility, and that makes me nervous, because we, all of us, will be depending on you to take charge, forget your own indulgences for just a moment and think of what happens if you fail to answer the question with honesty and strength.
If you can not answer that question, and forget what you want, but think rather what America needs, than we are truly in serious trouble. It is time for the youth of the country to count on their strengths and knowledge, and riding on the backs of our generation. We have done our job, fought our battles to provide you with a platform to carry on. What are you going to do with what we gave you. Your first step was to elect a President who has no idea how to govern this country, nor does he have the knowledge to lead these Untied States of America. He only knows how to be a "Community Organizer", to take the Republic that made us so great, and turn it towards Socialism, Marxism, oh and yes, Communism! All you have to do is look around you and see that you took the easy way out and left our Capitalism in order to go where your professors have taught you to take America and that is to where we are headed, the radical, extremist, far left.
I just don't know where to turn to find the leaders of tomorrow, when so many are being taught to be the very thing we have tried to ignore as a possibility for our country, a socialistic state. So, what happened, today's youth, who are tomorrow's generation, only it is now tomorrow, and we, none of us really know what happened. Our generation feared tomorrow's possibilities and now that they are realized, we have to either turn it over to the youth who took us to where we are today, or take back the responsibility and acknowledge that the youth of tomorrow are not ready for today's decisions and responsibilities. Sorry kids, we adults must take back the responsibility and teach you young'ns how it is done.
One thing for sure, it is not done by capitulating to the left, or surrendering to the far left extremists who care nothing about the treasures of our great country, like the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights and who are willing to allow human beings to die or loose everything they have, than to turn on the water so that they can farm the land and start feeding America and the rest of the world again. If you are not willing to sep up to the plate, please get out of our way so that we can get back to work and return America back to what she was, no still is, but can and will be lost if we don't take back the reigns and recapture what President Obama and his administration of radical extremists would tear a part as they trample on our, yes "our", "We the People's" constitution. No, we of the generation of yesterday, will continue for today, and hope our young'ns will learn so they can take charge tomorrow. Remember kids, it will be time to vote soon, and you better not make the same mistake, as you, and yes, some of us made last November.
Right now, it's not to late to fix. But, when the next generation does take charge, if the same mistakes are repeated, then it will be to late. Our generation will do all we can to see to it that you will have been educated by then and you will see the light, voting your conscience, and restoring a damaged America back to the greatness and magic of being so special that all other countries once again envy us, enough to look up to America, instead of down at what she has become, everything they once depended on us to defend against. Once again I have gone on longer thank intended. But when I think of what is at stake, I can only pray that all those young and old that I come in contact with, I can influence to rethink their position, if they are for this administration and congress, to a position of respect for being an American, believing in the constitution, and embracing the bill of rights.
I will do what ever I can to turn the tide against the direction we are headed. If this old broken down veteran of Viet Nam can join the effort to bring America back home, than I suspect there are many of you out there who feel as I do and will join me and all the 9/12'rs and those who belong to "No We Wont" to be a part of the journey to restore confidence in America by the rest of the world. More important, be there with me in the lines to vote, vote many in congress out, in 2010, and replace President Obama with a true patriot, who believes in America, in 2012. Come join me, and those I speak of, in our commitment to put as much pressure on congress to do the right things, as we have managed to do with the ACORN situation.
As my fingers tire, I come to an end, I hope you can sort through my ramblings to see the truths I expose to those of you who are of like minds and love this country the way she is, and do not want the "Change" that Obama promised in his campaign to be elected. We can not say that he did not warn us, he told us exactly what he was going to do, I think many of us did not understand exactly what he meant. Hi change is Socialism, Marxism, and more, but all we want is to be Americans, filled with the dreams of capitalism, and freedom, freedom to be the Americans that we were, believing in America, trusting in America, praying to our God, having faith in our God, never to be told we cannot speak his name, or worship him when and where we wish. Just today, I watched a school of 5th or 6th graders, singing songs about Obama, to the tune of one of America's songs, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Julia Ward Howe, who wrote it in November of 1861, inspired by something patriotic which I will not go into today, check it out, it is worth looking into. I don't want to get off subject. The point is, watching the kids sing about Obama, to that tune, was spooky, and actually frightening. We cannot say the "pledge allegiance to the flag", but our kids are taught to sing about this man, not a God, or something close, but just a man who became president. And the indoctrination begins. God help us. Pray we have the strength to stay on subject and stay committed!