As I watch the news, listen to comments on talk radio, and talk to people in general, I am finding a very disturbing trend. A very strong lack of confidence in our Government, the Government that we elect to represent all of us, yet they appear to only have one thing in mind, satisfy their own personal agendas, needs. Their agendas clearly are wrapped in power and money, with no suggestion that what the people they represent, that elected them, give a hoot about what they really are interested in, what they need, or want, as long at it satisfies the need of the congressmen and women that were elected to represent us, "We the people." I worked from the age of 15, at car washes, pumping gas and mowing lawns. As soon as I graduated from high school, I was on my own. At 18 years old, I watched my mom, brothers and sisters board a plane heading from Okinawa, leaving me on my own to earn a living. I chose to enlist into the military, but first had to pay off some bills, my mom left me with, which came to about 500 bucks. I pumped gas at two stations while also working at a car wash where I met a lady who gave me a job as a handy man working around her house. Once my bills were paid, I enlisted into the United States Army (ASA, which later became INSCOM), a branch of Army intelligence. I loved basic, the intelligence school I went to was far more difficult than I thought and I was amazed that I seceded to pass and get an assignment. I managed to get through 18 and 1/2 years before having to have a triple bypass heart surgery. The military wanted to medically retire me at 100% disability, which I fought and won my appeal, allowing me to complete my 20 years. So, I was medically retired after 20 years and 3 months. I immediately entered into the civilian job market, and went to work as a Security Officer, and in a few months was Assistant Director of Security of a major hotel (Renaissance Hotel, in College Part (Atlanta Georgia). In two years I was Director of Security and worked for over 22 years before my medical challenges caught up with me and I had to face the fact I was no longer effective and retired. The point is, I worked for over 42 years, with my wife working for over 20 years, and we earned a living, becoming a happy middle class family. Our efforts to establish a retirement we could afford has been jeopardised by our wonderful Republic facing a transition too a progressive and socialist country, something I never, ever conceived could happen in this country. Well, our elected president, President Obama, his administration, and a Democratic House and Senate, is leading our country into Socialism, taking from those, like Val and I, and giving what we worked so hard for, to those who depend on a government that gives the money we worked so hard for, to them, who just waited around complaining that they are underprivileged and we, the workers, owe it to them, the leaches. I know that there are some who really have never had an opportunity to get a job and work at it for any time. I also have worked as a Director of Security in a hotel and watched so many who have been given a chance, steal from the hand that fed them, loosing their job, then complaining of being denied the opportunity to work for what ever reason they could come up with, never facing the fact that they failed to work in an honest and diligent way. Always blaming the system for their failure. Color is not a factor, Race is not a factor, Religion is not a factor, dishonest people (male and female) are the factors, and nothing else. I won't comment on how many times I had to go before the unemployment boards to defend the reason why the person in question was terminated. My question in general is what happened, why is it that those who work, and I did come from a privileged family, I came from a hard working family, my dad in the military, and my mom worked in a Chinese restaurant (so did I). Everyone in our family worked, and gave half of what we made to "Mom" who required us to pay our way as soon as we were old enough to earn a living. Now, after all the work and struggle to finally get here, a place where I felt that I would retire and enjoy my final days. I have had multiple heart surgeries, multiple hip surgeries (right hip), lower back surgeries, suffer from coronary disease, degenerative disk disease, high blood pressure, degenerative joint disease, and a number of other medical challenges of little interest. After all this, instead of being able to live in peace, with excellent medical care, and no fear of not being able to afford to enjoy our retirement, I learn that our dreams and hopes are fading as Socialism takes hold of our country. It is very sad and I just don't know how the American people voted for socialism over democracy. what went wrong, why will I in my retirement be supporting those who have no intent to ever work if they can only continue to bleed the working class of America, which I have the greatest respect for. It has been a long journey to get here, and I was excited when I finally got here, even with my disabilities, believing that our hard work and belief in America finally paid off. It appears that I was wrong, what we have to look forward to in our lifetime and future, is loosing the security we built for our retirement, watching it go to those who will never work, and expect something for nothing. I never did, never will. I am a conservative and an American. I pray of the future of our country and the direction we are headed. I ask America to join me and in 2010 and 2012 return America to the country of opportunity, not handouts. Require people to at least attempt to find work. First, to accomplish that, Taxes must remain at the rates the unpopular "Bush Administration" kept them. The lower the taxes, the better chance America has to recover from the damage our current president and congress has ensured will keep the haves on their way to the have nots. taxation is the only answer the far left understands. It is the only thing the conservatives make an effort to keep low. It's our money, every penny that goes to Washington in the name of taxes belongs to you and me. It is a shame how they spend it. It makes me wonder why did I work 42 years, the last few in incredible pain, and why are the Democrats so anxious to get what ever money they can from us who are at the mercy of their whims in what they decisis as a means to level the playing field, sharing the wealth, and what ever other socialistic name they can give it. It is not too late, we still have 2010 and 2012. I can only remind you to do what I will do, and have done every election, both local and general, and VOTE! Voting the socialists out and the conservitives in is our only chance to save America, please don't let America and yourselves down. Vote, vote them out and return America to "We the people" words that should mean something again! Mfgjr
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Cap and Trade Bill HR2454
Well, I knew it would not take long for the names of the 8 Republicans who voted yes for the Cap and Trade bill. So, for those of you who are interested, here are the names, the weak cowards who failed to stand up against the far left. They should be ashamed, when a fair number of Democrats were brave enough to vote no, against their own party because they knew it was wrong. Shame of the following cowards:
The republicans that voted yes and their contact info:
Bono, CA (202) 225-5330
Castle, DE (202) 225-4165
Kirk, IL (202) 225-4385
LoBiondo, NJ (202) 225-6572
Lance, NJ (202) 225-5361
McHugh, NY (202) 225-4611
Reichert, WA (202) 225-7761
Smith, NJ (202) 225-3765
The phones should be ringing off the hook on each of the above Congressmen. They should be made to feel ashamed for their inability to muster up the courage to vote no on a bill that cost American their jobs, millions of jobs. The bill HR2454 will be showing up at the Senate soon and it is important that those of us who care, call our representatives and hound them into voting NO on this bill. The information on Georgia's Senators follows:
Chambliss, Saxby - (R - GA)
Class II
(202) 224-3521
Web Form:
Isakson, Johnny - (R - GA)
Class III
(202) 224-3643
Web Form:
There is no excuse for you not to call them, then email them, but let them know how you feel. These Republican Senators will more than likely support our views and vote against the Bill, but don't take any chances, let them know how you feel. We have a voice, and we must use it, or we might just lose it. Mfgjr
Energy Bill (You mean Tax'em all Bill)
Yesterday I watched the debates in the House of Representatives, House of Representatives?, I really don't believe that is the right name for our congressmen and congresswomen any more, it should be House of Dictators, a far more fitting name. The majority, which happens to be the Democrats (for now), along with 8 weaklings in the Republican Party, passed what they call an Energy Bill. The debate was sad to watch, sad to see our "Representatives" disregard what the majority of the people (their own poles) are against. I wonder what ever happened to our congress following the wants and needs of the majority of America, is that what our constitution is all about, "We the People"! I thought the congress worked for us, as it is, they dictate to us what they have decided would be best for America, a Progressive, Socialistic, society, where they take from those who have gone out and earned a living, working two or three jobs if necessary, but still working to provide a life for their families, and stashing a bit away for the ability to retire one day. But, our very liberal Democrats have decided that those who did work hard should give what they have to those who made no effort and depend on handouts, "bailouts" and just what ever groups like "ACORN" can manage to manipulate from congress to give those who are much to lazy to work, when they had the jobs available, during the times when the banks and other corrupt companies (like investment companies stole the working class's money, and poured into the nonworking class's pocket's, along with their own. Watching this happen is a heart breaking change to the American Way, work for it, save it, and share what you want, not the government dictates, with churches and other charities. This was working, Americans always came to the aid of the unfortunate and those in distress. But why should they, us, anyone who works hard, give away their earnings to those who just don't want to share in the working class's world. They would rather belittle them, intimidate them, make them feel guilty for earning a living, until the government decides for us that we should subsidise those who refuse to work and depend on handouts. Why not develop programs to assist those who really want to earn a living by providing job assistance and/or educational programs rather than just taking, and taking from those who have until they are also have nots. Well, yesterday, I watched our congress do what they do best, put the screws to those who earn a living. I would like to thank the leadership (Minority Leader) for standing up for American ideals, liberty, the constitution, and the ordinary man and woman, who work hard, only to see socialism creeping in and the Progressive jerks who have been elected by weak liberals who have no thought about taking from the haves and giving it to the have nots, whether the have nots have ever tried to get a job or not. Being a Liberal used to mean something, my mom, who is no longer with us, was one of those strong liberals who believed in something and voted for presidents who loved America and never, ever considered changes were taking place to take America to Socialism. Well, those who elected the radical left, the very far left, putting them into office, in Congress, and in the White House, will soon learn that Socialism is not what they were voting for, but that is what they are getting. Yes, many wanted change, but not the changes that are in the making and may very well destroy what America was, I would love to say "is" but I think the changes to Socialism has already found it's way into changing America forever. I pray I am wrong and it is not to late. I will continue to hope and pray, until we all can vote again in 2010 and 2012, if we still have the right to do so. Please America, tell me I am right and America wants to continue to be the leading example of Capitalism and conservatism that made America the envy of the world. We have always led in giving, led in kindness and blessed with wonderful people who believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. What I witnessed yesterday in CSPAN made me feel ill, and I want to feel good again and am depending on the Senate to do the right thing, and I think she will, I have faith in our government, at least for now. We all can effect the outcome of the midterm elections in 2010 and the General Elections in 2012. Our voice must be heard, and as loud as our votes will allow. Our power is in the vote, and we can vote those out who hate America as a Republic, and love her as a Progressive, Socialistic country. So, vote them out, and vote America back to who she is, the example of the world for of what being and American means, Freedom, and represented not dictated too by the far left Liberals. Each of us, every American should never forget the sacrifices made by those how served our country, wearing the uniform of the Military Services, and all those who make sacrifices to preserve the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our Republic! We must not loose what they sacrificed so much for. Never forget, never give in, never give up! Go to the Voting Stations come election day in 2010 and 2012, and preserve what those wonderful men and women sacrificed for. God Bless every one of them, and God Bless America Mfgjr
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Those were the days my Friend
Well, today an old friend reminded me of the good old days when, she (Andi), Corky (Coralee), Geary, Jerry, and I all hung out together. They were days in the 60's, early 60's, while trying to make it through high school-Hueneme High. It is amazing that we, any of us made it through, although if I recall, Corky and Andi were the smart ones, while we guys, at least me, had to work hard as ever just to make it through. I recall so many events and how Jerry challenged me, when I told him getting "drunk" was only in your head, and I did not believe that you (you meaning anyone in general) could get drunk drinking hard liquor. Well, as I was not one of the teenagers who drank, I found out how wrong I could be. Jerry drove us out to some secluded spot, produced a pint of whisky, I have no idea what kind, which I commenced to drink about half, and watching me, Jerry laughed uncontrollably. He was watching me make a total fool of myself, as I hopped around on one leg, or at least tried, to prove I was right, and more than likely attempted other stupid things to prove I was sober. How wrong could one silly boy, and that was what I was for even attempting to prove anything to anyone, relative to drinking? When Jerry dropped me off at my house (he was still laughing out loud), I entered as quietly as I could as not to disturb my father, who was, as usual, doing his work at the dinning room table. I passed him, and it appeared that I was safe, I had managed to find my way to the downstairs bathroom where I had to relieve my self. I heard someone behind me, then a voice I recognized as my father, asked me if I had been drinking. I, of course replied, no, why do you ask? He said in his usual calm voice, I was just wondering why you are peeing in the waste basket, next to the toilet. The silence was deafening that followed, and never seemed to end. Then, after what seemed like a life time, I finally confessed that I was proving to my friends that you can not get drunk drinking hard liquor, and his response echoed in me ears for what felt like an eternity. He said, "I guess you were wrong". He then returned to his work and it was never brought up again, and my fear that he would tell my mom haunted me for years. Thanks dad for not going there at that point in my life. I am not sure I would have survived the wrath of mom, the disciplinarian in the family, and my life was literally at stake had he mentioned my lack of judgement and stupidity. That was just one of the many lessons learned, one of many more to come. But, here I am, I survived them all somehow. I often wonder what went through my father's head as he watched his oldest son, the one that carried his name, (I was a Junior). The one that was to be an example for my younger brothers to follow. I was then, and am now so very grateful that he spared me that humiliation. I never made any bets or challenged anyone in the name of stupidity again, not that I recall anyway. Oh, just one reminder from an old friend, Andi of our friendship and I was brought back to a day that is burned into my memory forever. I made it through Viet Nam with only wounds that left me with all my parts, and memories that still wake me up at night from time to time. As I close in on my 65th birthday, I am reminded how fast time goes by, and how short life is while we are here. God has blessed me in so many ways, those four friends are one of the best blessings of my lifetime. They were good friends then, and they are still good friends. We all remain in touch, with the exception of Geary, whom we have attempted to reunite with, so Geary, if you come across this rambling, get in touch with any of us. We still love and miss you. Back to reality of today, as we enter a time where America may change in ways that some of us will never be able to deal with as an America that we don't recognize. Never in my lifetime, did I ever imagine that this Republic would slowly turn into a Progressive, Socialist country. May we all get through it OK, and if all goes well, 2012 will be the year America comes home.
Monday, June 22, 2009
To day is my Son's Birthday
(This photograph was taken on the day of his brother Wayne's Funeral May, 2006)
I wish your brother Wayne would have been here today son, I know he would be wishing you the very best on your birthday.
Today my son, Milt III, celebrates his 42nd birthday. He came a long way to celebrate with his family, Alicia and girls, and of course Val and I, his parents. His service to his country is what, along with his birthday, I celebrate. A career in Army Intelligence, moving on to a self contractor, continuing in the Intelligence Community. Six years of which he spent over in Iraq, Kuwait, and other Arab countries. Where he is contracted to these days are unknown to us, but you can be sure that he will be using his wonderful talents to support our gifted soldiers of all services, and the country that he loves so much, the United States Of America. Like us, he is saddened by what is happening in Washington to cause great pain in the hearts of every Gregory and wish that his birthday could have been spent back home, governed by someone who is proud of America, her giving nature, and those who sacrifice so much so that he can sit behind the desk in the most sacred office in the world, the Oval Office at the White House. He is 42, and he has one young lady now in her 20's and one in her teens, along with his beautiful wife (we don't mention our ladies' ages) who will more than likely be handed the gift of the largest debt ever created, and for reasons that go against what our Republic intended. As a Capitalist nation, it is difficult to watch her go through the metamorphosis of turning into something very ugly. God blessed America as a "beautiful" country, with gifts that only the American Citizen fully appreciates. Each year of my son's birthdays, I was always optimistic about the future of America and never, prior to November 4th, 2008, considered that our Republic would be transformed into a progressive socialist state, led by a man that could have used his charisma to enhance the wonder of this country, instead, worked years before he was elected, planning on what changes he would bring to this Country and the world. And on my Son's birthday, I regret to say our country is being torn a part, devoured by greed of power and money. Spending the wealth of those who work hard, transferring treasures of the haves to the have not's, never thinking to motivate the have not's to engage in finding jobs, or creating jobs for them to earn their share of the wealth, rather than steal it from those who have worked so hard to provide a future for their families. They are the ones who give, and give, and give to churches, charities, and even countries who's unable to create wealth for themselves due to circumstance. America has always givin, and my son, on his birthday, is one of the givers that will always give because that's his nature. I ramble on because I am proud of my son, I love him and honor him as the special person he is. Long ago I knew he was very special, long ago I knew he would always be known for the giving he does without hesitation or remorse. No matter what he has, he gives most to someone else, his family, those in need, whoever he feels he can help. Milt is a very special man, and I am so proud to not only have him as my son, but to know him for whom he is. God blessed Val and I with a child who was born smiling, filled with life, and committed to working hard for what he earns, only to know it will be taken from him before he even has a chance to do the giving that he has always done in the past. Thank you God for allowing me to be in the presence of my son's shadow for so many years. Thank you for making him the gift to this country and this world that he is. Obama will never know him, but he does not deserve to stand before him, ever. Obama if filled with disdain for this country and it is sad that God's blessed country will be turned into a godless land, tormented by an oppressor that has shredded the constitution as a document that interferes with his goals and ambitions. Well, not today Mr. President, today we celebrate Milt III's birthday, and we honor his being who he is, a great American that America can always be proud of. Happy Birthday son, and I am so sorry that I could not stop this man from being elected. I did cast my vote and will again in 2010 and 2012, in hopes to change the fungus growing at the White House and Congress that leads a country that should never know what it feels like to be a socialist, too late, he made that happen. So, I can only wish you happy birthday and pray that the President, will be a one term president, limiting the damage he does to this Republic. Close your eyes son and pretend that someone who appreciates America is in office and things are not what they are, just for today. Maybe then, you can really have a happy birthday. Love Dad.........mfgjr
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Post Turtle
I could not pass up posting this one I found on the 9/12/ link. If you read enough, you come across a real winner! Check it out:
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, who's hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his being our president.
The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'Post Turtle''.
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.
The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.
The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain.'You know he didn't get up there by himself,he doesn't belong up there, and he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with'.
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, who's hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his being our president.
The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'Post Turtle''.
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.
The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.
The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain.'You know he didn't get up there by himself,he doesn't belong up there, and he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with'.
Father's Day
Today, being father's day, brings me close to tears as I recall all that my dad was and is to the Gregory family. How he always was there for any of us, never thinking twice about interrupting whatever he was engaged in, to give his full attention to us, his children. Actually, that's the way he was with anyone who wanted his attention for any reason. My dad was a hero to me, and I know he was to the rest of his family as well, all the way down to his last great, great grandchild, between his 6 children he had a bunch! To say he was my hero just is not enough. He was my role model, mentor, and teacher, always ready to give me whatever time I needed. I had the honor to take my dad's remains from Fremont California, to Arlington, where he received the burial that he wanted so much, with full honors. My dad served his country for over 33 years before his wife, my mom, gave him an ultimatum to which he scummed to her wishes and with tears in his eyes stood tall for his retirement ceremony. Standing tall for my dad was tough, as he was only 5'5" tall, made up by his huge makings of the man he was. Mom passed away years before dad, and she lay waiting for him to join her at Arlington. Both my dad and my brother Michael J. Gregory, are spending their final resting days on earth, with mom, at Arlington Cemetery. I am torn between being laid to rest there with them, or here in Fairburn, near my son, Wayne M Gregory, who passed away at 36. Now, back to my dad, as it is Father's day after all, his time on earth was very special, special not only to his family, but his country. After serving 33 years in the military, a number of years in the army, when they still had horses, and the rest in the Air Force, serving in combat in WW II, and participated in the Viet Nam conflict as a logistic officer. We used to banter back and forth about who was the most decorated in the family. I would claim he was, and he would claim that I was. My brothers and son I am afraid just could not compete, although they were very decorated. Ultimately it was I, with a couple of Bronze Stars with V devices, decorated by the Viet Nam government for heroism, with a number of Air Medals, three Meritorious Service medals, and a number of Army commendation medals, along with the Purple Heart, put me to the front of the line. But, the medals were/are just medals, my dad was the hero, the real hero, and I cant count the decorations, which included the Legion of Merit, that he was awarded for his service. Encouraging his sons and grandsons to enter into the military was more than something he thought they should do, but must do, it was a passion for him. He could never understand why anyone born in this great country would not want to give at least two or three years of their lives to the military. The funny thing is, all four of his sons, and my son, followed his example and did enter the service of their choice, one in the Navy, three sons in the Army Intelligence community, along with my son, following my footsteps and his grandfather's, by enlisting and serving in the Army Intelligence community. Milt III and his uncle Marshall, my brother, continued to serve, but as a civilian contractor in the intelligence field, just one we can't talk about at this time. So, you see, my dad had a huge influence in all of our lives, reflected in the service each of us volunteered for, to follow the example of dad, who was our hero. This is a special day, and I miss our daily talks on the phone, discussing the politics of the day, and wondering what lay ahead for America. Thank God my dad will never witness these times, nor my brother Mike or Mom, not even my son Wayne. They will be spared the sight of our constitution being shredded by those who do not now, or ever will, understand the sacrifices made by my dad, and so many dads of a time gone by, forgotten by so many, and only really remembered by only those who were privileged enough to have a member of their family serve in the military, preserving America, her peace, and grace God blessed her with. So, dad, Happy Father's day, and thanks for your service, and thanks for encouraging me to fulfill my obligation (an honor) to serve as well. We truly have a military family and I will never forget that it was you, our father, that led the way, guided us, followed our careers, and encouraging us to give our best to keep our country free, and the constitution in tact. If only those in power were half the man my dad was (and I know there are some, like Senator McCain) could just think before they drag the flag though the mud, debase the constitution and destroy the Republic as we drift into socialism under a power hungry young man, supported by a bunch of power and money hungry old men and women. I pray to God it is not too late and in 2010 and 2012 America will restore congress and the White House, with leadership that has not forgotten what America stands for and what she is and has been to the rest of the world. I promise dad, as you look down from heaven, I will do what I can, along with my brothers and son, to return America to her rightful place as the leader in providing the rest of the world with an example of what it means to be free, democratic, and American. Happy Fathers Day!
Milt III is home my son is home!
The excitement was growing moment to moment as Val, my wife, Sarah, my Granddaughter, and I, all waited, staring out the window onto the road that passes in front of our house expecting to see a car with Milt III pass by. We had no idea what kind of car we were looking for, what He would look like after not seeing him for so long, and was not even sure of the time he would be arriving anymore. We expected to hear from him around 1730 hours, or some time before 1800 hours, but nothing, no ring of the phone, no knock at the door, nothing. Our hearts pounding, we could feel a little shaking as we held each other's hands. Waiting for this wonderful human being, the one person on earth that is loved by every member of the Gregory family, and was his grandmother's (my mother) choice of all her children and grandchildren. Milt was the one she asked to whisper something in his ear as she took her last breaths, making all the rest of her family leave the area, into an adjoining room, as she whispered in his ear. As he came out, tears filled his eyes and we asked him what she, our mother, had said to him that was so important that we all had to leave the room. He gave a small Milt III smile and said it was private but he thought she would not mind his telling us. So, he told us what became a special part of the Gregory Family. He said that she would come back to talk to only him, and he could pass on anything he wanted to the rest of the Gregory Family. Milt III asked her the natural question, "How will I know it is you Grandma?" at which she replied, I will be a butterfly, a big beautiful butterfly. This is important because she always loved butterflies and she always had so many in her garden (amazingly enough, not so many after she passed on to her life in heaven). Of course, we now all have many butterfly incidents that we all know must have been our mother, trying to communicate to us. It always brought a special peace and calm to us when she (the butterfly) was in our presence. So, yes, Milt III is home, and we never even heard him enter, he was just there as we stared out the window he appeared behind us. we were all so glad to see him, after all, we can expect to see a lot of butterflies while he is home. Mfgjr
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Someone Very Special
You know, as I spent over 22 years, after I retired from the military, in the hotel business. I started out as a Security Officer, soon promoted to Supervisor then Asst. Director and finally Director of security. During that time, someone very special entered our lives, Val's and mine. Bo Laterveer, became the General Manger at the first hotel I work at, then when he went down town Atlanta, he brought me with him as his Director of Security. Although he was my boss, he also became my mentor and friend. Mr. Laterveer is a very special person and Val and I hope that his life is filled with nothing but good things. His wife Inny is equally as special and they have been very kind to both Val and I. During my writings, I will go more into detail about the wonderful relationship we had as Boss (that would be Bo) and his Director of Security (that would be me). But before I do, I will get his permission, I respect him enough to not violate the confidence and trust he has for me. I just had to engage in this small note to let my friends know that read my Blog, if ever you come across a man called "Bo Laterveer," then you know you have met someone very special. Mfgjr
My Son comes home today
My first son, born in Ankara Turkey in 1967, grew up following me all over the world until he was old enough to join the Army. He followed my foot steps and joined the U.S.Army Intelligence and Security Command. After 15 years of service, he decided to get out and become a contractor where he wound up spending over 6 years in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and continues to serve somewhere over there doing what he can to support our troops and this country. But today, my son comes home (mainly to his wife Alicia) but will be home for father's day, a real gift to me. I am so proud of Milt III, I know I am a bit biased, but he is one of the most wonderful, and kind persons I know. I can't wait to see him, and it will be just hours and his plane will land and we will spend what ever time we can just enjoying each other as we has so much in common, in so many ways. God has blessed me in so many ways and I feel that my time on earth has been for reasons known only to him. But, I am here and I am lucky enough to have by my side Val, my wife of 43 years. I met her in Harrogate England and we fell in love the moment we saw each other, married 6 months after the day we found each other in Nina's Coffee Bar in Harrogate. We left for Athens Greece for my next assignment and that is where my son was conceived. He was born in Ankara Turkey due to a little thing called the seven day war and the influx of Americans to Athens required Val to go to Ankara, where they had a hospital that had the space to provide a place for her to bring Milt III into the world. He also is a strong Conservative and supports capitalism and a Republic rather than the socialistic government this Administration brings to our great country. That is the only down side for today, the upside is Milt III is coming home, is in the air and nearly arriving, arriving to bring his special love and wonder to his family and to his mom and dad. My son comes home today, and I just can't let "The One" destroy this day by thinking too much about what he is doing or not doing. I will spend my time today with Milt III, who to Val and I really is "The One!" Mfgjr
Friday, June 19, 2009
It's time to Act, not just talk
To day as I watch Glenn Beck, my need to speak out to all my friends has become a passion with me. Organizations like ACORN are clearly organizations that need to be investigated and an audit must be made as to where they have spent our money and where they plan to spend it in the future. Mr Beck is a great teacher and has the facts to back his teachings up. Do you ask yourself "Why will congress not inspect, investigate and have an audit done to ACORN? And now I hear Mr. Beck telling us about other organizations that mirror ACORN and it's activities. Something is clearly wrong, and our oversight committees refuse to ask the questions that need to be ask, but go right on excusing their abuse of our hard earned dollars. Spending, spending, spending and spending, with no end in sight. Spending appears to be a way of life for the "Left" and they have no intention to reign it in any time soon. We are out of money, and begging for money from China, while the rest of the world watches and must be asking themselves "What happened?" By the way, my granddaughters, along with all of our children and grandchildren will inherit all that "Spending" the congress and this administration continues to do at a rate that is insane. Why will not the voice of the "Right" shout out loud enough to make the "Left" take pause and think about what is being done. I hear those who say the Obama administration and some in congress are doing what has been their objective for a long time. They just needed someone, "The One," to take the office of our president and make it the head office of the Socialist agenda they are charged with. I look at my granddaughter and want to cry, just sit and cry as I know what this evil man, holding the most sacred office in the world, intends to bring down America, do away with it's constitution and end our right to earn and keep wealth, by "taking" it from us. How long will it go on? Well, it's time to act, find our future leaders, maybe it's you, or someone you know, but we must find them, and elect them into office, local and in Washington! We must change the mindset in Washington of spending and rid the leaches that would destroy this wonderful country. We are running out of time, but it's not to late, there is 1010 and 1012. If we don't do it then, we may very well just be a bit late. We can all sit back and exist, living as we are directed to live, spend as we are directed to spend, be taxed and taxed, until we have nothing but our blood to give. I have been saying it and saying it over and over again. We must vote them out, get rid of them (Them being the Liberal Democrats, and any Liberal Republican that shares in the destruction of what America was. As we turn more and more to socialism, someone will rise up and be the leader we all wanted and needed, but will it be to late? Look at my granddaughter, look at your children if you have any, and ask yourself, "Do I want my children to grow up in a socialist country, give up the chance to excel and be what ever she or he wants to be. Any wealth gained will be given to someone who sits on their "A.." while others earn their means to eat, live in a home, and enjoy doing nothing, while others, like you and I, continue to work themselves to death. If you have a family, think long and hard about what you want for them and their future. If you don't, their future will not be very bright. Once more, implore you all, along with me, to do what needs to be done to effect change that counts. Vote...Vote....1010 and 2012...Vote....Vote and encourage everyone you know to Vote!
912 is speaking out but is it moving?
Being disabled at this time in my life frustrates me and drives me to near insanity as I read what comes across the various writings indicate the anger, the need to address the "change" that President (I have a hard time using that before his name) Obama promised. What he promised is not what the 912'rs expected, or maybe they did, and I am sure the change is not what most of the voters expected. Watching Obama, in his arrogance and superiority complex, continue to campaign, selling his socialism agendas, as if he actually believes that he rules the world. Where does he come off taking over private industries and placing his supporters and friends in charge, even those who dropped out of college, never worked a day, other than campaigning for Obama, with no consideration for the people that will have their lives destroyed by his decisions and actions? Any day now I expect to see him and hear him announce to the citizens of America that the Constitution is no longer a part of the governance of this country, and that he has initiated his own set of rules and laws as to how America will be governed. It is close to happening, much to close for me. I really actually feel ill when I see and hear reporters, interviewers, and ordinary citizens, tremble with excitement whenever they are in the presence of "The One". I know that the people will open their eyes and ears one day and then the fear will set in, the fear of what has happened and the fear as to what will happen due to "Their Vote" last November 4Th, when they elected "The One" and now they know, they know a huge mistake has been made, a mistake that may one day bring down the greatest country in the world. They, as I do, will ask, "How did this happen," Why did we not know or see that "The One" was not, is not and never will have the experience to lead the most powerful country in the world, and a nation of the most wonderful people in the world. This has always been the most giving country ever and it drives me crazy to hear "The One" apologize, and condemn America for mistakes of the past, as he continues to live off the hate he, along with his followers, have for our last President, President Bush, who upheld the promise to protect this nation and govern it from the White House, not in front of the media every chance he had. America will long for the good old days, that were just a few months ago, as "The One" will continue to hate America, what she stood for (and still does), and speak out, reaching out for what he needs most, power, every one's love and admiration. I really wonder who makes up his real "Inner Circle," the one meets in the shadows, behind closed doors at the White House, the peoples house, now "The One's" place to plan the destruction of the constitution and the way America was under Capitalism and the Republic she was. The Eagle will become a vulture! Let's not say goodbye to America, Let's say hello to 2010 and 2012 by voting the scum out and patriotic people in, people who still love the constitution and are not afraid to show emotions when our flag is in view, or a soldier passes by. There is still time, but it is running out. My old boss, Bo, always called me the "eternal optimist," I hope I will continue to earn that tag! Mfgjr
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sarah Palin
We all watched David Letterman or heard about what he did relative to Sarah Palin and her daughters. It was disgusting and revolting. If you support this wonderful person you my want to think about following her path in the political world. If so, you can learn a lot by going to the following web site: My dad passed away not long ago, and he served in the Army, then in the Air Force for over 33 years. He served to preserve the American values, and to protect the Republic, freedoms and our democracy. We need Governor Palin to continue the fight, and run for office (The White House Office) to keep America from falling into the greedy hands of the far left, changing from our Republic and Democracy, too what the far left congress and this administration wants "Socialism". Please don't let that happen, we need you Sarah Palin, the Country needs you. Mfgjr
How did America ever come to elect a socialist?
I am so glad my father, mother, brother and one of my son's are not here to witness the destruction of our constitution by the very man this nation elected to protect it. How could this happen, how could the people at the voting stations not know this was coming. There was so much out there to let us know that our president was a progressive, a socialist who wants to level the playing field by destroying what made this country so great, the freedom to achieve any degree of wealth we wanted to, if we dared. Telling the world how wrong, how bad, this wonderful country is, then apologizing for all our past mistakes, and never reminding the world of all the good we have done, for so many. What happened, what changed that made so many blind to what electing this man would bring. My father provided 137 years of active duty service between him, his four sons and his grandson (My wonderful son Milt III). One in the Navy, three sons and a grandson in the Army Intelligence community, all serving to preserve the constitution and the wonderful way of life our country provides. Mistakes were made along the way, but more than made up for by the many sacrifices made to protect so many around the world, providing freedom to millions, creating democracies to ensure a road to peace in the world, and fighting terrorism, not criminals, but terrorists who will again demonstrate the hate and contempt they have for our way of life. It's coming, all because the sign of weakness is growing more and more obvious by those who lead us in congress and sit in the oval office, the very place that should have someone seated behind the desk, a man who is willing to protect what this president detests so much. How did it happen, it must change and the power of our votes in 2010 and 2012 are the only answer to changing the direction of this administration. My rambling has gone on long enough. Don't sit back and hope someone else will cast the vote that counts, it must be mine, it must be yours, but it must happen. Mfgjr
New to the Blog world
I'm an old fart who has decided to not just sit and enjoy my retirement while my country is being destroyed as we have all known it. Watching our elected president (I don't know how it happened, but it did) quickly turn our Republic to a Socialistic country, and I don't see anyone stepping up to the plate to challenge his destruction of the constitution. My voice is just one of many, but I know someone will hear me and feel what I feel,..."Anger"! I want my country back and if you want it back you must take advantage of the one powerful tool we have, the vote. Yes, the vote, our opportunity will come in 2010 and 2012. If you and I don't use that tool, we will all be and continue to be "the silent majority". That must not happen. We must be heard, and with an intensity that will be felt by the left and the world. someone, a lot of someones, wanted change, but what is happening is not the change I wanted (glad I did not vote for this one who dismisses the rule of law and has contempt for our great constitution.) I hope someone, a lot of someones hears not only my voice, but all the voices who are crying out for change, the right change, removal of a potential dictator and those in power who support him and do not have the B...s to do something about it at the congressional level, so we must at the voting booth.
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